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Old 01-18-2013, 04:04 PM   #1
Tatiana M.
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Default Don't believe the hype....do you stereotype?

I recently met a hobbyist off P411. He told me that out of all the providers he met, there were only 2 with nice personalities and I was one of them. He also said that when he meets with providers, he doesn't put too much stock in their personalities, he's grown accustomed to meeting less cheerful ladies. All of these women were off P411 -not backpage.

Oh and speaking of Backpage. that's another stereotype. Backpage, good ol' infamous Backpage. I advertise on BP and I screen, I don't have a pimp, I'm careful, I'm not a scammer and I don't partake in any prohibited subject. My biggest "vice" is a glass of wine once in awhile. So I see lots of men here say they avoid Backpage because it's all bad news. Yet not everyone on there is bad. That's just one example.

Another stereotype: I avoided Eccie like the plague after escorts dot com went down because I figured this site was drama ridden. I was wrong. Yeah theres still sarcasm here and there, (and drama) but for the most part I look forward to chatting with y'all on a regular basis, and I get tons of laughs from you guys, and ladies too. This site is more informative and funny, than drama. And I believe a sense of humor is needed to fully enjoy chatting here, without getting offended.

Anyway, When you meet a provider, what do you expect? Once a hobbyists (a first timer) told me he was surprised that I wasn't "dumb" which put me off a bit, no it pissed me off!! Another guy told me that when he first met me, the first thing he did was look at my arm and not my ass. I was shocked when he said this. I mean, why wouldn't he check out my ass first, right? lol JUST KIDDING. So I asked him why he would examine my arm (half knowing what he was going to say) and his response was "I was looking for marks on your arm, I mean aren't all you ladies on prohibited subject?" I told him NO, and he said he was lucky to find a clean girl. Oh another darn stereotype.

Looking back, I've been thinking about all the times guys have expressed stereotypical remarks and opinions, whether to my face or via email. I even had a guy give me an examination before any fun took place LOL. It's all good. I just went with the flow, he was a first timer and I tend to have more patience with first timers, since everything is so new to them. Plus, I figured there is nothing wrong with taking the necessary precautions to feel safe.

When you had your first time with a provider, what were your assumptions? Do you still have stereotypes of providers? I mean, stereotypes are never gunna go away. Such is life. Have stereotypical beliefs weaned over time, or grown more intense? Do you try to stay away from believing an assumption? Or do you believe in ALL stereotypes to avoid any disappointments? Y'all have your tales of woe. And sometimes it's bothers me to hear how providers have scammed you (yes, I know mostly on Backpage) because it makes the rest of us look bad. Don't let one or two bad apples spoil the tree.

The next time a guy asks to see my arm, I will show him my arm of course, while singing.....


Curious Temptress, Tatiana
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Old 01-18-2013, 05:11 PM   #2
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LOL, u have about 5 topics, that's ok.

Concerning false stereotypes, I expected hookers to dress trashy, would not kiss clients, have STDs.
I have been in public several times with providers, and found them to be well dressed and have manners, many love to kiss. And there hygiene is excellent and seem to be STD-free, I have not caught anything, from daty to bbbj, but I never do bbfs, though have busted a condom once with no problems.

My first time I was very nervous, and called a very pretty girl off backpage for an outcall at my home when everyone was away. I expected her to start with a lapdance and strip tease. It was all sort of awkward but functional. I am fortunate not to have reprocussions because I brought a provider to my house.

I have found many providers to be friendly, and awesome people, in the business and real life.

After trying eccie, p411, I don't use BP much at all. I have found about 1 out of 3 on BP to give bad service, or fail to connect for a call. My time is very valuable to me, and I can tolerate lateness, but not a no-date, or terrible service. I am do not hold it against a provider that does notify of a cancelation even at the last minute.
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Old 01-18-2013, 05:14 PM   #3
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The ladies I see make me feel welcome and their personalities come out. Most are downright funny. Of course its a big ice breaker for them when I undress and they start laughing.
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Old 01-18-2013, 05:19 PM   #4
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I recently met a hobbyist off P411. He told me that out of all the providers he met, there were only 2 with nice personalities and I was one of them. He also said that when he meets with providers, he doesn't put too much stock in their personalities, he's grown accustomed to meeting less cheerful ladies. All of these women were off P411 -not backpage.

Everybody is different but for me anyway personality is important. If I am going to spend an hour or so with a provider I want to enjoy the entire date....activities and "pillow talk"

Oh and speaking of Backpage. that's another stereotype. Backpage, good ol' infamous Backpage. I advertise on BP and I screen, I don't have a pimp, I'm careful, I'm not a scammer and I don't partake in any prohibited subject. My biggest "vice" is a glass of wine once in awhile. So I see lots of men here say they avoid Backpage because it's all bad news. Yet not everyone on there is bad. That's just one example.

Backpage has a well deserved reputation. So many fake pics, bait and switch and providers in the business to support a prohibited subject that for me it wasn't worth the gamble. That doesn't mean everyone that advertises on Backpage is bad news. It is just very hit or miss.

When you had your first time with a provider, what were your assumptions? Do you still have stereotypes of providers? I mean, stereotypes are never gunna go away. Such is life. Have stereotypical beliefs weaned over time, or grown more intense? Do you try to stay away from believing an assumption? Or do you believe in ALL stereotypes to avoid any disappointments? Y'all have your tales of woe. And sometimes it's bothers me to hear how providers have scammed you (yes, I know mostly on Backpage) because it makes the rest of us look bad. Don't let one or two bad apples spoil the tree.

That is why eccie is so useful. Between reading reviews and the posts from verified providers you can have a good idea what to expect before the first meeting and reduce the chance of disappointment.
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Old 01-18-2013, 07:06 PM   #5
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I am perfect for your question i have only been doing this for a little while
when i first started this i thought all providers where big time pigs just fuck me take your money and leave but it is not like that most GOOD providers want to talk to get to know you and see who you are they are ladies at heart they just love sex so why give it away for free when there are plenty who will pay i can go to a door and tell after 10 sec what they are about i have been ripped off but that is on me i will say this ECCIE is a very good place to find real ladies i have never had a bad time this is why i only get providers from here
i just wiah i had the time to travel more so many woman just no time
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Old 01-18-2013, 08:05 PM   #6
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Well I certainly developed a few stereotypes regarding hobbying. I did this for a few years prior to becoming a member of ECCIE so I did this entirely from BP. Most of the BP gals I saw were average at best. Most weren't very friendly and seemed like they really didn't give a damn. Got the run around several times and many of them wanted to rush the session. Seemed like they wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible with little enthusiasm. This didn't bother me too much at that time since I figured it was the norm. Then I joined ECCIE and things improved greatly. I've had a great time with every verified provider on ECCIE I've seen. They've all been friendly and enthusiastic and I never get run around. Far more professional than most of what's on BP. There are some quality providers on BP but you have to sift through all the misleading ads and the rampant use of stolen pics. For the most part BP is a joke. I'm all about GFE and I've gotten that from every ECCIE provider I've seen. Can't say the same for BP. I've had a few very good BP encounters but for the most part they have been rushed, mechanical and little or no enthusiasm. My experience with every ECCIE provider I've seen has been terrific. The ECCIE ladies are far more professional than much of what's on BP.
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Old 01-18-2013, 09:45 PM   #7
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Oh today a Gent walks in and goes "Wow that's a lot of books, I didn't know providers read". I laughed and said "WTF? " he said he's never seen a book at a providers house before. His next comments went to how I'm the only one without kids or toys all over. I guess some stereotypes come from only ever experiencing something one way.
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Old 01-18-2013, 10:55 PM   #8
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My first time I had a girl from an upstart agency come to my room. She was also kinda new so it couldn't have been a more ideal situation. Took me about a half a second to pop. I didn't even know what gfe was at the time, but she was full gfe.
There are some highly educated, normal, yet sexually deviant providers out there; and I mean that in the most complimentary way.
I have wavered on BP and sworn off it more than once, but honestly most of my experiences have been, well . . . not bad. I use it selectively. Around here that's the way to go I think. In the cities you can just call an agency and be in the door sometimes within an hour or two. BP is the only way to accomplish that here.
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Old 01-19-2013, 08:07 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tatiana M. View Post
When you meet a provider, what do you expect? Once a hobbyist (a first timer) told me he was surprised that I wasn't "dumb" which put me off a bit, no it pissed me off!! Another guy told me that when he first met me, the first thing he did was look at my arm and not my ass. I was shocked when he said this. I mean, why wouldn't he check out my ass first, right? lol JUST KIDDING. So I asked him why he would examine my arm (half knowing what he was going to say) and his response was "I was looking for marks on your arm, I mean aren't all you ladies on prohibited subject?" I told him NO, and he said he was lucky to find a clean girl. Oh another darn stereotype.
Don't disbelieve the stereotypes. Whether its at work, a bar, backpage, and/or here.

When the door opens and I meet someone the first time, I know it is a random crapshoot. Even with eccie providers, it is still a crapshoot, it is just less random.

You've presented a picture where you have your shix together. Not knowing you, I don't know if this threAD is marketing hype or completely genuine or something else. A great many years ago, I romanticized the hobby industry thinking that large numbers were women comfortable with sex, competent with self-employment, and were providing a service not wholly unlike a nurse tending to a patient's needs.

Even if that describes you Tatiana, I've seen too many women market themselves this way that were truly despicable people. Alternatively, I've lucked out and gotten to know some decent women who are just fine examples of the best in hedonism.

If you are the latter, thank you. You provide a needed service.
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Old 01-19-2013, 08:41 AM   #10
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That entire threAD thing is a stereotype.I mean honestly as a provider anything and everything you do on a board is technically an ad if you want to look at it that way. I can post a pic of my toes and ask an honest question about Polish or natural? And that will make someone twitch in their pants. I could be the sweetest person ever and talk about the volunteer work I do and that will appeal to someone else. I can even defend myself and get into a fight to get Domme dates, someone from Roch emails me a $50 Amazon giftcard every single time I put the claws out because it turns him on so much. Don't assume everything is a threAD. I have a million questions I want to ask and topics to discuss that I avoid because of this stereotype.
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Old 01-19-2013, 10:35 AM   #11
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Don't be fooled Lexxxy, they are all ads, whether you want them to be or not.
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Old 01-19-2013, 11:40 AM   #12
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The truth is that there have always been and will continue to be "Stereotypes". The only thing that changes that is life experiance. I have had many of my preconceived Predjudices and Stereotypical views altered as I have met and dealt with the people they were about. I have never used Backpage and don't intend to. My first experiance was with a verified Provider. I was a bit nervous at the time. But treated it like a first date situation (that was going straight to the end of night finish). We had a very nice time and I saw her several more times over the Month I was in Town for business.

When I meet a Provider for the first time I take everything at face value. If I don't like what I see or am treated badly by the Provider I don't go back. One of the best experiances I ever had Hobbying was with a Provider that lived in a run down city apartment and was about "average" in the looks department. But she had a great personality and was really good at what she did. One of my worst experiances was with a really hot looking Provider (10+) at an upscale home in the Suburbs. She had the personality of a rock and acted like being there to service me was a chore.
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Old 01-19-2013, 12:06 PM   #13
Tatiana M.
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
That entire threAD thing is a stereotype.I mean honestly as a provider anything and everything you do on a board is technically an ad if you want to look at it that way. I can post a pic of my toes and ask an honest question about Polish or natural? And that will make someone twitch in their pants. I could be the sweetest person ever and talk about the volunteer work I do and that will appeal to someone else. I can even defend myself and get into a fight to get Domme dates, someone from Roch emails me a $50 Amazon giftcard every single time I put the claws out because it turns him on so much. Don't assume everything is a threAD. I have a million questions I want to ask and topics to discuss that I avoid because of this stereotype.
I do receieve PM's from guys thanking me for keeping the boards going, which has encouraged me to post frequently....
I'm genuinely interested in what people think on here. Before I came to Eccie, I had one lady (a provider) to talk to about our thoughs. Now I have a whole group of people to share thoughts, opinions, gripes, etc, and I must admit, it is somewhat addicting. I agree with what your saying Lexxxy, thats another stereotype. Some frequent posters (providers) really do want to hear what others have to say. Take my thead about lobbies. I always assumed guys preferred direct acces rooms, but I learned otherwise from chatting with the crowd here. My point is, I see benefits to chatting and learning, which in turns helps me make guys feel their best.
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Old 01-19-2013, 12:19 PM   #14
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Each of us have our own reason for participating in here, and most of the time we have something interesting to contribute. I hope we can welcome posting by hobbyists and providers alike without questioning their motivation.
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Old 01-19-2013, 01:04 PM   #15
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Everyone stereotypes. It is human nature. Anyone who denies it is delusional.
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