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Old 02-22-2013, 09:42 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
So because she filed a lawsuit because her rights were violated, the allegations are automatically lies? That's a pretty weak argument. If the judge or jury find out that the allegations are true, she deserves a large judgment. Her right to choose was violated. I think there should be criminal charges as well.
No, but they are just allegations so they definitely don't qualify as truth and only the truly bored, stupid or both speculate on allegations from blog posts about a lawsuit filed by an anti-abortion law suit mill. None of us know shit about this and anybody who thinks they do is deluded. Even the courts may not arrive at the truth.

This is all plain rank speculation based on third or forth hand information when there is a definitely an agenda or many agendas involved. It is terrible if the doctor or PP forced her to go through with a D&C when and if she changed her mind. I'm sure the courts will deal with that if it is the case. It is equally terrible if the anti-abortion law firm convinced her she could make a ton of money so they could pursue their agenda. This is just as likely to be malpractice and/or a crime as it is a frivolous lawsuit meant to drain PP of funds (though they will probably get pro bono defense) and harass them.

Oh, and while I'm on frivolous lawsuits, what happened to all you asshole's outrage at frivolous lawsuits raising medical costs now? Oh, you yell about that, saying it is greedy patients and attorneys just trying to extort money out of good honest hard working doctors, except when it is a doctor doing something legal you don't like (because your religion tells you so). The hypocrisy never ends.
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Old 02-22-2013, 09:54 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
How strange, people who believe in abortion do not believe in a GOD...
Why is that strange at all?

Every single one of you doesn't believe in thousands of Gods. All of you mono-theists (and even you crazy trinitarians) are also atheists since YOU don't believe in the Hindu's, Muslim's Zoroastrians or Jew's god, or the heathens, Vikings, Romans, Egyptians etc... gods. Some of us just go one further.

Besides, I don't "believe in abortion" because I know it is a procedure that exists. I merely think that it should not be illegal and women should have the right to choose it as a safe legal medical procedure under appropriate circumstances in consultation with their doctor. What we do know is that abortions will happen no matter whether it is legal or not and I don't believe in having women die and criminalizing someone's ethical and moral choice with respect to their own body. I hope that it will be rare and safe and believe we should work toward that as a society.

What I DO believe in is separation of church and state. I definitely don't want a theocracy in charge. OTOH, perhaps if we just let the religionists take over they would all kill each other fighting over which imaginary friend was real.
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Old 02-22-2013, 09:59 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
No, but they are just allegations so they definitely don't qualify as truth and only the truly bored, stupid or both speculate on allegations from blog posts about a lawsuit filed by an anti-abortion law suit mill. None of us know shit about this and anybody who thinks they do is deluded. Even the courts may not arrive at the truth.

This is all plain rank speculation based on third or forth hand information when there is a definitely an agenda or many agendas involved. It is terrible if the doctor or PP forced her to go through with a D&C when and if she changed her mind. I'm sure the courts will deal with that if it is the case. It is equally terrible if the anti-abortion law firm convinced her she could make a ton of money so they could pursue their agenda. This is just as likely to be malpractice and/or a crime as it is a frivolous lawsuit meant to drain PP of funds (though they will probably get pro bono defense) and harass them.

Oh, and while I'm on frivolous lawsuits, what happened to all you asshole's outrage at frivolous lawsuits raising medical costs now? Oh, you yell about that, saying it is greedy patients and attorneys just trying to extort money out of good honest hard working doctors, except when it is a doctor doing something legal you don't like (because your religion tells you so). The hypocrisy never ends.
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Old 02-22-2013, 10:04 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
So because she filed a lawsuit because her rights were violated, the allegations are automatically lies? That's a pretty weak argument. If the judge or jury find out that the allegations are true, she deserves a large judgment. Her right to choose was violated. I think there should be criminal charges as well.
Naw. The allegations are simply allegations. Pumping up allegations in order to influence public opinion is a business. When the defendant isn't asked for a statement, it smells, er, fishy.

If was making book, I'm putting the odds of this one coming to trial are less than 1 in 3. Odds that a jury finds for the "mother" I'd put a less than 1 in 10.

Please keep us updated, Whiny. You've got the time to track this frivolous, er, landmark case!
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Old 02-22-2013, 11:07 PM   #50
JD Barleycorn
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Does your dick hurt WTF? It should you just stepped on it. You said only hypocrites see these murders as a left/right thing. What that has to do with hypocrisy I don't think anyone except you knows but by hypocrites do you mean CNN, ABC, MSNBC? You see they all jumped the gun in a number of shootings and called the shooter a right winger without evidence. You say that the shooters come from both sides of the spectrum but how many really. For every ten left wingers I see maybe one right winger. You may call that equality but you don't know your basic math. We've got Aurora, Ft. Hood, Arizona, etc. and you've got what to represent the right? I am sure that you're going to say McVeigh as you always do without understanding that the commune he was living in Oklahoma had socialist principals but I would grudgingly call that one. I can call on the Beltway snipers, Zimmerman, and so many more on the left. The evidence is against you WTF. Admit defeat.
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Old 02-22-2013, 11:08 PM   #51
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Hypocrites, all of you. You guys are too funny!

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Old 02-23-2013, 05:34 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
If the judge or jury find out that the allegations are true, she deserves a large judgement
If in fact what she says is true and this happened in Texas, she would be limited in the amount she could win. Tort reform, ever heard of it?
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Old 02-23-2013, 05:38 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Does your dick hurt WTF? It should you just stepped on it. You said only hypocrites see these murders as a left/right thing. What that has to do with hypocrisy I don't think anyone except you knows but by hypocrites do you mean CNN, ABC, MSNBC? You see they all jumped the gun in a number of shootings and called the shooter a right winger without evidence. You say that the shooters come from both sides of the spectrum but how many really. For every ten left wingers I see maybe one right winger. You may call that equality but you don't know your basic math. We've got Aurora, Ft. Hood, Arizona, etc. and you've got what to represent the right? I am sure that you're going to say McVeigh as you always do without understanding that the commune he was living in Oklahoma had socialist principals but I would grudgingly call that one. I can call on the Beltway snipers, Zimmerman, and so many more on the left. The evidence is against you WTF. Admit defeat.
JD, if I could step on my dick, there would never be de-feet! Now do I have to school you that there are just as many nut jobs from the right as left?
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Old 02-23-2013, 05:43 PM   #54
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Old 02-23-2013, 08:56 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
JD, if I could step on my dick, there would never be de-feet! Now do I have to school you that there are just as many nut jobs from the right as left?
That's utter bullshit. there are FAR more nut jobs from the right...
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:42 PM   #56
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Go for it WTF and your little dog Whatzup. I really do want you to try. Maybe, just maybe you will learn something.
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Old 02-24-2013, 01:02 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
That's utter bullshit. there are FAR more nut jobs from the right...
Just on eccie!

In the general population there are just as many nuts on the left as the right. I'd like to see Code Pink vs the Tea Pukes. I think Code Pink would route them in less than thirty minutes!

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