Originally Posted by dennisrn
A few years ago at Xmas - one of our ladies was trying to get home (St. Louis) for the Holidays and her car needed tires. I took her to Discount Tire Center and we solved the problem. She enjoyed her visit to her family and I felt good about it...
That's super sweet, you were able to give her the gift of family and that's priceless.
Originally Posted by BoomShakaLaka
I have been givin a couple of naughty toys for us to play with -- lots of fun I tell ya
Those always make for a mutual enjoyable time. ;-) Great gifts to be given and received.
Originally Posted by Budman
To cap off a great 55th B-day I had a wonderful young lady convince the band that was playing at my bar to let her sing happy birthday in front of about 75 friends and customers. She is an awesome singer.That was the best birthday I have ever had.
That's so cool!
Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Si, Anything gift that comes from ones heart. Is great! 
I completely agree.
Originally Posted by Likinikki
The best gift I've been given...is the gift of TRUE FRIENDSHIP! I've been richly blessed to have met these friends, and have them as my mentors! 
It's amazing how the gifts that mean the most cost absolutely nothing isn't it?
Originally Posted by rockerrick
The friendship that a few beautiful ladies have bestowed upon me . And I thank them for that !
We got some good ones around here that's for sure. I'm super happy to able to be a part of this community.
Originally Posted by PrincessLeeGFE
That was a very nice and thoughtful thing to do. I would have done the same for someone.
This year I want some things for myself; but any money I have will go to gas for my daughter so she can drive from SC to IL to see her son and family.
The BEST gift is to give, it always makes me feel great.
But the BEST gift I've ever received would probably be fine jewelry.
What a wonderful thing to do for your daughter. #1 mom right there ladies and gentlemen! Fine jewelry is always lovely. =-)
Originally Posted by mirandalee
Oh ok Hollywood yea Ive goten lots of flowers, and gift cards things like that and it made me feel special. Fire engine red always gives me big beautiful flowers everytime I see him in Houston. Its the thought that counts.....
Your so right, it's the thought that counts and if it makes YOU feel special then it's a home run gift.