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Old 02-07-2013, 11:25 PM   #16
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I think the only thing Hating Kayla will relieve is your wallet of whatever's in it ... Shit, da biyatch is packing, and I'm not talking fudge here!
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Old 02-07-2013, 11:29 PM   #17
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Oh the hypocrisy of the left.

Left always blames a person of being from the right when a crazy person goes off. Without even anything to go on they start laying blame.

If this guy was jacking his dick in his manifesto to fox news and conservatives like he did cnn and dems y'all would have this board lit the fuck up.

It happens all the time, even without any kind of proof. Go back through past posts and look.

But now its "Obama doesn't have anything to do with this".
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Old 02-07-2013, 11:47 PM   #18
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I don't see where a crazy person going off is an indictment of either side. obviously you have no fucking life or sense of humor. It's an indictment of a society that empowers people to commit such atrocities and then hides behind antiquated principles to justify doing nothing.

Kinda like the BIBLE THUMPERS and other zealots and cultists.

But please, check the voting record of every mass murderer after he does his thing. Maybe we should be checking the mental,stability of every potentially dangerous individual before they commit the crime. Of course that would be an invasion of privacy, right?

STFU and listen to,yourself, dill bread!
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Old 02-08-2013, 02:00 AM   #19
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I am all for checking the mental stability of potentially dangerous people.

I'm for taking dangerous folks off the street. I don't think its an invasion of privacy.

And I don't think one side is more likely to have someone go off than the other. But if you are telling me you don't see that the right gets a bad rap when these sickos go postal, than you are not being honest.
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Old 02-08-2013, 04:05 AM   #20
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That's bullshit. I think the right gets a "bad rap" as you call it when sickos go off and the NRA and its zombies start squealing that it wasnt the guy's fault. "Actually, that's not a bad rap. It's a well deserved rap when people,refuse,to consider restricting access to wackos, which is what happened AGAI. After Sandy Hook.

where have you been, banana boy?
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Old 02-08-2013, 04:54 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat View Post
I am all for checking the mental stability of potentially dangerous people.
should they go door to door..... start with surveys..... how would you find out about potentially dangerous people
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Old 02-08-2013, 05:17 AM   #22
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
That's bullshit. I think the right gets a "bad rap" as you call it when sickos go off and the NRA and its zombies start squealing that it wasnt the guy's fault. "Actually, that's not a bad rap. It's a well deserved rap when people,refuse,to consider restricting access to wackos, which is what happened AGAI. After Sandy Hook.

where have you been, banana boy?
Bull-fucking-shit, Assup!!! You're a liar! The NRA and the right are shouting that IT IS THE GUY'S FAULT; whereas, your Kool Aid vending MSM and Odumbo are blaming such incidents on inanimate objects!
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:02 AM   #23
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No, no, no, it can never be the fault of the person, it is always the guns fault.
The idea that this person, being a Democrat, is somehow at fault, well uh damn.............
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:16 AM   #24
JD Barleycorn
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Sterilize republicans... by Eva

Kansas Nazis! I hate Kansas Nazis like Eva.
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:22 AM   #25
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Sterilize republicans... by Eva

Kansas Nazis! I hate Kansas Nazis like Eva.

Who gives a fuck what you think tinker bell Stupid assholes here . The guy is a ex cop a ex navy man a ex running back. Do you ass wipes care about that ...NO .It is the point someone said he was a democrat. Lame assholes....
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:29 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
That's bullshit. I think the right gets a "bad rap" as you call it when sickos go off and the NRA and its zombies start squealing that it wasnt the guy's fault. "Actually, that's not a bad rap. It's a well deserved rap when people,refuse,to consider restricting access to wackos, which is what happened AGAI. After Sandy Hook.

where have you been, banana boy?
I've been in reality land paying attention. You're the one making it obvious you don't know what's going on. Where the fuck have you been? You've been behind Obama with your head up his ass so long that you dont even know where others stand. Quit ingesting the fecal matter. Its either made you stupid, or made you a liar.

When did the NRA ever say its not the the crazys fault? NOT FUCKIN EVER. The NRA is the one saying its the sick fucks fault. The NRA is the one saying if someone trys to hurt kids we should kill them first. Your boyfriend says that too, when its his kids. He knows if somebody trys to hurt his kids that they will be killed. But that's not good enough for other kids. Just his.

That's getting a bad rap. Blaming something else when you're the fucking problem.
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:48 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
should they go door to door..... start with surveys..... how would you find out about potentially dangerous people
It was known that all of these sick fucks were indeed sick fucks and dangerous before they went off. It wasn't a secret.
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Old 02-08-2013, 10:18 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Who gives a fuck what you think tinker bell Stupid assholes here . The guy is a ex cop a ex navy man a ex running back. Do you ass wipes care about that ...NO .It is the point someone said he was a democrat. Lame assholes....
Haven't read his "manifesto" have you? The uncensored version. Here a very small part of it.

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers. You say this openly without any discretion. Before you start with your argument that you believe I would vote for Obama because he has the same skin color as me, fuck you. I didn’t vote in this last election as my choice of candidate, John Huntsman, didn’t win the primary candidacy for his party. Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could’ve exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work. Many want to see you fail as they have stated so many times previously. Unfortunately, if you fail, the U.S. fails but your opponents do not concern themselves about the big picture. Do not forget your commitment to transparency in your administration. Sometimes I believe your administration forgets that. America, you will realize today and tomorrow that this world is made up of all human beings who have the same general needs and wants in life for themselves, their kin, community, and state. That is the freedom to LIVE and LOVE. They may eat different foods, enjoy different music, have different dialects, or speak a second language, but in essence are no different from you and I. This is America. We are not a perfect sovereign country as we have our own flaws but we are the closest that will ever exist.
Yeah...he's a republican alright. LOL

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Old 02-08-2013, 10:48 AM   #29
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"the so called objective main-stream news media"

gabby giffords:

the shooter was on the right, when he really was on the left, palin was quilty because she "targeted" certain congressional races.

obama called for a "national soul-searching" and not laying blame on people who think differently in his speech at the arizona memorial, then he racially profiles george zimmerman and as "supposedly" the president of us all, he issues an idiotic prejudicial treyvon could be my son inflammatory side choosing comment.

treyvon martin:

malicious editing of a 911 call designed to promote racial discord and deprive someone of the truth because our struggle is bigger than any truth.

timothy mcveigh:

according to bill clinton, rush limbaugh is to blame..not his government, not janet reno,not killing children at waco

according to keith olberman, limbaugh has blood on his hands.

james holmes:


ABCnews: there is a james holmes and he is A TEA PARTY MEMBER...only thing was..it was another james holmes.

Family Research Council shooter:

main-stream news media: chirp chirp

Chris Dorner? chirp chirp
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Old 02-08-2013, 10:51 AM   #30
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Haven't read his "manifesto" have you? The uncensored version. Here a very small part of it.

Yeah...he's a republican alright. LOL

Thanks you just drove home my point.
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