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Old 03-27-2013, 06:37 AM   #121
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In that case, fuck you anyway, I hope it isn't her real name but given the context, you should add a disclaimer, Randy4Dicks.
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Old 03-27-2013, 08:08 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
LovingKayla is a true American
... As opposed the rest of us who are Americans by citizenship only?

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Old 03-27-2013, 09:01 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Then she would be LOVING BALLS....
She loves the Glenn Beck's of the world so LovingNuts would be more like it.

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Old 03-27-2013, 09:16 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by ;1052594261
Her business is her business and none of mine, or yours.

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
In that case, fuck you anyway, I hope it isn't her real name but given the context, you should add a disclaimer, Randy4Dicks.

Yes Randy you should add a disclaimer for our two retards, JewishLawyer and pyramider . I wrote one for you:

* For all you genocide loving LK's fan's. Glenna is not her real name , Eva Braun is. To the two retards that need this disclaimer so they won't hit the RTM button, we're outting your real names. JewishLawyer is Joseph Goebbels and pyramider is really Hermann Göring. Our new resident Hall Moniters.

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Old 03-27-2013, 09:22 AM   #125
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I'm posting this before I read anything else written after I left last night so I'm not distracted. I'll go back and read after I post and if there's anything worth responding to, I will.

WTF tried in the beginning to change what I said from "I hate muslims" to I hate blacks" to make a point. In light of that, I would like to point out 2 things. 1. I should have said this in the beginning, but I thought everyone on the entire planet already knew this shit. 2. WTF, I'd like to congratulate you for being the pinnacle of a liberal. Twisting words to get people on your side. Good Job.

What should have been said the first time was... I hate muslims BECAUSE they are murderers, because they rape *restricted topic* <- wow they are guilty of things we can't even say on a whore board. That was a self edit. I hate muslims because they torture and kill anyone that, not only believes differently, but their own kind for not being their personal picture of "a good muslim" . I hate muslims because they KILLED OVER 3000 OF MY COUNTRYMEN, which includes the 343 firefighter brothers and sisters we lost. I hate them because they are, TODAY, planning to destroy everything in my country and try and force us to submit on our knees to Muslim Sharia Law. I hate ALL MUSLIMS because i've never seen even ONE step forward and say, "I condemn the actions of these murderers. I do not believe that is part of our faith. They stand apart from me." Never. Not even once. Even IF ONE stepped forward, it wouldn't be enough. In the muslim faith they can lie to anyone they choose as long as they are doing it for Allah. The entire muslim community should be EITHER rounded up and put on a far away island so they can kill each other all day, and not put the rest of us at risk, OR exterminated. Is that Christian of me? Absolutely not. It's still what I believe is right after the countless documentary's and books I've read on muslims and their faith, not to mention the actual real shit I've SEEN.

I hate liberals because they are spineless simpletons that are in league with the fucking muslims to bring down this country with their "can't we all get along" and "muslims aren't so bad, they're just misunderstood" midset.. You freaking retards. I hate liberals because they are just scummier than catfish and lawyers (sorry lawyers) I do not believe liberals should be killed. I believe they are self inflicted mentally damaged and I wouldn't want my kids playing with them, but I don't want to murder any liberals. Besides the 300k babies they kill every year, they don't go out in roaming gangs and try to beat up and kill patriots. My opinion will change once they cross that line.

Now, trying to say that loving kayla hates blacks, or loving kayla hates jews, you MUST have the BECAUSE written with it. If you don't, you are no better than the bullshit tapdancers in congress. I don't hate black folks, jewish folk, austrillian folk, or aliens from space. None of them are trying to kill me and make my country submit to their barbaric law. I met a purple person the other day. No shit, completely purple with some skin something, that was wrong. He just looked like a really big bruise. I couldn't' even tell what race he was. That didn't bother me because I don't think racially anymore. It's not a white, or black, or lesbian thing, it's the human experience. And I publicly stand against anything and anyone that wants to kill me and take it from my kids. No I"m not sorry, and no I don't care what liberals think.

Please note that I did not say I hate Arabs. I know Arab Christians. They even think calling middle eastern Muslims Sheet heads is hilarious.

So what does all that mean....

I hate muslims. If you are black and a muslim, guess what, yes I hate you. It has zero to do with the RACE you tards.

ON another topic, I officially and publicly stand against the Bush's and everything they stand for.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:25 AM   #126
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I guess they're going to have to call this the "Playground" so WTF and the jolly boys can pick on people.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:32 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

Hey Kayla, did WTF pull on your ponytails lately?

He can't reach that high. He comes to my knees. At best he can pull on my cute little swirl of pube at the tip of my coochie, but he'd have to stand on his step stool.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:36 AM   #128
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OK and the full real name I meant was my handle here. Usually he just says LK, or HK, but it was intentionally done so that if someone searched my name this thread pops up. Knowing how much WTF likes me, it's original intention has backfired. He did NOT use my real life name, just LovingKayla... alot.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:39 AM   #129
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OK and as far loving Glenn Beck. Yes, he's awesome. You know why? He's been proven right REPEATEDLY. I will never apologize for listening to that guy. Just like I will never apologize for being a christian.. TO ANYONE.
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Old 03-27-2013, 11:07 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Jewish Lawyer, I have no idea whether or not Glenna is Kayla's real name or not since I don't know her and wouldn't spend 1 nanosecond researching the internet to find out. I have been referring to her as Glenna for almost a year on this board in scores of posts because of her groupie-like devotion to all things GLEN Beck, hence the "Glenna," as in Glenna Beck, you outsized fool. Most on here get it but you must be of a density requiring me to draw you a picture, idiot. In fact, the first time I did so drew a humorous response from her in the thread. I have never heard from anyone during this time that I should refrain from calling her Glenna for any reason, including because it is her real first or middle name. If, by coincidence. I fumbled upon one of her real names, where, may I ask, is her last name? I will confess to having had a female second cousin by marriage whose name was Glenna. But, if she were still alive she would be over 80.

Please explain to us why you are so fucking stupid. If this is supposed to be a "smart lawyer" trick, please apply for a refund of your tuition. A more likely scenario is that every time you blink your eyes you wake up in a new world.
Randy4Dicks, I haven't wasted the last year of my life reading all of your your pathetic posts, nor did I think I needed to go over the old shit you wrote. I've unfortunately run across your idiotic shit too many times on various topics.
I'll summarize what I know of you. You seem to believe anything liberal is good, and everyone who doesn't see it your way is a stupid shithead.
So when you use what sounds like a real name, I think it is reasonable to question the use of it, you stupid mother fucker.
WTF, if you are reading along, I hope you also understand it. Calling you a stupid motherfucker is cruel, since you are obviously developmentally disabled, so I apologize to you. Calling you stupid is akin to laughing at a man who is poor, old and disabled and taunting him for being homeless. People can't get as stupid as you are unless they were born that way or hit on the head, so it is inappropriate to criticize you for poor reading comprehension. I'm sure you haven't understood why I've been a meanie to you as I'm sure you have wondered your whole life when the other kids beat you up. It is nice that your mother, who has always comforted you when mean kids picked on you, has let you have enough money for the occasional visit to a working girl, assuming you know what to do with one.
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Old 03-27-2013, 11:11 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Randy4Dicks, I haven't wasted the last year of my life reading all of your your pathetic posts, nor did I think I needed to go over the old shit you wrote. I've unfortunately run across your idiotic shit too many times on various topics.
I'll summarize what I know of you. You seem to believe anything liberal is good, and everyone who doesn't see it your way is a stupid shithead.
So when you use what sounds like a real name, I think it is reasonable to question the use of it, you stupid mother fucker.
WTF, if you are reading along, I hope you also understand it. Calling you a stupid motherfucker is cruel, since you are obviously developmentally disabled, so I apologize to you. Calling you stupid is akin to laughing at a man who is poor, old and disabled and taunting him for being homeless. People can't get as stupid as you are unless they were born that way or hit on the head, so it is inappropriate to criticize you for poor reading comprehension. I'm sure you haven't understood why I've been a meanie to you as I'm sure you have wondered your whole life when the other kids beat you up. It is nice that your mother, who has always comforted you when mean kids picked on you, has let you have enough money for the occasional visit to a working girl, assuming you know what to do with one.

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Old 03-27-2013, 11:11 AM   #132
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Well, I just want to make sure I get this right....you don't hate black folks, or jewish folks, or aliens from space. Unless they are liberals. Then you hate them?

Lotta hating.

Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
I'm posting this before I read anything else written after I left last night so I'm not distracted. I'll go back and read after I post and if there's anything worth responding to, I will.

WTF tried in the beginning to change what I said from "I hate muslims" to I hate blacks" to make a point. In light of that, I would like to point out 2 things. 1. I should have said this in the beginning, but I thought everyone on the entire planet already knew this shit. 2. WTF, I'd like to congratulate you for being the pinnacle of a liberal. Twisting words to get people on your side. Good Job.

What should have been said the first time was... I hate muslims BECAUSE they are murderers, because they rape *restricted topic* <- wow they are guilty of things we can't even say on a whore board. That was a self edit. I hate muslims because they torture and kill anyone that, not only believes differently, but their own kind for not being their personal picture of "a good muslim" . I hate muslims because they KILLED OVER 3000 OF MY COUNTRYMEN, which includes the 343 firefighter brothers and sisters we lost. I hate them because they are, TODAY, planning to destroy everything in my country and try and force us to submit on our knees to Muslim Sharia Law. I hate ALL MUSLIMS because i've never seen even ONE step forward and say, "I condemn the actions of these murderers. I do not believe that is part of our faith. They stand apart from me." Never. Not even once. Even IF ONE stepped forward, it wouldn't be enough. In the muslim faith they can lie to anyone they choose as long as they are doing it for Allah. The entire muslim community should be EITHER rounded up and put on a far away island so they can kill each other all day, and not put the rest of us at risk, OR exterminated. Is that Christian of me? Absolutely not. It's still what I believe is right after the countless documentary's and books I've read on muslims and their faith, not to mention the actual real shit I've SEEN.

I hate liberals because they are spineless simpletons that are in league with the fucking muslims to bring down this country with their "can't we all get along" and "muslims aren't so bad, they're just misunderstood" midset.. You freaking retards. I hate liberals because they are just scummier than catfish and lawyers (sorry lawyers) I do not believe liberals should be killed. I believe they are self inflicted mentally damaged and I wouldn't want my kids playing with them, but I don't want to murder any liberals. Besides the 300k babies they kill every year, they don't go out in roaming gangs and try to beat up and kill patriots. My opinion will change once they cross that line.

Now, trying to say that loving kayla hates blacks, or loving kayla hates jews, you MUST have the BECAUSE written with it. If you don't, you are no better than the bullshit tapdancers in congress. I don't hate black folks, jewish folk, austrillian folk, or aliens from space. None of them are trying to kill me and make my country submit to their barbaric law. I met a purple person the other day. No shit, completely purple with some skin something, that was wrong. He just looked like a really big bruise. I couldn't' even tell what race he was. That didn't bother me because I don't think racially anymore. It's not a white, or black, or lesbian thing, it's the human experience. And I publicly stand against anything and anyone that wants to kill me and take it from my kids. No I"m not sorry, and no I don't care what liberals think.

Please note that I did not say I hate Arabs. I know Arab Christians. They even think calling middle eastern Muslims Sheet heads is hilarious.

So what does all that mean....

I hate muslims. If you are black and a muslim, guess what, yes I hate you. It has zero to do with the RACE you tards.

ON another topic, I officially and publicly stand against the Bush's and everything they stand for.
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Old 03-27-2013, 11:22 AM   #133
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[QUOTE=Jewish Lawyer;1052596627]Calling you stupid is akin to laughing at a man who is poor, old and disabled and taunting him for being homeless. People can't get as stupid as you are unless they were born that way or hit on the head....QUOTE]

Hypothetically speaking, it could be Fourth Stage Syphillus. js

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Old 03-27-2013, 11:24 AM   #134
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[QUOTE=Old Dingus;1052596681]
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Calling you stupid is akin to laughing at a man who is poor, old and disabled and taunting him for being homeless. People can't get as stupid as you are unless they were born that way or hit on the head....QUOTE]

Hypothetically speaking, it could be Fourth Stage Syphillus. js

Old Dingus
You have a good point there!
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Old 03-27-2013, 02:07 PM   #135
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Depend on how you look at it timp. I don't have contact with liberals except in here. It keeps my stress low. Hate might be too strong a word... or maybe not... I'm not real sure. I definitely do not like liberals but I don't truly HATE them like I do muslims. I love how you skipped over everything except something that has to do with you. Just a liberal I suppose.

I take it I won this one. Yall shut the fuck down after that answer post. I guess you couldn't think up a catchy reply fast enough. It's cool. Take your time.
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