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Old 12-27-2012, 11:42 AM   #31
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oooh, little miss, how i wish! i'd love to see you in boots and daisy dukes!
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Old 12-27-2012, 11:48 AM   #32
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You ever stop to think that maybe she DOESN'T wanna give you an OK? Maybe this is her polite way of not giving you a "NOT OK". Push the issue and she may fuck up your shit.
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:15 PM   #33
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Just because you thought things went well, doesn't mean she did.

If she doesn't want to give you a "ok" then that is her choice.

If you give her a no review based on that and a provider checks your history, she most likely will not see you.

And I'm willing to bet, a whole bunch of hobbyist might be questioning how honest your reviews are now since you showed this side to them.
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:34 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by LittleMiss View Post
Well hell, I'll bring my cowgirl boots, and I'll give you an Okay every single day. And I'll screw you too! ;D

John, as much as I hate to share my Hobby-Wife, I'd have to recommend the CGE (CowGirl Experience)! She's a P411-whiz, too!
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:36 PM   #35
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It's also possible she doesn't know HOW to give an OK.

Two ladies I saw and had a great time with had not given a requested OK. One asked me later on when we were going to get together again. Told her I hadn't asked again because I thought NO OK=SHE NO WANNA SEE ME. Turns out she just didn't know which buttons to clickie on.

The other lady had the request go into her junk folder. She finally cleared her junk mail several months later and gave the OK.
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:43 PM   #36
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I'm pretty sure that Gina has commented on this sort of issue before but I am way too busy to try and find out if it was on here or ASPD.

I'll try and remember the gist of what Gina said, hopefully if I am wrong on this, she will correct me.

Providers join and use P411 for free and the only cost would be if they choose to upgrade their listings to make them more visible and displayed on the first pages.

BUT the does not mean they don't have some things they need to do.
Things like giving OKs are an essential part of the process for the screening service and if providers are not doing their job of giving them out unless there is some reason, pretty sure Gina posted the provider may lose their access to the site.

And the reason Gina does require the providers to do so (respond to an OK request) is that IF there is a client the provider feels does not "deserve" the OK, said provider BETTER let P411 know ASAP so that a client on P411 who may have issues can be checked by P411 and possibly booted from the screening service.

P411 is a basic tool but does require both sides to use it and use it correctly.

Clients should book appointments through P411 so that if there are any issues with the provider, there is the request for checking and the same is true for the providers who demand P411 be used of clients and those providers should demand a request be sent through P411 so that they can't whine and bitch about being cancelled or clients not calling or showing up.

Clients who are sending appointment request via P411 will be less likely to cancel because I'm pretty sure that if a client shows a habit of not showing up he'd lose his account.

So bottom line? Those who claim providers do not have to give an OK might just want to check with Gina about that because I'm pretty sure they are unless there is a very good reason which had better be given to Gina.
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:46 PM   #37
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What LL just posted is basically how I remember reading it too, but I can't remember if it was Gina or not who specifically said all that.

The only reason I can think of for a provider to NOT give an OK but not report the guy as scary is something like mentioned above, mail going to a spam folder or simply not knowing how. Intentionally holding back an OK but not saying anything to the folks at P411 about the guy pretty much breaks the system to my way of thinking.
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Old 12-27-2012, 01:19 PM   #38
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LL is correct.

Provider accounts on P411 are totally free, but the providers are expected to respond to all P411 Requests. If a client was "okay" (meaning he was no more trouble than your average, every day, pain in the butt, client) yes he does deserve your Okay. You are obligated, by having a listing on P411, to give the clients who are okay an Okay.

However, if there was a real issue with the client, the provider should let us know asap.... so we can make some notes at the very least, and perhaps even take things further, depending on the circumstances.

If a provider declines to give an Okay and gives us a real reason, we do not go running back to the client with the he said - she said. So if you don't get an Okay from a provider, feel free to bring it to my attention, but if you don't get the Okay after that, it's probably best to just move on. It is likely something quite minor, so don't worry about it too much.

So while providers are expected to give clients who are okay an Okay, that decision is not the client's to make. Regardless, you can be certain that the providers who like to play silly games with their Okays are soon brought to light and eventually have it made very clear that I won't put up with it.

So please let me know if you come across a provider who seems not to be giving the okay for no apparent reason. Maybe she needs help (which we are happy to provide), maybe she thought you were stinky or rude, or maybe she is playing games like: I only give an Okay if you write a review, or I only give an Okay if you tip, or see me twice, or whatever. Which is not permitted under any circumstances.

Regardless, we are happy to help!

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Old 12-27-2012, 02:17 PM   #39
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I agree with Spikebaby (and others)....

There is a true GLITCH in the P411 System regarding this "Okay" system.

Just because a Provider gives you an "okay" means simply that she has spent "time" with you.

For example: Yes, I gave (so and so) an "okay" on P411 because we visited.
Does this mean that I would allow him to visit again?? Not necessarily.
For what-ever reason: we didn't click, he was too mechanical, bad attitude, he shat on my bed, etc etc...there could be a million different reasons, but no one would know it with just the "Okay" that I gave on P411.

Not unless the Provider actually contacts me (for a reference on him). At that time, I would simply say "Yes I saw him, but No I would not see him again".

the guys get to have that on their reviews, but where do the Providers get to have that on P411? I think it is a very important factor when screening a new client. I would want to know.
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Old 12-27-2012, 02:35 PM   #40
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For what-ever reason: we didn't click, he was too mechanical, bad attitude, he shat on my bed, etc etc...there could be a million different reasons, but no one would know it with just the "Okay" that I gave on P411.
In my opinion, if a client was "okay" enough to get an Okay (no more trouble than your average pain in the ass client), he is entitled to privacy and discretion. I realize not every provider gets that concept, but for me it's beyond irresponsible to be sharing private details of a session outside of what might present a safety issue to another provider.

Do we really think that providers should be blabbing about the accident a client had on her sheets? Or about how terrible he is in bed, or how small his penis is? And do any of these details REALLY matter?

As far as I'm concerned, if a client is Okay, then that's all anyone needs to know. If a providers want to have a gossip fest about all the other little details, then she can go for it but I absolutely will not endorse the practice.

Also, if a provider is giving Okays to client who are not okay, then She is the problem.... not the P411 system.

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Old 12-27-2012, 03:30 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by YOLO View Post
You ever stop to think that maybe she DOESN'T wanna give you an OK? Maybe this is her polite way of not giving you a "NOT OK". Push the issue and she may fuck up your shit.
Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick View Post
Just because you thought things went well, doesn't mean she did.

If she doesn't want to give you a "ok" then that is her choice.

If you give her a no review based on that and a provider checks your history, she most likely will not see you.

And I'm willing to bet, a whole bunch of hobbyist might be questioning how honest your reviews are now since you showed this side to them.
awesomeness. thank you, gina, for giving your point of view. i have to think that if a thread warrants your time, then it's a worthwhile conversation.

as to the above...my view is this: i pay for p411 in order to realize certain benefits, the main one being a safer, higher quality escort experience. the okay system is part of that. if she's a p411 user and so am i, then there's a de facto standard in place. i'm not stinky, or rude, or gross, and i'm always a gentleman. i don't ask stupid questions or do stupid shit. it's not a stretch to say i expect an ok. as gina said, i'm certainly no more of a pain in the ass than average, so her not WANTING to ok me isn't cool if that's the case, and i'm not assuming it is.

as to me having now shown a certain side...read again. i never said i was going to give her a no, i simply said it was tempting. all that means is i briefly considered it. i just as quickly dropped it, but i wanted to start a conversation, so i put it out there. it worked!

if i were going to write a review, which i'm not, i'd say i never got an ok, but i'd still give her the yes. i understand that a "no" review is a serious deal and i honestly hope to never need to do it.
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Old 12-27-2012, 05:23 PM   #42
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To the OP. I would agree that sending her a second request might be best. Sometimes my OKay request go to my spam box and if she is anything like i never check my spam box. i would also suggest send her an email through your hobby email to remind her that you sent a request. That works for me when i forget to do it or it goes to spam. If she still doesn't reply then maybe contact Gina.

I do agree that the fact that a "NO" review would be a good thing on your end. If you had a great time with the girl let your review reflect that. That just poor judgment on your part and does show us potentially girls to see that you could be spiteful person and that is not a good look.

MY .02
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Old 12-27-2012, 09:25 PM   #43
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again...i contacted her 3 times. i am not writing a review at all.
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Old 12-28-2012, 04:35 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
i am not writing a review at all.
Why not?
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Old 12-28-2012, 07:29 PM   #45
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I dont kn ow why she wouldnt wanna give an :OK: it is worth like $5 on p411 to post ads and gif pics ... i love giving okays, but i heard some people are deleting okays or not giving them because they have too many ok's already.... Ya know they dont wanna be associated with the "too many ok's" thing....
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