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Old 02-14-2013, 10:20 AM   #1
Still Looking
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Talking Reviews 101

Austin Independent ReviewTitle: ALWAYS LIST PROVIDERS NAME
Date: At Least Month & Year
Phone: List Area Code
Email Address: List If Provided
URL / Website: Copy & Paste LINK to ECCIE show Case, P411 & Her Web Site
City: City Sesssion Took Place
State: State Session Took Place
Address: Please use general area only.GENERAL meaning major cross streets. Never give exact location.
Appointment Type: In Call or Out Call
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time? YES or NO?
Activities: Use acronmys to list all BCD (behind Closed Door) activites
Session Length: 1/2 hour, 1 Hour, 1 1/2 Hour ... Over Night, Dinner Date
Fee: Use $$ or $.50
Age: In Years
Smoking Status: (Drop Down)
Ethnic Background: (Drop Down)
Physical Description: Please describe the provider's physical description in detail. Weight, Height, Eyes Color,Tattoos, Birth defects (hump on back)
The Rest of the Story:

1)TCB (Taking Care Of Business!) Describe what you did to secure an appointment.
2) Describe your session from the moment she opens the door till you walk out the door.
3) List and describe all acronyms listed in review.
4)If you are lucky enough to get pictures post them.
5) Do the best you can to be truthful. Remember no one cums 9 times in a 15 minute session. Tell it like it is! Its your money and your time. If all that happened is she read you a bed time story... it is what it is. When ever possible list if GREEK, MSOG, CIM are options.
6) ALWAYS explain if and when cover is installed!
Recommendation: Yes or No

REMEMBER: After you hit submit you have an hour to edit! ALWAYS check your review!

If your goal is to contribute and secure premium access there are some very simple things to remember....

1) Fill out the review form COMPLETELY!
2) Copy and paste correct LINKS!
3) ALWAYS list the name of the provider in the TITLE!
4) Your review will be read to help other hobbyist determine if they want to see this provider. Tell your story, good, bad or indifferent.
5) "QUACKING" reviews is against the rules. Don't make fun of newbies and if you have something shitty to say keep it to your self!
6) ALWAYS use "PRIVATE QUOTES" when discussing ROS information!
7) If you need help ALWAYS send a PM to a MOD. They are here to help you. Well... all but one.

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Old 02-14-2013, 10:39 AM   #2
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Always trying to help the newbies out. Good for you!
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Old 02-14-2013, 10:47 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Salsa man View Post
Always trying to help the newbies out. Good for you!
Help a newbie today, he might just save your ASS tomorrow! We're all in this together!

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Old 02-14-2013, 12:02 PM   #4
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Old 02-14-2013, 11:14 PM   #5
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Questions? Yes! Who the hell is that hot chick in your example? I need to see her like about 10 minutes ago
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Old 02-14-2013, 11:26 PM   #6
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Okay, the topic of reviews came up elsewhere when it came to researching potential providers. One of our esteemed hobbyists feels that a girl with all "Yes" recommendations and great reviews has a ton of WKs and is probably not worth seeing, or he should be skeptical. I kinda get his point. This got me to thinking. Each of us has our own way of writing a review and giving recommendations. For me, unless something goes horribly wrong, I'll give a "yes" recommendation based on the the fact the provider did what she was paid to do. It might not have floated my boat, but some other guy's boat could be floated. Where I really make my recommendation is in the actual ROS. I will say what I liked or didn't like. Let the reader read between the lines. For example, I see a BBW who has a reputation for certain good services. I will give her a "yes" recommendation b/c I know some guys are more interested in quality of service than body type. At the same time, I will make it clear on why I saw her and that she is clearly not my preferred type. With this in mind, I think the review section on her should either eliminate the "Recommendation" part of the "form". Either that, or offer some other possible responses besides "yes" or "no". I think we should have options like "maybe" or "it depends" or "see the ROS". I think most people just cruise right to the "recommendation" reply on the review and think she is okay when in fact, she might not be okay for that particular hobbyist. Thoughts?
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Old 02-15-2013, 04:21 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Questions? Yes! Who the hell is that hot chick in your example? I need to see her like about 10 minutes ago
BrandyWine Paige:

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=592634&highli ght=

SL Review:


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Old 02-15-2013, 04:40 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Okay, the topic of reviews came up elsewhere when it came to researching potential providers. One of our esteemed hobbyists feels that a girl with all "Yes" recommendations and great reviews has a ton of WKs and is probably not worth seeing, or he should be skeptical. I kinda get his point. This got me to thinking. Each of us has our own way of writing a review and giving recommendations. For me, unless something goes horribly wrong, I'll give a "yes" recommendation based on the the fact the provider did what she was paid to do. It might not have floated my boat, but some other guy's boat could be floated. Where I really make my recommendation is in the actual ROS. I will say what I liked or didn't like. Let the reader read between the lines. For example, I see a BBW who has a reputation for certain good services. I will give her a "yes" recommendation b/c I know some guys are more interested in quality of service than body type. At the same time, I will make it clear on why I saw her and that she is clearly not my preferred type. With this in mind, I think the review section on her should either eliminate the "Recommendation" part of the "form". Either that, or offer some other possible responses besides "yes" or "no". I think we should have options like "maybe" or "it depends" or "see the ROS". I think most people just cruise right to the "recommendation" reply on the review and think she is okay when in fact, she might not be okay for that particular hobbyist. Thoughts?

Excellent points C. Another interesting concept is I have had a few members that criticized me for giving a yes when in their mind it was clearly a NO after reading the ROS. Siting that I was FUCKING over the "brothers" that don't have premium access! REALLY? So let me get this straight.... a fellow hobbyist refuses to contribute or has NOT contributed for whatever reason is getting screwed over by SL? ECCIE doesn't require long turn commitments? Why not buy PA until you post your own reviews. Seems like a good idea to me. I’m certainly an advocate for helping newbies, but they also need to help themselves.
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Old 02-15-2013, 06:41 AM   #9
dog soldier 4
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I have yet to write a review for two reasons. (I usually see 1 of 4 regulars weekly for a multi hr)

(1) most of my actions are mostly not news worthy (on my part) and see no reason to add to a long list of good reviews. I do bump the few I have seem.

(2) I am not ready to subject myself to the flying BS if someone takes issue with what I feel is MY opinion .

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Old 02-15-2013, 06:44 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
... I think the review section on her should either eliminate the "Recommendation" part of the "form". Either that, or offer some other possible responses besides "yes" or "no". I think we should have options like "maybe" or "it depends" or "see the ROS". I think most people just cruise right to the "recommendation" reply on the review and think she is okay when in fact, she might not be okay for that particular hobbyist. Thoughts?
You can always go back and edit the Recommendation field after you post the review. When you see a Recommendation that says "Hell Yeah" or "Maybe" or "Don't walk, run away" or "Only a Yes to SL", that is what the reviewer has done.

Just kidding, SL.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Excellent points C. Another interesting concept is I have had a few members that criticized me for giving a yes when in their mind it was clearly a NO after reading the ROS. Siting that I was FUCKING over the "brothers" that don't have premium access! REALLY? So let me get this straight.... a fellow hobbyist refuses to contribute or has NOT contributed for whatever reason is getting screwed over by SL? ECCIE doesn't require long turn commitments? Why not buy PA until you post your own reviews. Seems like a good idea to me. I’m certainly an advocate for helping newbies, but they also need to help themselves.
You are being a little hard on newbies. Most aren't going to pay for PA until they've first dipped their toe in the water, and doing that requires making a decision about who to see. But I also recall from when I was a newbie that it is possible to make very good decisions despite not having ROS access if you look at a girl's track record rather than just a single review, and carefully read the comments in the review threads regardless of what the recommendations say. At least, I made a couple of good decisions that way before I wrote my first review. Of course, having that level of information does whet the appetite for more, which is the reward for writing reviews.
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Old 02-15-2013, 06:53 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by dog soldier 4 View Post

I have yet to write a review for two reasons. (I usually see 1 of 4 regulars weekly for a multi hr)

(1) most of my actions are mostly not news worthy (on my part) and see no reason to add to a long list of good reviews. I do bump the few I have seem.
We aren't really interested in your actions, we are interested in hers. But this is what I meant by my comment above: tagging on to someone else's review can still add useful information for those who read past the recommendation.

Originally Posted by dog soldier 4 View Post
(2) I am not ready to subject myself to the flying BS if someone takes issue with what I feel is MY opinion .

Your call, but do you really care if some anonymous person on an SHMB who you'll never meet disagrees with your opinion?
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Old 02-15-2013, 07:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Fratelli View Post
You can always go back and edit the Recommendation field after you post the review. When you see a Recommendation that says "Hell Yeah" or "Maybe" or "Don't walk, run away" or "Only a Yes to SL", that is what the reviewer has done.

Just kidding, SL.

But that’s why I post pictures so hobbyist can judge for themselves! Let's remember you can take my review to Star Bucks and get a large coffee with room for cream for only $2.16 plus tip.

You are being a little hard on newbies. Most aren't going to pay for PA until they've first dipped their toe in the water, and doing that requires making a decision about who to see. But I also recall from when I was a newbie that it is possible to make very good decisions if you look at a girl's track record rather than just a single review, and carefully read the comments in the review threads regardless of what the recommendations say and despite not having ROS access. At least, I made a couple of good decisions that way before I wrote my first review. Of course, having that level of information does whet the appetite for more, which is the reward for writing reviews.
Everything costs money. You can't leave your house without it costing money.... unless you’re walking I guess. If a guy wants to lurk that’s great. But if he wants to hobby... well join P411 and pay a couple of bucks to get PA. Both certainly worth the investment. It just makes your life a lot easier and safer in my opinion.
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Old 02-15-2013, 07:16 AM   #13
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On some of the ladies recommendation I joined TER with different Handle
I like it and don't get the POP UPS I get from showcase reviews I get here
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Old 02-15-2013, 07:53 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Fratelli View Post
You can always go back and edit the Recommendation field after you post the review. When you see a Recommendation that says "Hell Yeah" or "Maybe" or "Don't walk, run away" or "Only a Yes to SL", that is what the reviewer has done.
Yes, I know that can be done, but still it is a pain in the ass to edit. Also, some don't know it can be down. Maybe instead of pull down options, Leave a field like the ROS so the reviewer can put in comments. You can limit the number of characters to something like 20-25 in order to prevent ROS type info getting into the Recommendation.
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Old 02-15-2013, 08:10 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Everything costs money. You can't leave your house without it costing money.... unless you’re walking I guess. If a guy wants to lurk that’s great. But if he wants to hobby... well join P411 and pay a couple of bucks to get PA. Both certainly worth the investment. It just makes your life a lot easier and safer in my opinion.
I agree they are both worthwhile, and in fact I have paid for both once I got into the hobby. But realistically, most newbies aren't going to make that financial commitment until they are in, i.e. have made the plunge and seen at least one or two providers.
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