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Old 02-06-2013, 06:59 PM   #76
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While we're on the topic of screening and references.... Would you all say, its fairly common knowledge the information that is needed when providing provider references, and that the provider requesting the reference should do so through a verification site, or minimally provide links to prove she is a verified provider before any reference is given?

I am AMAZED that today I have had two providers sent text messages asking for a reference on the same gentleman. I asked they send their request through a pm, but it seems to me, that they must have only been provided my phone number, so without research, they just quickly sent a text. They would first research me before trusting their safety to someone they know nothing about.

All I am asking, is that we establish and follow some screening/verification etiquette, and all be smart and work together!
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Old 02-06-2013, 09:34 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing View Post
Thread hijacker!!!! Get him!!!!

Back on track.
Actually, it's a question that will put some of the questions raised here to rest.

Originally Posted by Nastymonk View Post
Have a date Thursday.
Have fun, NM! I hope it goes well and that you'll consider posting a link to the review you write in this thread.
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Old 02-06-2013, 10:20 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
I love this idea.... good thinkin!
In business as well as in hobby business, communication goes a long way toward building trust. Gina's "requirement" has prompted me to make it a point to tell anyone that I may visit for the first time that I do not carry my wallet or ID with me to an incall.

Nevertheless, I have thought about this requirement a bit. Carrying a photocopy of a partially obscured ID would be hard to explain for some people.

An alternative would be to carry a modified card sleeve like the ones some hotels give you with your room key. If you were to carefully cut holes in one side of this sleeve in strategic locations, you could insert your drivers license to mask all private information while revealing your photo along with whatever key information is "required". This way, if the empty sleeve were to be found in your wallet, most people would not know to insert the drivers license.

I have not done this yet, and Fortunately, my lack of ID has never been a problem......... yet.

But Gina, I do have a question: What about provider IDs?

Some people may say it is not needed because clients are able to read reviews. Unfortunately, I have found many reviews to be to be about as reliable as the providers' profiles.
With all of the deception we encounter from the provider's side, don't you think there should be a similar "requirement" for her?

-If I suspect she may be underage, am I out of line when I ask for ID?
-What if she says she is "27" but I suspect she may be closer to 40 and she refused to show ID?

I see a LOT of deception coming from the providers (or their pimps/managers). It seems to me that this ID "requirement" should go both ways.
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Old 02-06-2013, 11:28 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Candence View Post
While we're on the topic of screening and references.... Would you all say, its fairly common knowledge the information that is needed when providing provider references, and that the provider requesting the reference should do so through a verification site, or minimally provide links to prove she is a verified provider before any reference is given?

I am AMAZED that today I have had two providers sent text messages asking for a reference on the same gentleman. I asked they send their request through a pm, but it seems to me, that they must have only been provided my phone number, so without research, they just quickly sent a text. They would first research me before trusting their safety to someone they know nothing about.

All I am asking, is that we establish and follow some screening/verification etiquette, and all be smart and work together!
Unfortunately, ECCIE is but a small portion of the overall "sex trade" in the DFW, and the country as a whole. You are bound to get calls, texts, etc. from ladies who are simply not here.
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Old 02-07-2013, 04:58 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Candence View Post
...........All I am asking, is that we establish and follow some screening/verification etiquette, and all be smart and work together!
Unfortunately, I am not sure that even the verification sites have a clearly defined and universally applied set of screening/verification rules to follow.

The closest I have seen to that is P411's client ID "requirement"... which fortunately, most of us are not asked for.

From the input I am getting here and elsewhere, I would think P411 could suffer a significant drop in paid memberships if every provider were to ask for ID.
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Old 02-07-2013, 06:53 AM   #81
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I think the idea of requesting ID from the provider becomes an even more important consideration as yet another news account of human trafficking in DFW comes to light.
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Old 02-07-2013, 07:03 AM   #82
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I sure as hell would refuse a "photocopy" of an id. I mean, seriously, photoshop anyone? At least with a physical card, the holograms and other tid bits specific to an ID should be present. Yeah, still easy to get a fake ID some any dozen or so bazaars across dfw... but most men on the up n up won't go through that much trouble.
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Old 02-07-2013, 07:17 AM   #83
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Of course, it's the guys that aren't on the "up n up" that you're worried about.
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Old 02-07-2013, 07:45 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
I love this idea.... good thinkin!
I guess I don't understand how you support someone using a photocopy of their ID as proof.

Do you realize how easy it is to alter a photocopy... to paste on a different picture, or cut and paste a name or other info from another ID to that photocopy?
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Old 02-07-2013, 08:28 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by yourself View Post
From the input I am getting here and elsewhere, I would think P411 could suffer a significant drop in paid memberships if every provider were to ask for ID.
The absurd comments from Gina in this thread have already made me decide not to renew P411.

I understand a provider's desire for safety, but the client's safety must also be considered. The stupid things being advocated in this thread do nothing but provide a false sense of security for the ladies. Oh, and make Gina a lot of money.
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Old 02-07-2013, 08:30 AM   #86
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Do you realize how easy it is to alter a photocopy... to paste on a different picture, or cut and paste a name or other info from another ID to that photocopy?
Yes, I definitely do.... and I also it's incredibly easy to get a completely fake, but passable, set of identification for about $100.

There is no 100% fool proof method of verification. Screening consists of taking a bunch of small bits of information, putting them together in a way that works for all parties involved and mitigates the risk as much as possible. It's not an exact science.

There is no way to eliminate the risk completely.

However, I do know that the more hurdles you put in your screening process, the better chance is that those who make it through are legit. Again though, nothing is 100%.

The stupid things being advocated in this thread do nothing but provide a false sense of security for the ladies.
I don't mind the criticism..... but do you have any better ideas on how to deal with shared client ids?

Keep in mind, this is how I set the system up, back in 2005. There is no new revelations coming out in this thread, and this is all clearly stated on the application that each P411 client filled out.

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Old 02-07-2013, 08:35 AM   #87
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Only an idiot would show their ID to a provider. I'll admit I've been that idiot before.
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Old 02-07-2013, 09:12 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
I don't mind the criticism..... but do you have any better ideas on how to deal with shared client ids?
I'm sorry, right now I don't. But this is a positive comment in this discussion! Querying the hivemind of eccie to develop a better system might be quite productive.

Keep in mind, this is how I set the system up, back in 2005. There is no new revelations coming out in this thread, and this is all clearly stated on the application that each P411 client filled out.
Yes, and everyone always reads the fine print and follows them even when they contradict what everyone else is doing.</sarcasm>
I had never noticed it before, but now I think it's evident that P411 needs to update their system so that it no longer puts hobbyists at risk.

I liked your attitude in the first quote better than the defensive one in the second.
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Old 02-07-2013, 09:16 AM   #89
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For the several people who have asked if anyone has seen and reviewed me while in Dallas?



The only review I've been able to dig out of the quick moving reviews on the Indie thread so far. Again, most of my clients this week have been P411, and not members of Eccie.

My previous reviews from NOLA should have also spoken volumes, I'm not sure why seeing a client in Dallas would change my behavior towards IDing or how I treat clients.

Also, as I had answered on page 1 and has been asked several times since.

YES I will show my own ID if requested.


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Old 02-07-2013, 09:24 AM   #90
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Yes, and everyone always reads the fine print and follows them even when they contradict what everyone else is doing.
Actually, I post it on the Messages that pop up when you log in on a semi regular basis (every 6 months or so?), so I'd hardly call it small print. The last time I posted it on the main page of P411 was in September, 2012. I'm sorry you aren't happy about it, but truly it's not some secret policy.

______________________________ _______________

Checking Identification. Update 09.21.12

Your P411 Client Id is made up of small bits of "real" info that can be verified by the provider, by looking at a couple of pieces of identification carried in your wallet.

"John" is a name showing on your driver's license.
"01" is the DAY of birth showing on your driver's license.
"0000" are the last four digits on something you carry in your wallet.

I often recommend that gentlemen temporarily cover the other private information with tape or whiteout, leaving only the photo, matching name, and DAY of birth (on driver's license) and last four digits (on something in wallet) for the provider to check. Of course, it's always a good idea to let the provider know you are going to cover the other information, in case her personal policy would not allow for this.

If you schedule an appointment via P411 and upon arrival refuse to show identification to confirm you are the true account holder, please understand that your provider may exercise her right to refuse to see you. Also keep in mind that your provider has an obligation to report this to P411. Depending on the circumstances, P411 may suspend the account under which the appointment was made until the situation is resolved.

We have a terrible problem with people "sharing" client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.

I strongly encourage the ladies to check identification to make sure it matches the client id, and we are seeing more and more ladies following through, so be prepared! If your client id doesn't currently match your identification as indicated above, please contact us and we can fix it.
______________________________ ___________

The reality is that only a minority of providers check identification, and that's their decision to make. All I do is offer clients and providers a tool to use, and it's up to them to decide what works for them from there. If you don't want to show identification, then don't.... but if I hear about it you can be sure that I'm going to be concerned that you are sharing your client id with another person.

As I said before, providers have been robbed, raped and arrested.... all by people using a "borrowed" (or stolen) P411 client id. This situations could have been prevented had the appointment been stopped when no matching identification was presented. But again, nothing is 100% either.....

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