Originally Posted by outoftheblue
There are photos in a review posted today of a woman who is bound and gaged. I do not think photos like these should be posted. I am no prude but they atract LE interest. They will lead others to push the envelope even more. We understand if someone says they do S and M. But this is one instance where telling is better than showing. Finally, violence against women is off limits.
I have to disagree with your reasoning for removal of the pics. I won't disagree that at least one violated the terms of this site. LE interest here is not based on specific sex acts, rather on the illegality of sex for money.
Bible thumpers would have us believe that close dancing leads to promiscuous sex. They believe drinking at a strip club leads to rape and violent crimes against women. There are no facts to back those claims or your claims it leads to others pushing the envelope.
Violence IS off limits. However, if you know anything about S&M you can tell the difference between violence and willingness.
Your thread leads others to push their agenda now on things they don't like or understand. I want all duck face pics removed. If I write a review about face fucking duck lips, I will attract the attention of PETA. Not to mention violating the beastislity rules.
Next time hit the rtm button. Just saying....