Originally Posted by austxjr
Oh yeah, and 'libtards' and all the rest aren't insults, right?
The righties on the board don't even seem to have to think to be insulting, it is just embedded in the way they deal with anyone who doesn't toe the party line or agree with them on 100% of everything. BTW, most of us 'libtards' who insult you righties just do it to see how far we can incite you to go off the deep end. Others actually don't usually insult anyone at all, ever (I did have a short stint where I was inciting the reactionary right just to see how fun it might be...it was at first, but became tedious).
Go ahead, don't respond to the fact that this was part of the 2012 Texas GOP platform. Not really very much that CAN be said though is there?
Killing unborn children is part of the Democratic platform. So, why are you worried about educating them??