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Old 12-28-2012, 09:14 PM   #16
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Well said, although I would rather not see it so heavily regulated, I like the idea of indies for example or mom and pops. Shoot we might just end up with chain brothels before it is all over. :P
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Old 12-29-2012, 05:35 AM   #17
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Legalization will not happen in any of our lifetimes.
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Old 12-29-2012, 06:09 AM   #18
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I think what would work would be decriminalization, like what is being done with pot in some states, ie- it's still technically illegal, but the authorities have all but said they will not prosecute. The only thing that would get you prosecuted would be a gross exhibition flaunting the abuse of the law, like blazing up at city hall or in this case having a live televised and advertised P4P gangbang at the Irving library.

I think if most of us were honest about it, part of the magic and turn on is the mystery and slight risk involved in the hobby. If it were to become legal, yes it would be a lot easier, but it then might also become boring....
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Old 12-29-2012, 07:05 AM   #19
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Always an interesting topic. According to a google search, advocates include Ron Paul (but he's retiring) and the United Nations. I couldn't find any particular group that is lobbying the Texas legislature, but I suspect there are one or more. Of course its legal in 11 counties in Nevada and in Canada with restrictions. An interesting article claimed that "indoor" prostitution is legal in Rhode Island due to a loophole and they can't get enough votes to close the loophole.
Other articles claim that the TX legislature is reconsidering sending convicted prostitutes to prison as a money saving step. And at least a small step in the right direction in my opinion.
Let us know if you find an advocacy group worth supporting. But be aware that the reactionaries will claim that such a group supports child prostitution and human trafficing.
Be careful out there.
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:13 AM   #20
Kaci Snow
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Default I have done it legally

I have done this legally at the bunny ranch in Carson city NV. If things are legalized then it would be just like it is there.

You would have to work in a regulated brothal . What this means is that you rent a room at the brothal, you pay out half of EVER call and if a client brings you a gift you must pay the house half of what the gift cost and if you can't do that then you are forced to sell that gift to pay the house half of what it cost or risk law suite. Your photoed and fingerprinted and issued a license from the local sheriffs department in order to work. You are std tested once a week by law ( I think that's a good thing) there is no gfe/pse as we know it. So say goodbye to all Bbbj action. You are also required to have a panic button in each room I case something happens, also when the gents time is up they come in on a speaker in your room to tell you that your time is up or the gent needs to pony up more cash.
There is also a 3 ring notebook that is nothing but rules and regulations. Your allowed to speak to a gent for no longer than 15min unless he will be taking you to your room.

There's a lot to consider when wanting to legalize our business.

Also just to add all of the fees that go with the licenses and the room rental and the std testing all falls on the shoulders of the provider not the place they work.
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:42 AM   #21
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Thanks for the first hand report Kaci, and you're right, that doesn't sound like much fun for the client or provider.
Upon further research I see that Rhode Island closed their loop hole concerning indoor prostituion. Incidently, many of the countries where prostituion is legal (inlcuding Mexico, Canada and the U.K.) have outlawed brothels and pimping. This website provides some international info: http://prostitution.procon.org/view....ourceID=000772
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:51 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Kaci Snow View Post
I have done this legally at the bunny ranch in Carson city NV. If things are legalized then it would be just like it is there.

You would have to work in a regulated brothal . What this means is that you rent a room at the brothal, you pay out half of EVER call and if a client brings you a gift you must pay the house half of what the gift cost and if you can't do that then you are forced to sell that gift to pay the house half of what it cost or risk law suite. Your photoed and fingerprinted and issued a license from the local sheriffs department in order to work. You are std tested once a week by law ( I think that's a good thing) there is no gfe/pse as we know it. So say goodbye to all Bbbj action. You are also required to have a panic button in each room I case something happens, also when the gents time is up they come in on a speaker in your room to tell you that your time is up or the gent needs to pony up more cash.
There is also a 3 ring notebook that is nothing but rules and regulations. Your allowed to speak to a gent for no longer than 15min unless he will be taking you to your room.

There's a lot to consider when wanting to legalize our business.

Also just to add all of the fees that go with the licenses and the room rental and the std testing all falls on the shoulders of the provider not the place they work.
Damn Bureaucrats, get them involved in anything and you change
bad to worse. Reason #152 why I hate big government so much.
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:38 AM   #23
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There is very little differnece between the hobby and some civilian guy helping his girlfriend with her bills. What happens depends on how much time you spend with someone. Anything is possible.
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:46 AM   #24
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Kaci is right, going to a "legal" brothel is about as much fun as getting your car washed. In Australia its legal and so damn un-sexy its pathetic.

Dallas is hobby heaven, it might take you a little while to "get in the know" but for service and cost it cannot be beat. Other countries like Thailand and Costa Rica are fun too but in the long run give me DFW.

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Old 12-29-2012, 10:33 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Kaci Snow View Post
I have done this legally at the bunny ranch in Carson city NV. If things are legalized then it would be just like it is there.

You would have to work in a regulated brothal . What this means is that you rent a room at the brothal, you pay out half of EVER call and if a client brings you a gift you must pay the house half of what the gift cost and if you can't do that then you are forced to sell that gift to pay the house half of what it cost or risk law suite. Your photoed and fingerprinted and issued a license from the local sheriffs department in order to work. You are std tested once a week by law ( I think that's a good thing) there is no gfe/pse as we know it. So say goodbye to all Bbbj action. You are also required to have a panic button in each room I case something happens, also when the gents time is up they come in on a speaker in your room to tell you that your time is up or the gent needs to pony up more cash.
There is also a 3 ring notebook that is nothing but rules and regulations. Your allowed to speak to a gent for no longer than 15min unless he will be taking you to your room.

There's a lot to consider when wanting to legalize our business.

Also just to add all of the fees that go with the licenses and the room rental and the std testing all falls on the shoulders of the provider not the place they work.
I understand this, but why do we seem to always assume we will automatically end up at this level of regulation?

How do we know we can't pull off at least decriminalizing it and that's it? I am not too fond of the Nevada system either although it is beautiful for preventing diseases. The problem really bugs me that it is excessively hard to have indy talent or small mom and pops.

On the flip side, we all shouldn't be concerned with LE. We could work toward decriminalizing it, even if we talked legislators into removing the 3 strikes system for non violent or non grand theft offenses that would be a huge start in at least making it safer. If we could get rid of stings/raids that would be so much better also.
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:03 AM   #26
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That's informative Kaci, I remember going to a legal place in Nevada once. I guess more for the novelty than anything else. Just to say I had seen it. A lady I was talking to told me that when she was at that location, she was not allowed to leave. The facility had food she could purchase and about the only time she could leave was for doctor visits for testing. She said that if anyone asked her what gift she liked it was usually something like food that she was not able to get when she left since she had to eat what the facility served. At that time I had a hard time believing it. But come to find out it was true.

I would figure it's an unspoken thing in DFW that it's let go and not on the top priority of LE. And the only time they really deal with it is if it is too visible and/or there are too many complaints from neighborhoods or officials. They aren't dumb. But some however are lazy. So I think unspoken decriminalization is already going on to an extent. I mean they can drive around and see all the places and traffic going in and out if they were that worried about it. Now that's not to say that you won't get in trouble if you are caught. They just don't go out of their way to catch you like they could. That's just an opinion though.
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:56 AM   #27
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kaci, that gets my vote for post of the year!
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Old 12-29-2012, 01:48 PM   #28
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Actually, I have been wondering about this for some time. I suggest that what I do in the privacy of my home is my business as long as no minors are involved, no illegal substances or firearms are present and we have not conspired to overthrow the government. I also suggest that what a lady does in the privacy of her home, apartment or motel room (given the additional constraints put on by the owner - aka maximum occupancy, noise, damage to the furnishings, etc...) is her business. I also suggest that private mail (paper or electronic) between two adults is solely the business of those two individuals. Prostitution involves public solicitation, once removed from the public (the streetcorner, the brothel, etc...) what happens between consenting adults is hardly subject to government regulation.
Or am I just living in a dream world? I believe, were he alive, Benjamin Franklin would offer polite applause for my remarks.
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Old 12-29-2012, 01:58 PM   #29
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If you decriminalize our little world then there will be some regulations just like there was when they decriminalized marijunia.

I'm sure for some it would be a great thing because they would not have to worry about LE, but you must think of all that goes with it. I like being under the raider some what.
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:08 PM   #30
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Okay well legalizing it and effectively decriminalizing it are two different things. It would probably be nice to get rid of the three strikes rule, make it unbelievably hard for cops to raid or sting if not impossible altogether which would be awesome and lowering the penalties of being caught to a tiny slap on the wrist no matter what.

I think we could work on the penalties and methods they employ to go after hobbyists and providers and that could effectively allow people to go on about their business without their lives potentially being destroyed.

In Japan providing is illegal if it is FS but there is no penalty whatsoever for the crime. Clever.
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