I have been watching this topic carefully, but I'm not here 24/7. Just saw some responses and have written a few PM's.
Could it be that crashkopf was writing about the irony of labels? I saw the post as him suggesting that there is no respect to the original poster, which he deserves the accolades that he's received for such a great review.
Solemate, you've written a first class review. The majority of responses here are positive, including an excellent comment from someone that I admire from afar. I hold shooter in very high regard and he's a tough guy! (Thank you so much for your compliments and thoughts on this topic!)
He wrote a glowing response.
Being a sexual maverick isn't always the best seat in the house to be in. Others will chime in with negativity and others will follow along like children following a Pied Piper.
When someone has the grit (and balls) to present a review such as you did, it's important to know with that, you're taking a chance of having someone (or three or four) take dumb potshots at it.
Heck, guys will even criticize others for seeing girl A, instead of woman B. It's part of the whole and this is part of the back and forth of a sex board.
My final words of wisdom
for you are these:
Illegitimi non carborundum or "Don't let the bastards grind you down".
Sometimes, that's all you need to know.