I have been thinking on choosing one I can actually achieve.
Exercise - yea right
Diet Cokes - actually quite so doctor would stop telling how bad they are for me.
The Hobby - WHY!
Heatlhy foods - working on it, but probably should not be a NY resolution.
Alcohol - hard to quite something you don't do very much anyway.
Chicken Fried Steaks (not a health food) - impossible to quite. Kinda like sex.
Choclate - not much of a sweet eater - so my new choclate is DATY has to be heathlier and a lot more fun.
So I have decided.
I have some special friends (some on Eccie I have meet over my life) that I can depend on. The ones that don't need to ask why. I am going to be a better friend back to them.
I think lately I have got the idea it is all about ME. When actually it is not about ME.
Thanks to my new friends on ECCIE!!
Hope the new year is good to you.

Man I love movie popcorn.