Originally Posted by luv2luv
I just have to say ... It isn't a top 5 list. It's everybody that posts on pretty much every W&I post that hits the boards. What's the point in that other than trying to artificially inflate your number of posts?
Interesting assumption, but I rarely post on a thread in W&I. When I do, it is typically to post a link with additional information that you guys may find useful. I think a review of my post history would show that probably a 1/3 or more of them include a link, with over half of them adding some sort of intel for the community. Can the OP make a statement like that?
Guess I assumed my posts were of use to the people here. I assure you, there is not a bank big enough to hold the money it would take to convince me to take up the thankless job of a mod.
If the OP was someone that I really thought was important and not just another troll looking to get a rise, I might be offended. At least he posted this nonsense in the forum where it belonged.