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Old 02-04-2013, 09:10 AM   #1
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Default ? For the Ladys in New Orleans & Other Areas.

With the Super Bowel being in New Orleans yesterday I was just wondering if you lady's go up on your price with so much demand in the area? And also if you see more hobbyist in a peak time like that than you usually do?

Same ? for the girls in Atlanta or Dallas/Ft.Worth or any other city with a Super Bowel or any other big event.

I know if I owned a Beach Front Condo or a Condo In Aspen I would charge more in the peak season, so I would not hold it against you. Now I do have a problem with store owners that take advantage of people when there has been a Hurricane or any other natural disaster. JMO

Guys what has been your experience?
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Old 02-04-2013, 11:39 AM   #2
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Kinda hard for a lady to go up on her price for a special event in town when the day before she was giving Specials to come see her. If a lady is dumb enough to tour a area that is holding a special event like the SuperBowl, NBA All-Star or MLB All-Star Game, then her rates is normally the same or even reduced just to get gents to come see them. Also, why would a lady purposely tour one of those areas when LE is really going to be on the lookout?
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Old 02-04-2013, 11:57 AM   #3
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It's not like you might think. Indy providers rarely do well when events like this are in town. Why? Because most of us will not do last minute, late night, and drunk calls, nor will we be stupid enough to attempt to go downtown during that mess. Add to that, these guys are not exactly easy to screen being they just expect you to show up at their hotel with a room number..no thanks.

Touring providers who are already set up in a hotel, and can be "ready" would do much better...same for our agency businesses here. They always do well in these times. I have never bothered even advertising during the weeks of Mardi Gras, Super Bowl, Jazz Fest, etc. because the clients are not really my type of market. They are more the "party crowd," which I have no interest in. I actually met a guy on a SD site who wanted me to be a "tour guide" for his crew, and I declined.

I had a booking this past Friday, and have one later today, but those guys also booked a MONTH in advance. My eros ad got a lot of bs hits from guys at 2 a.m. who can't fkin read, asking "r u available baby."

The only reason for a rate increase would not be because of demand, but because of rising hotel prices. We normally can book a 4 star hotel for about 100 here, but that doubles or even triples during special events. If a lady has an incall, she could keep her rates the same, knowing her costs would not increase. Most of these guys INSIST on Outcalls to them, which I simply don't bother with, so for me, not a good time to try and work. A touring provider could easily raise her rates, as many will do this per city, but a local gal might want to rethink that.
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Old 02-04-2013, 12:13 PM   #4
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I agree with London the guys who are coming for those major events like Superbowl want a provider to come over right now.They are not providing any references/screening info.
I had many requests for appts as many guys who couldn't get to NO for Superbowl vegas is the next best place to be.All of those requests from guys in town for superbowl were very last minute like can you be here in 30min?Or a lot of one liner emails or appt inquiries not addressed to me and no info on who is emailing me.

I do not raise my rates when a special event comes to town especially being in vegas I would be raising and lowering my rates all year as there are many conventions,sporting events,concerts,etc. here.My rates are set does not matter what is in town or even if it is new year's eve.
If a provider is raising her rates when certain events come to her town probably not going to be that good for repeat business.
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Old 02-04-2013, 01:05 PM   #5
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Ditto with London!

{When I lived there,I would not even work during BIG events...I was in garden district and most roads were blocked due to parades}

BUT as for rates---mine will stay the same no matter what...I do not raise them when I travel...I am comfortable with where I am at in donation range
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Old 02-04-2013, 01:42 PM   #6
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When I lived in Tampa, I had to stop working during Super Bowl because the stings were so bad.
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Old 02-04-2013, 10:03 PM   #7
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Yes Fallon, that is a VERY important aspect! London and the other ladies are spot on!
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Old 02-05-2013, 10:54 PM   #8
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Heh, I usually don't post adds and stay inside during big events. Can't stand the extra traffic, drunks, or the extra cops everywhere.. Crowds aren't my thing either, so it's a no brainer. I think most of the BP girls and agencies post super low "specials" in hopes of roping lots of unsuspecting tourists so it's a futile point for most girls in the 200+ range. I'll take my king cake, wine, and fornication right here at home for the next one too! :P
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