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Old 03-10-2013, 05:09 PM   #1
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Default New "Thumper"

Got a great deal on a new 12 ga pump over the weekend. I got a kick out of the bayonet that comes with it.


Reminds of an (Pawn Stars) old french made coach gun where you pushed a button and a spring loaded bayonet pops into place, except mine is manually mounted and I have 9 chances.
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Old 03-10-2013, 05:16 PM   #2
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Sweet shotgun. Don't think I have ever seen a bayonet on a shot gun before....

Good thing you don't live in Colorado, they are trying to make shot guns such as that illegal (more than three shells) or ability to be modified for more than 3 shells...which is actually most shotguns.
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Old 03-10-2013, 05:21 PM   #3
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Actually, the old WWI Trench Guns (which were Winchester Mod 97s) had a ventilated heat guard & a bayonet lug & took a regular bayonet--the same one which fit on the M1917 Enfield rifle (don't know if THAT was the same bayonet as the M1903 Springfield or if they took different bayonets). The Winchester M12's for WWII also had a bayonet lug, but have no idea what bayonet they took. I think they gave up w/the Stevens trench guns they had for Vietnam--I guess you were just supposed to use your K-bar or whatever, although I don't know enough about them--they may have had bayonet lugs & bayonets, but I don't remember seeing them. Cool--except I don't like either the Mossberg or the Remington. I'd LIKE to find an old Ithaca 37 Riot gun--those were nice, bottom eject shotguns. I think every cop who had one kept it, stole it, or bought it back from his dept. when every-police-force-in-America switched from the Ithaca, because there were ZILLIONS of those things made for police work & you don't see them for sale ANYWHERE.
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Old 03-10-2013, 05:35 PM   #4
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You are right, only one on gun broker.

What is the advantage of the bottom ejection?
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Old 03-10-2013, 05:55 PM   #5
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Doesn't matter if you're right-or-left-handed, plus it doesn't give your position away as much (if you're bein' all "Ninja-&-tactical." Cuz when you think "Ninja-&-tactical" you think OHD. BWAAAAAH-hahahahahahahahahahahaha!..).
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Old 03-10-2013, 06:55 PM   #6
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I don't see that passing in Colorado but then again they have surprised me recently. I would prefer a bottom eject but I can deal with a side eject.
Haven't gotten a chance to go shoot it yet but I suspect I will next weekend.
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Old 03-10-2013, 07:03 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Wiley64 View Post
I don't see that passing in Colorado but then again they have surprised me recently. I would prefer a bottom eject but I can deal with a side eject.
Haven't gotten a chance to go shoot it yet but I suspect I will next weekend.
It could happen very easily there Whiley64. Colorado has been over run with liberal wack jobs fleeing California. So what is the first thing they do, start trying to make it into the nut house they just left.
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Old 03-10-2013, 07:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog View Post
the same one which fit on the M1917 Enfield rifle (don't know if THAT was the same bayonet as the M1903 Springfield or if they took different bayonets).
I have an M1917 - it was designed with a different bayonet from the 1903 but i'm still pretty sure they are interchangeable. 1903 took an M1905 bayonet and ... that was the standard for all bayonets through the end of WWII. The same bayonet that fits the 1903 will fit the M-1 Garand but the WWII versions were 10" I believe vs the 16" originals.
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Old 03-10-2013, 07:28 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by llubder View Post
It could happen very easily there Whiley64. Colorado has been over run with liberal wack jobs fleeing California. So what is the first thing they do, start trying to make it into the nut house they just left.

Yep ... here's an interesting clip of a Denver pol lecturing a rape victim about why she would have been worse off had she had a gun when she was attacked. Absolutely amazing.


She quotes a completely asinine statistic that, for every woman who used a gun to hold off a defender - 83 were KILLED by them. Insinuating that the attacker got the gun from the woman and killed her with it. I call bullshit on that number!!
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Old 03-10-2013, 08:32 PM   #10
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With bottom ejection I would worry more about spent shells under my feet.

I have only had right side ejectors, which being right handed works well for me.

I need to get a new shot gun just to keep around the house and for sport. I have never favored a shotgun for home defense though. Too unwieldy and I want to hit what I am shooting at, but don't want to destroy the house if I miss. People tell me that a 9 mm doesn't have the stopping power and it doesn't as some of the larger calibers do, but I still favor it. Might take a few rounds, but they'll go down. Plus, most of the problems I have had in NOLA are with punks that are not really willing to put themselves in danger and leave when met with equal or greater force. They have been more criminals of opportunity (checking for locked doors, windows, scam artists). Though as the news attests there are idiots out there that can and will do you harm. Glad I haven't been put in a situation where I have had to protect with lethal force.

You may be in the legal right, but they will still bankrupt you with the court system till they finally let you go. I read an article that other day about insurance policies for gun owners in case you have to use lethal force. The NRA offers coverage and some other law groups. The article was on one of the wire services and was about Oklahoma or some place, so they mentioned more the local law services there. But it does seem to be a good thing to have, considering the bills that Zimmerman is facing guilty or not.
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Old 03-11-2013, 01:05 AM   #11
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if you need a bayonet after a full tube/mag of shotgun shells then you're probably in bad shape or a terrible shot lol. Looks cool though.
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Old 03-11-2013, 05:07 PM   #12
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aww man that's a beautiful piece you have there.
Oh the things that could do to flesh

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Old 03-11-2013, 05:15 PM   #13
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This shotgun is an allaround backup. I def would not reach for it if I was awakened by an intruder. That's what my Glock 40 is for.
Some people feel that bigger is better in the 9 mm vs 40 debate. It all boils down to size, muzzle velocity, and what you are comfortable shooting. I happen to prefer a .40 I've heard about the insurance , I wonder how much of that is insurance salesmen trying to bring in new revenue after the Zimmerman fiasco. That numbnuts should have left when he was told to stand down.

Thanks SI , I'll never get a boner again thanks to that picture embedded in my mind.
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Old 03-11-2013, 07:03 PM   #14
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Yeah, I'm w/Wiley--thanks for forever making me need male-enhancement products SI. Actually a shotgun can be LESS-destructive to an interior than a pistol--that's the nice thing about them: they're versatile.

I believe Guns & Ammo (or it might've been "Gun Tests" magazine) ages ago did a comparison, and found that birdshot, although fired w/in 10' would go through a bad guy without patterning at all (in other words: one giant lump o' lead), #7.5 or 8 shot would be stopped by only one thickness of dry-wall, thereby saving your kids or neighbors (if you live in an apt. complex or a duplex like so many in NOLA do), while even a JHP round from a .38 would go through a couple of interior walls. Buckshot, on the other hand, also keeps right on moving, and slugs... I also like the idea of a 20 ga., since being a sissy, I'm tired of the 12 ga. doing more harm to my rotator-cuff than any damage I'll probably do to a bad guy, although I've owned (and reluctantly shot) many 12 ga. shotguns. Basically, if you think "girl-y gun for the recoil-sensitive" you think me: I LOVED the 7x30 Waters when they made it for lever-actions. But I'm a weirdo.

Lots of gun writers, including Massad Ayoub, who I've always thought got some good points in the "it sounds like common-sense" dept., advocate a shotgun as a home-defense weapon w/a pistol as the back-up, rather than vice-versa. I'm not saying anyone's choices are poor: after all mine is an old S&W M&P--no NOT the modern automatic, a REAL S&W M&P, as in made in 1948. You have to fire one to understand why ever-damn-cop in America carried them for 70 years--that trigger-pull; y'know, back when Detroit still cared... I'm just suggesting it as an option, and you could do worse than load that Thumper w/2 rounds of #8 for starters. I'll give you the buck or slugs after that--if you haven't got the bad guy after two round of #8 inside, you're gonna need the big stuff.
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