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Old 02-08-2013, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default Screw This I am Out!

I may regret this thread later but I am out of this crap. The drama I just had to endure is just too much. The hobby is supposed to be fun. I was going to not vent but after a bottle of saki and sushi I am feeling randy. Any provider that knows me knows that I am ultra sweet. I mean sugar poetry sweet and I honestly care about people. I have been the foremost defender of the crazy provider as someone just dealing with life and more interesting than most due to life experience. Check out previous post. Manslut I owe you a huge apology.

The situation: I found someone to screw for right now so I do not need a provider to fulfill those needs. I wrote to a provider I had planned on seeing to let her know her services would not be needed because I did not want her to feel stood up. It was obvious she liked me during my last session and I had truly considered taking her out but she told me explicitly she did not want that because she was providing so I did not. Anyway, I attempted to maintain a friendship because I thought she was really cool.

Now I am supposedly an ass for trying to be polite and let someone know there services were not needed but they were not stood up. I mean am I supposed to pay for things I am getting for free. If she wanted to offer something for free I am on it. She seemed to think I only wanted her at a discounted rate. If i needed her i would have paid the 300 an hr I was just trying to do a hobby budget. I have a big hobby budget and was just trying to figure out how many times i could see her.

I understand she is a woman and wants to feel like she is not disposable but you are selling a product and if I can get the product for free I am not going to pay for it. Plus I am a one woman man and put everything I have into those I am with. I wanted to be her friend and go out for drinks and I got shit on and told I was an ass and offensive....and after an hour of texting back and forth and her telling me to screw off she sends me pics of her kid. What?

And you know what is the most fucked up thing about this.. I still wnt to have drinks with her and be her friend. I like her personally and to be honest, she needs a friend like me who is not going to tell her everything she wants to hear. We could make a difference in eachothers lives and that is rare. I am sad that she wants nothing to do with me. That is how the hobby fucks you up. This is nonfatmetal signing out. Peace!
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Old 02-08-2013, 09:36 PM   #2
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Um, that's how a woman can fuck you up, lol.
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Old 02-08-2013, 09:45 PM   #3
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I think you need more Saki.
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Old 02-08-2013, 09:46 PM   #4
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He obviously does not understand the concept of the hobby.
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Old 02-08-2013, 09:51 PM   #5
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Hmmm this reminds me of some one I know all too well, does she live in plano? I may need to fuck some sense into her again.

The hobby is here to fulfill all our wicked fantasies that our SO won't do, whether it be from a bj to greek or what ever rows your boat, the thing is to remember, this is a hobby x it is the ladies duty to give you the illusion of passion. It's best not to got further than that, unless she was the first to make the move then by all means go for it, but if she didn't x this was you taking the initiative, then she spoke her mind x it's best to leave it alone, however the txt'n of her kid pic is kind of weird.
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Old 02-08-2013, 10:07 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by nonfatmetal View Post
I may regret this thread later but I am out of this crap. The drama I just had to endure is just too much. The hobby is supposed to be fun.... Check out previous post. Manslut I owe you a huge apology...

...I understand she is a woman and wants to feel like she is not disposable but you are selling a product and if I can get the product for free I am not going to pay for it. Plus I am a one woman man and put everything I have into those I am with. I wanted to be her friend and go out for drinks and I got shit on and told I was an ass and offensive....and after an hour of texting back and forth and her telling me to screw off she sends me pics of her kid. What?

And you know what is the most fucked up thing about this.. I still wnt to have drinks with her and be her friend. I like her personally and to be honest, she needs a friend like me who is not going to tell her everything she wants to hear. We could make a difference in eachothers lives and that is rare. I am sad that she wants nothing to do with me. That is how the hobby fucks you up. This is nonfatmetal signing out. Peace!
nonfatmetal, man you do not owe me an apology for anything whatsoever!! My guess is you are referring to your thread on 1/5/13 about 'Best providers for the mentally focused' where I got under your skin with my opinion. It was a discussion, nothing more, nothing less, no harm, no foul.

Now regarding the situation you're in with this provider, my advice based on the limited information you have provided, leads me to say, "Git out while the gittins good!!!"...If you are in a Normal World relationship with someone that you are trying to build on, take up jacking off (if you haven't already) to help with the physical urges, but don't mix the two. Don't even lurk here. If a committed, normal world relationship is what your heart desires, GO FOR IT...When I get into a NW relationship I disappear from this scene 100% completely.

Now, if your NW relationship hasn't gotten to a serious point yet then maybe you need a little time away from the Hobby, but do not maintain contact with the one who has pissed you off. Not knowing her side of the story, maybe you crossed a line, maybe you didn't, but if she is unstable emotionally, Hobby World or Real World, the same advice applies, RED FLAG, DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER WILL ROBINSON !!

Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your good heart. Friendships can be made here nonfatmetal, but just like the Normal World, "You can't polish a Turd!!!"

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth and Psychotherapist to the Rich and Famous
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Old 02-08-2013, 10:53 PM   #7
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It ain't the same product unless you think any pussy is good pussy.
Wouldn't you rather fuck a hot piece of ass like Tara Evans than some ordinary girl?
So, you can't say since you are getting it for free from girl "A" that you don't need to buy it from girl "B". Girl "B" may be smokin' hot.
Personally, I only have so many torpedoes to fire, so I like high value targets.
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Old 02-08-2013, 11:09 PM   #8
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Did I sleep through another meeting?
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Old 02-09-2013, 04:45 AM   #9
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Yeah, let me get you caught up. A provider rocked nonfatmetal's world and he thincks they can be friends with benefits.
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Old 02-09-2013, 06:01 AM   #10
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:04 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Yeah, let me get you caught up. A provider rocked nonfatmetal's world and he thincks they can be friends with benefits.
Ha! I knew i would regret this post. I was not looking for benefits. I was more just pissed that an offer of friendship got me an hours worth of drama before I went out. I am just too nice.
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:06 AM   #12
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this simp got sprung lolll
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:20 AM   #13
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Yeah....I think I'll call McDonalds and tell them that I'm on a diet and will no longer need their services.
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:27 AM   #14
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I understand. I have the same issue with my lawn guy.
I told him I found someone else and I gave him the old -"it's not you, it's me" speech.
But I told him I still wanted to be friends and enjoy a bottled water together sometime....
Nevertheless, he didn't take it well. He hasn't stopped by once.
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:38 AM   #15
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Anyone ever notice that most of these threads are a direct result of blurring the line between business and relationship?
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