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Old 02-09-2013, 06:50 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You're just too funny WTF. I'm calling Obama out and you fall back to the old, tired thing about Bush. Bush has not been president for over 4 years now. Time for you to move on. The criminal is now in the White House and you are his cheerleader.

So did you get that date with Eva?
I was pointing out your complicity in the matter. When the left pointed out that no President is King, you sat silent when Bush acted as one.

In other words I am pointing out human nature and your hypocrisy.

Something a person who has been on the government paycheck almost his whole adult life does not like to hear. Have you figured out yet how many students where you teach have government backed loans? Have you figured out who payed your salary when you were playing gay sailor traveling the world?
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:06 AM   #17
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Treat him like an adult and see what he does? Dropping your pants and showing your ass will not earn you any fans but it may earn you some dates. Has WTF contacted you lately?

As for WTF, why do you think that lying wins arguments? That slippery slope that you didn't protest (entirely possible just like I did protest the slippery slope) was not defended because Bush did not use it to kill Americans. Have you any proof or fairy tale that he did? Only Obama has had Americans killed by his order. Kind of like a feudal king.

I had to get to work this morning so I couldn't finish my thoughts. Imagine the power that Obama is exercising in the hands of a state governor. The governor can wake up, decides he needs a distraction and orders someone killed, or he is feeling the pain from the opposition party, he has some think tank put out a report that his opponent is a terrorist and he has them killed. There is no appeal, no reprieve, no explanation, and no responsibility. Is that the power that you want in a governor or a president?

Who rattled your cage dipshit? I answered your question and then CC helped pile the shit on so I answered his.
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Old 02-09-2013, 08:22 AM   #18
JD Barleycorn
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WTF, you make a lot of wild ass assumptions and you find yourself wrong most of the time. It was the conservative republicans who railed against deficit spending all the way back to Reagan. It certainly wasn't the democrats. It was the conservative republicans who questioned the way the war was being fought in Iraq (but not the war in either country until it became obvious that there was not intent to win in Afghanistan). It was the democrats who voted for the war before they were all against the war and then lied about what was going on. They worked against the interest of the country and the miltary. It was the conservative republicans who besieged Bush with concerns over amnesty and Harriet Miers. We stopped both of them. The democrats supported amnesty and still do. I have not changed. It is the democrats who run from one crisis to another supporting something that they opposed and visa versa if they can use it to hurt the GOP.

If you were actually being civil and I made a mistake about your response then I'm sorry for jumping on you Biggen.
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Old 02-09-2013, 08:33 AM   #19
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I personally have always spoke against the Patriot Act as unconstitutional and an infringement of our liberty.
I am opposed to the NDAA as well.
This is not a left or right issue but an issue of government in violation of the Constitution against the citizens.

As Obama has a kill list, any American citizen should be put on trial and if convicted of treason, sentenced to death, in absentia. It would be interesting to force the government to actually abide by the law.

While I support the use of drones in WART, I do not support their use on American soil to infringe upon our liberty.
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Old 02-09-2013, 09:44 AM   #20
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
I personally have always spoke against the Patriot Act as unconstitutional and an infringement of our liberty.
I am opposed to the NDAA as well.
This is not a left or right issue but an issue of government in violation of the Constitution against the citizens.

As Obama has a kill list, any American citizen should be put on trial and if convicted of treason, sentenced to death, in absentia. It would be interesting to force the government to actually abide by the law.

While I support the use of drones in WART, I do not support their use on American soil to infringe upon our liberty.

How were you on the use of the drone at the standoff in Alabama? Or the use of drones on border patrol?
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Old 02-09-2013, 09:59 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
How were you on the use of the drone at the standoff in Alabama? Or the use of drones on border patrol?
our righties are fine with dronrs killing mexicans!
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Old 02-09-2013, 11:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Another dipshit heard from!
Best self descriptive post by Assup ever

ha ha ha ha
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Old 02-09-2013, 12:01 PM   #23
JD Barleycorn
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Lets see if I can explain this better. Conservatives are not against the drone program per se'. What we worry about is the power that is being concentrated in the hands of one person. You brought up Bush and the Patriot Act. First, lets just point out that Joe Biden come up with the basic framework of the Patriot Act in 1995. He has admitted it and been given credit for it by the media. Second, Bush did not have ultimate power. It was true that he could order a wiretap without the permission of the courts due to the fast moving nature of surveillence but they did have to go before the judiciary to justify the wiretap. Obama is putting the finger on Americans and there is no judicial oversight, or for that matter legislative oversight.

My solution is to keep the program in place but establish a panel of two Senators, two House members, two justices, and Obama. You can decide from that whether a simple majority is needed or 5 of 7 is needed to execute an American citizen. At least there is shared responsibility and we get back to the oversight that our founders desired.
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Old 02-09-2013, 01:13 PM   #24
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Even 2 senators, two House members, two justices and the President cannot override Constitutional rights. Unless we really want to water down due process to nearly being meaningless.
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