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Old 02-27-2013, 10:28 PM   #511
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I think you need to re-read the definition and the link provided and scroll to the bottom they clearly gives you the results of meiosis going wrong: In humans, there are certain conditions that are caused by a meiosis gone wrong. Examples are:
Down Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 21
Patau Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 13
Edward Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 18
Klinefelter Syndrome - extra X chromosomes in males - i.e. XXY, XXXY, XXXXY
Turner Syndrome - lacking of one X chromosome in females - i.e. XO
Triple X syndrome - an extra X chromosome in females
XYY syndrome - an extra Y chromosome in males

You don't get species involving into whole new species you get MAJOR birth defects of the same species. Better yet can you give me a PROVEN example of meiosis going wrong and producing a new species- and a superior species at that?
You assert - without citing evidence - that meiosis is the process that controls evolution of new species. Links?

I don't even think you know what meiosis is or does. You just pulled some BS of an intelligent design website because it sounded smart to you.
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Old 02-27-2013, 10:31 PM   #512
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And what about the space aliens nonsense? Given up on that?

Is that the way you work? You run into a science-based argument for which you can't find any links to rebut, so you just change the subject?
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Old 02-27-2013, 10:36 PM   #513
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
I'll save EXNYer all the childish & narcissistic details you've chosen to leave out about our history. I suspect you won't be able to resist the urge (or tell the truth), but nevertheless, i'll leave the dirty work for you.

Have at it, big guy!
"Our history" is one of your long-standing habit of hurling little jabs at me at virtually every opportunity. You have continually demonstrated a complete inabilty to conduct a debate in a reasoned fashion. When have you ever offered a cogent argument absent of annoying barbs? (I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for an answer.) Insult those who are far more knowledgeable than you are if you wish -- but if you continue to manifest an astonshing level of ignorance, don't be surprised if people subject you to ridicule!

As I've told you before, it would do you quite a bit of good to read and learn, rather than simply concentrate your efforts on being an annoying jackass who isn't capable of much more than hurling obnoxious little insults.

So fuck off, you stupid asshole.

(How about that? Does that demonstrate a level of "anger" sufficient to further bolster your continual claim that I'm a narcissist?)
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Old 02-27-2013, 11:30 PM   #514
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
And what about the space aliens nonsense? Given up on that?

Is that the way you work? You run into a science-based argument for which you can't find any links to rebut, so you just change the subject?
No I haven't and as I stated before if there are other galaxies and other planets what are the chances that just little ole earth has intelligent life. You would have to be the most naive person in the world if you think everyone who has reported a UFO is a prankster, liar, drunk, or on drugs. Would you say Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were lying? Both Neil Armtrong and Major Gordon Copper who are two astronauts and have seen things in space that you and I have not both claim to have seen UFO's. Oh add Buzz Aldarin to the least of US ASTRONAUTS that went on record and claim to have seen UFO's- while in space- so are these 3 distinguished astronauts lying????
Now obviously some people mistake UFO's for other objects- for example when the U.S was testing the Stealth bomber I am pretty sure many people even to this day could mistake a stealth bomber for a UFO simply on it's designed alone- but if you have 2 Presidents and 3 astronauts who said I SAW a UFO and you still believe they are buts than God help you Ex-Nyer.

So tell me Ex-Nyer what did those astronauts see in space- couldn't have been a mistaken jet from a foreign country or the U.S that was out in space????
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Old 02-28-2013, 02:24 AM   #515
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
No I haven't and as I stated before if there are other galaxies and other planets what are the chances that just little ole earth has intelligent life. You would have to be the most naive person in the world if you think everyone who has reported a UFO is a prankster, liar, drunk, or on drugs. Would you say Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were lying? Both Neil Armtrong and Major Gordon Copper who are two astronauts and have seen things in space that you and I have not both claim to have seen UFO's. Oh add Buzz Aldarin to the least of US ASTRONAUTS that went on record and claim to have seen UFO's- while in space- so are these 3 distinguished astronauts lying????
Now obviously some people mistake UFO's for other objects- for example when the U.S was testing the Stealth bomber I am pretty sure many people even to this day could mistake a stealth bomber for a UFO simply on it's designed alone- but if you have 2 Presidents and 3 astronauts who said I SAW a UFO and you still believe they are buts than God help you Ex-Nyer.

So tell me Ex-Nyer what did those astronauts see in space- couldn't have been a mistaken jet from a foreign country or the U.S that was out in space????
Post some links so I know you aren't just making stuff up.

And what about my reason above why aliesns have never come here.

How would they find us? How long would they have to travel to get here? Why would they avoid making contact once they got here after going through all that trouble?
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:09 PM   #516
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Post some links so I know you aren't just making stuff up.

And what about my reason above why aliesns have never come here.

How would they find us? How long would they have to travel to get here? Why would they avoid making contact once they got here after going through all that trouble?
Here are the links Buzz Aldrin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAmtI0wjhXA
Jimmy Carter: http://www.cohenufo.org/carter/carter_abvtopsec.htm

Ex Ny-er you will agree that Meteors of various sizes hit earth daily or at least weekly- the most notable is the fairly large that hit in Russia a little over a week ago- well have you ever known a meteor to land in your backyard, White House lawn, or in Times Square- well by your logic than meteors can't possibly hit the U.S since they never land in big cities?

You are asking me questions I can't answer- I have no idea what an Alien mission is- I assume they are much smarter than humans and perhaps have a different agenda- your questions are baseless.
How come Al-Queada doesn't get crazy fanatics in this country to put on a suicide vest and blow themselves up somewhere in a crowded market instead of these stupid plots that always get foiled?

Honestly if Aliens got in contact with high level officials in the United States do you think they will let you know about it?

Here's a list of countries that have already released classified UFO documents: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread590683/pg1

So let's see the govt of these countries are going to keep classified records of pranksters and myths?

Also have you read or research the famous battle of L.A? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe0_wbVYIQ0

The govt said it was a weather balloon- so hmmm since when does it take the military using heavy ammo to bring down a weather balloon?
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:23 PM   #517
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
And what about the space aliens nonsense? Given up on that?

Is that the way you work? You run into a science-based argument for which you can't find any links to rebut, so you just change the subject?
What is science's explanation for how something came from nothing. Saying that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything doesn't answer the fundamental question. If there is no Creator, where did all the stuff come from? There couldn't be a Big Bang if there was nothing to explode.
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:24 PM   #518
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What? Haviland, KS, isn’t a “big city”?
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:57 PM   #519
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Ex-Nyer please responds to these hypothesis:

Irreducible complexity——Biochemists and microbiologists have discovered that the various components of every living creature in the world are so complicated and interrelated, that it could not function without every one of them. There is no way that some of the parts could have been added later.

Instantaneous complexity——Each entire living creature had to be totally assembled instantly, in order for it to begin living. If this was not done, parts would decay before other parts were made. All aspects had to be there together, all at once.

Those 2 above dismisses evolution big time. I gave you two simple scenarios earlier in the thread: The giraffe has a special flap in it' brain that prevents it from fainting from hypotension whenever it drops it's long neck for a drank and bring it back up at a 9 degree angle- remember evolution says it "evolved" the long neck despite no fossils of a short neck giraffe ever being found- who knows maybe one day they will find the short neck giraffe fossils alongside the fossils of the extinct fast moving sloth and slow moving cheetah fossils. Bottomline either the giraffe had the design from the beginning or it fainted every time it dipped his head- you can't not even remotely dispute this fact- Or the Woodpecker either was designed the way we know it today or the Woodpecker had his brain scrambled and or a massive headache every time it drilled into a tree- sorry you can not evolve those things.

Ex-Nyer take Fire for example in order to have fire you have to have 3 things: Oxygen, heat, and fuel- take anyone of those 3 out of the equation and guess what? there's no fire- there was never a point in time where you can make a fire with just 2 of those components and the other component "evolved" millions of years later- sorry it just doesn't work that way.

Again when do you get order out of chaos- you are going to tell me the Big Band produce elaborate planets that contains life???? It's as absurd as crashing a car at 100mph into a brick wall and the brick wall becomes a beautiful sculpture and the car turns into a ferrari- it's funny how you laugh at religion but would believe some B.S like a big explosion producing life????
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:59 PM   #520
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ex Ny-er you will agree that Meteors of various sizes hit earth daily or at least weekly- the most notable is the fairly large that hit in Russia a little over a week ago- well have you ever known a meteor to land in your backyard, White House lawn, or in Times Square- well by your logic than meteors can't possibly hit the U.S since they never land in big cities?
A very cool place to visit, definitely not the big city though!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:01 PM   #521
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
A very cool place to visit, definitely not the big city though!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:08 PM   #522
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Discussing possibility of ID makes me feel not very evolved!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:19 PM   #523
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
A very cool place to visit, definitely not the big city though!
Chica chaser just to clarify I do believe meteors hit the earth- Ex-Nyer's logic is well how come Aliens don't land on white house lawn or middle of large city- which to me proves nothing- a meteor has to my knowledge have hit a large populated city or the white house lawn- so my point because UFO's don't land on the white house lawn doesn't mean they don't exist.
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:25 PM   #524
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Again when do you get order out of chaos- you are going to tell me the Big Bang produce elaborate planets that contains life???? It's as absurd as crashing a car at 100mph into a brick wall and the brick wall becomes a beautiful sculpture and the car turns into a ferrari- it's funny how you laugh at religion but would believe some B.S like a big explosion producing life????
how do you know? .....you don't know? .....nobody gives a fuck anyway

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Old 02-28-2013, 07:45 PM   #525
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Here are the links Buzz Aldrin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAmtI0wjhXA
Jimmy Carter: http://www.cohenufo.org/carter/carter_abvtopsec.htm

Ex Ny-er you will agree that Meteors of various sizes hit earth daily or at least weekly- the most notable is the fairly large that hit in Russia a little over a week ago- well have you ever known a meteor to land in your backyard, White House lawn, or in Times Square- well by your logic than meteors can't possibly hit the U.S since they never land in big cities?
Uh no. Meteors probably do hit cities frequently - just very small ones - so far. Really big ones are a rarity. So you don't have a big enough sample.

But, more importantly, your comparison is ridiculous. Meteors aren't steered or guided. They hit the earth in random spots - really HARD. An alien space ship, if it existed, would be steered. So the aliens would pick a landing spot and guide it to a soft landing. So why haven't they landed in a city?

And I can't believe I had to explain such an obvious fault in our logic to you.

You are asking me questions I can't answer- I have no idea what an Alien mission is- I assume they are much smarter than humans and perhaps have a different agenda- your questions are baseless.
How is it baseless? I didn't ask you anything about alien agendas. I asked you how they would find us if they don't even know we are here because our radio signals haven't traveled more than about 100 light years. How can they undertake journeys that would take centuries even at the speed of light?

How come Al-Queada doesn't get crazy fanatics in this country to put on a suicide vest and blow themselves up somewhere in a crowded market instead of these stupid plots that always get foiled?
I have NO idea what that means. And neither do you.

Honestly if Aliens got in contact with high level officials in the United States do you think they will let you know about it?
False assumption. Who says they are only going to contact high US officials? They don't even know our languages, so how are they going to identify our leaders. They would just land in an area where there are lots of people. Central Park in NY. DFW Airport or AA center in Dallas. Places where there are thousands of people. then the news cameras show up and the whole world knows in hours. You falsely assume there is some need for secrecy.

Here's a list of countries that have already released classified UFO documents: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread590683/pg1
What does that mean? Do the documents all say "We found no credible evidence of aliens"? Probably.

So let's see the govt of these countries are going to keep classified records of pranksters and myths?
No. They kept records of UFOs - "unidentified" flying objects. Things that were reported and investigated and they could not figure out. Probably because the witness reports were unreliable. So, now that they have wasted enough time and money investigating it and keeping it secret, they are releasing their NON-findings.

Also have you read or research the famous battle of L.A? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe0_wbVYIQ0

The govt said it was a weather balloon- so hmmm since when does it take the military using heavy ammo to bring down a weather balloon?
Another ridiculous distortion by conspiracy idiots. They did NOT know it was a weather balloon when they shot at it. The year was 1942 and we were at war. They probably thought it was a Japanese aircraft and started shooting at it. And it was proably too high for Army artillery shells. Only LATER did they figure out it was PROBABLY a weather balloon.

This goes to show what is wrong with 99% of the evidence of UFOs. People like you ignore the obvious explanations just so you can keep your fantasies of aliens alive.
More nonsense thrown at the wall to see what sticks.
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