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Old 12-29-2012, 03:50 PM   #1
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Default Time and money

I'm my "fictional" hobby life I have ran across two occasion that make me curious. This is a small curiosity and I would like to make a point for myself but not to be misunderstood for the thoughts of the collective. I would like to outline my questions in an easy to answer format that will remove some or my personal needs behind the questions that I would rather not have addressed and thus allow a more accurate none "acting the job" response,

when a providers phone goes off while I'm in incall prior to the fun stuff I tend to Say , please feel free to answer the phone , I have no issues with it , this is your hobby / job , and I have no issues with you booking appointments prior to the ...,, well fun parts.

It always upsets me when declinded on the offer. I know why we are both in the room. On more than one occasion I have wanted to offer a answering service solution since the 6 missed calls could cover the expense.

delete move on , a ramble I posted instead of an epic review of the event in question.

pm if needed
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Old 12-29-2012, 04:52 PM   #2
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It would have been more polite to answer it yourself and take a message.
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Old 12-29-2012, 05:41 PM   #3
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#1 Its bad manners to answer the phone while in session.

#2 How is the lady supposed to conduct that business while you are in the room?

#3 Probably 90% of the calls, texts, or emails are a waste of time to begin with, so those six calls could go to voicemail and odds are they would not generate any business.
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Old 12-29-2012, 07:05 PM   #4
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The lady should have the client service skills to silence or turn off her phone while in session, thus eliminating any potential guilt you may feel by her missing calls.
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Old 12-29-2012, 07:25 PM   #5
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
#3 Probably 90% of the calls, texts, or emails are a waste of time to begin with, so those six calls could go to voicemail and odds are they would not generate any business.
How do you know that or why would you figure? Personally, the vast majority of calls that I get from clients end up in a session. If my phone were to ring during a session, I would grab it and turn off volume. I usually do it before. It is probably not a client at all but a friend. We providers do have them. If it were a client, I would be doing another call.

I think you guys assume too much about us and most of it is false. There is no way to guess who was calling her or how she conducts her business. You were there, so it is safe to assume she is good enough at booking calls. You are not giving her, or providers in general, enough credit.
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Old 12-29-2012, 07:47 PM   #6
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Experience with the ladies. If you do not have the bs inquiries then you are a lucky lady.
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:37 PM   #7
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Mark of a true professional:when you are with them, you are there only focus. When I meet with a client, I leave the cell in the car unless I know something may be popping with another client. In which case, I let the client know my I need to check my cell.
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:12 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by EroticMorgan View Post
How do you know that or why would you figure? Personally, the vast majority of calls that I get from clients end up in a session. If my phone were to ring during a session, I would grab it and turn off volume. I usually do it before.


I work for myself, I take my phone with me everywhere, even into in calls, My phone is always on Mute, my phone is not a distraction, even though I am always looking for work.

My question to you, is why even respond to the question? I have had a few sessions where the providers phone is having a party (Noises, Chirping, Beeping... etc) that is is an instant distraction, the first chance to get, they look.

If some of us are that conscious, why not be the same? ( and we a are paying for the privilege of your company for an hour.)

This is my ultimate pet peeve, in life since the advent of cell phones............

Your customer, John, Trick or what ever you need to call it, is your customer and the phone, needs to be quiet when you are dealing with that person.

After that.... you are back to business..........

my mini rant is over
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Old 12-30-2012, 04:38 AM   #9
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I responded because I have noticed that a lot of guys making assumptions about us that are unflattering and untrue. I understand that the majority of girls working are inexperienced and have no real concept of professionalism. I also understand that the thinks you guys say are reactions to poor customer service. You are totally entitled to your opinion and you may even be right...

However, I take pride in this job and I find sweeping generalizations personally offensive. There are many providers that take a lot of care and have great customer service. It is quite easy to tell a professional provider from a...less than professional provider. I categorize into Escorts and Hookers and they are distinguishable, for me at least, at first sight. I must add that there are advantages to both types of girl and I have love and respect for every provider.

If you prefer Hookers, do not criticize them for not being Escorts. If something happens during a session that strikes you as odd or curious, maybe you should ask her about it rather than going home and posting whatever conclusion you decide to jump to. Newbies and guests on the site read these things and think you know what you are talking about.

I like to think that my clients respect me and the service I provide and they are seeing me because they are confident I am good at what I do. I do not like to think that when I (or you) open the door, you already have a bunch of negative preconceived notions about me.

I hope I explained myself without offending anyone. It has been a long night of good service and silent ringers. I am off to bed!!
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Old 12-30-2012, 05:25 AM   #10
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EM, why would I, or anyone, be offended by your comments? There were no unflattering generalizations in my post to the ladies. I have seen those things happen. So the unflattering generalizations would be to the fucktards that are not trying to book an appointment but to get his yucks off wasting a lady's time. Or a fucktard who is early to an appointment and is blowing up the lady's phone during my session.

I appreciate when ladies allow me to visit them. The vast majority make their phones invisible and I appreciate them all the more.
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Old 12-30-2012, 07:43 AM   #11
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The answer to your question is in your title, you paid money for her time therefore if should not be spent on anything else but you..It shows complete lack of respect for you if it is left on IMO.

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Old 12-30-2012, 01:13 PM   #12
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Personally, I never use my phone when I'm with a client. I do have some clients who visit and because they only donate for their relax time and stay longer than an hour, I don't consider looking at my phone and answering an occasional text rude. I would do the sane if I was having lunch with a friend.

If you see a provider that goes strictly by the clock - she should never even glance at her phone and you should not hear it going off during your visit.

May I suggest you mention the phone situation with future providers before you book with them? Let them know you have no desire to see a gal who let's her phone interfere in any manner. Why would you? The girls come a dime a dozen...why settle?
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Old 12-30-2012, 06:08 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
EM, why would I, or anyone, be offended by your comments? There were no unflattering generalizations in my post to the ladies. I have seen those things happen. So the unflattering generalizations would be to the fucktards that are not trying to book an appointment but to get his yucks off wasting a lady's time. Or a fucktard who is early to an appointment and is blowing up the lady's phone during my session.

I appreciate when ladies allow me to visit them. The vast majority make their phones invisible and I appreciate them all the more.
pyramider, i think this thread is getting too serious, where's the taint??
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Old 12-30-2012, 06:20 PM   #14
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please keep in mind , the visit was a very very good time for myself. Thank you for the comments on the topic. I was curious tizz all.
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Old 12-30-2012, 06:53 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by fletch View Post
pyramider, i think this thread is getting too serious, where's the taint??
I stand corrected ... tickling taint makes the phone issues go away. Posting taint make fucktards understand why others are calling continuously.
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