I expect one or more of the following apply to providers who don't respond at all. I don't sweat it as it helps me cull my "to see" list...
1. They are so high volume that they can't reply to everyone. I prefer low volume or very good IOLV (Illusion of low volume).
2. They have such poor TCB skills that they can't keep things under control. As I correlate professionalism with discretion, this makes them higher risk in my book...
3. They are managed and/or soliciting reviews and my no review policy takes me off their list. I'm not big on the High Volume Hottie of the month or the newest Shep Summoned Stripper so this is mutually beneficial.
4. My tendency to prefer same day appointments make me an unattractive client to managed providers, back to back bookers and otherwise mechanical providers.
5. They don't like big fat guys and are too embarrassed to say so. In this case, I'd prefer to know as there's nothing worse than visiting with a provider that does not want to be there.
6. They prefer the type of hobbyists who pay for an hour, finish in 5 minutes and can be rushed out the door and have heard I am more interested in the time than the end goal.
7. They have read my posts and think I'm a cynical smart ass and we wouldn't click.
So, in summation, who gives a sht if they don't reply...