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Old 12-02-2012, 07:58 AM   #16
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WOW unbelievable You say you have given what you could with out "going under" your self um You said your kid is there...If it was me I would be like F myself if I go under My childs wellbeing would be my first concern...do you not have anything you could sell? pawn or whatever?
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Old 12-02-2012, 01:39 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by giasanto38dd View Post
WOW unbelievable You say you have given what you could with out "going under" your self um You said your kid is there...If it was me I would be like F myself if I go under My childs wellbeing would be my first concern...do you not have anything you could sell? pawn or whatever?

^ This ^

Also you dont want to get cps involved. wtf. foster care is the worst place your kids could go if yall really are good parents and just in a financial bind. Good luck to you babylee.
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Old 12-11-2012, 06:51 PM   #18
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Just an fyi. They are still without electricity. The first cold night was last night. My ex tried to put something on the bill but they wont accept anything but all of it. My son asked me not to get him anything for christmas, but to just get elect. turned on...im devistated. I offered to let them stay with me...he wont go for it...i told him to get a hotel or something...shot that down too..I dont know what to do..

Comments about my parenting skills are not what warranted, to those with nasty comments please keep them to yourself.
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Old 12-12-2012, 07:41 PM   #19
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You mean to tell me in 2 weeks you haven't had 5 appointments that you could spare to pay this off?

As an adult you are responsible to REPORT the situation of children if there are obvious signs of neglect or danger.

As a mom, you should have done this along time ago. IMO.

Everyone gave you a TON of amazing advice, and I am sure that one or more people here have a hard on for helping a girl in need and have wanted to fix this.

Do what it takes.
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Old 12-12-2012, 08:22 PM   #20
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Has he not called 211?

Texas has social safety net programs that can support children and unemployed families. TANF, or Texas Assistance for Needy Families has a $1000 emergency support program. Yes, you have to qualify but frankly if they don't qualify it is likely because they have assets to sell that could resolve the situation.

They offer SNAP (foodstamps) assistance as well.

Like I said, he needs to swallow his pride and make the damn phone call. And if he doesn't, you should. Frankly, posting here that they have gone without for that amount of time and not exercising these options is bullshit. Sorry, tough fucking love. If kids are involved, use every resource available.
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Old 12-12-2012, 09:18 PM   #21
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As an adult you are responsible to REPORT the situation of children if there are obvious signs of neglect or danger.
How is being down on your luck grounds to call child protective services? Do you have any idea wtf you're talking about? Statistics show that up to 60 percent of children are unfairly taken into state's custody. You wanna talk about neglect? Do you have any idea what kind of environment state operated facilities and foster homes provide? CPS should only be involved in severe cases. The frame of reference from which the authority is carried out is often granted to anyone with a semi-clean record and moderate competence level. The turn over rate for a CPS investigator is over 40%, and for good reason.
Most of these poor kids would trade a month without lights to be back with their parents and away from the hell hole the state generously provides.
I personally know Babylee. She has many mouths to feed right now. Of course, the type of person that would make a comment like the one I quoted above wouldn't take the time to find that out. Humiliating and belittling for a false sense of superiority seems to be repeated MO for some people.
I'll end by saying this: Her son happens to be a very good kid as far as teenagers go. This thread shows humility on her part (something some people obviously know nothing about) and a desire to provide for her son no matter what some people might think.
Frankly, I avoid people that continuously spreading negativity in the hobby by casting judgment and advise given out of ignorance. That shows a lack of couth and class.

By the way ECCIE, Bangs is Back!
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Old 12-12-2012, 09:53 PM   #22
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A couple things:
1: It's not your problem; it HIS problem. The kids will survive. Let it go. You've offered help & suggestions and he hasn't taken action. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
2. Both he and the new wife have family. If they haven't offered help, maybe there's a good reason. If he hasn't accepted help, that's his problem.
3: We have rehab for drugs & alcohol. Sadly, there's no rehab for pride & stupidity. When he gets cold enough, or the new wife complains loudly enough, he'll take action.
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Old 12-12-2012, 10:26 PM   #23
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All good points and great advise has been given, Its up to Babylee and the dad to get busy to solve the problem.

~Ze~ put it the best "Do what it takes" goes for all 3 parents.
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Old 12-12-2012, 11:07 PM   #24
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When kids are in the picture such as this it is the responsibility of the adults to provide fro them...After all this time that has past the kids should not be going through what is being plubished....
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Old 12-13-2012, 12:22 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Bristol Bangs View Post
Do you have any idea wtf you're talking about?
Why, yes, I do. More so than most.

Originally Posted by Bristol Bangs View Post
Humiliating and belittling for a false sense of superiority seems to be repeated MO for some people.
How is telling her to put on her big girl panties either of those? Daring to tell someone to stand on their own two feet? A hooker with a 200 an hour rate? Seriously. All she needs to do is work harder. Be willing to do whatever it takes to get out of this situation.

Originally Posted by Bristol Bangs View Post
Frankly, I avoid people that continuously spreading negativity in the hobby by casting judgment and advise given out of ignorance. That shows a lack of couth and class.
Trust that nothing I suggested on this topic has been said out of ignorance. I think that a person begging when they have the means and knowledge to help themselves and won't.... shows a lack of couth and class.

Are we giving a helping hand or are we giving a hand out?

If the legal guardian of a child or children is not willing to get them out of a dangerous situation, you DO need to report it.
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Old 12-13-2012, 01:43 PM   #26
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Have you taken others' advice and dropped your prices for a limited time to raise some extra money? You certainly appear attractive and if you ran some incredible deal, needed funds could be quickly raised. I'd even get into the holiday spirit and help the cause! Make us horny bastards an offer we can't pass up. Good luck!

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Old 12-13-2012, 06:01 PM   #27
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ya know babylee has asked for help or knoledge on a problem she is having. her kids are there an as a mom she's trying to help her kids an sounds like she's doing what she can. she is a provider but don't think she's a pin coushion. if you know of a program or a way she could help her kids then say so. yall ack like she's the bad one for coming an asking for some help when she's in need. good luck babylee if i could i would help ya out. i would just give ya some money but im straped kinda tight right now
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Old 12-14-2012, 07:38 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bristol Bangs View Post
How is being down on your luck grounds to call child protective services?
When it involves the safety and health of children who are not old enough to name these decisions for themselves.
Do you have any idea wtf you're talking about?

Abso fuckin lutely I do.

Statistics show that up to 60 percent of children are unfairly taken into state's custody.
Where did ya come up with that number?

You wanna talk about neglect? Do you have any idea what kind of environment state operated facilities and foster homes provide?
Abso fuckin lutely I do.

CPS should only be involved in severe cases. The frame of reference from which the authority is carried out is often granted to anyone with a semi-clean record and moderate competence level. The turn over rate for a CPS investigator is over 40%, and for good reason.
They should be involved in any case where neglect or abuse is reported. I do agree though that guidelines should be stricter before removing children from their home.

Most of these poor kids would trade a month without lights to be back with their parents and away from the hell hole the state generously provides.
And some of us thank God every day that there was a place to go to flee the hell hole some called our home.

I personally know Babylee. She has many mouths to feed right now. Of course, the type of person that would make a comment like the one I quoted above wouldn't take the time to find that out. Humiliating and belittling for a false sense of superiority seems to be repeated MO for some people.
I have seen many here giving great advice as to where to find the help she needs. Maybe it's time we hear what she has done in those two weeks to help herself.

I'll end by saying this: Her son happens to be a very good kid as far as teenagers go. This thread shows humility on her part (something some people obviously know nothing about) and a desire to provide for her son no matter what some people might think.
Frankly, I avoid people that continuously spreading negativity in the hobby by casting judgment and advise given out of ignorance. That shows a lack of couth and class.
And you have shown plenty of negativity in this rant.

By the way ECCIE, Bangs is Back!
Babylee it's time to force him to stand on his own two feet. If between you, him, and his wife, you still can't pay the bill, someone isn't doing all they can. Is he working yet? Walmart, McDonalds, and all temp agencies hire all the time. Beneath his dignity to flip a burger for his family? Stomp a mud hole in his ass.
Is she working? What are they doing?
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Old 12-19-2012, 11:33 PM   #29
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you always did have a good head on your shoulders
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Old 12-20-2012, 07:50 AM   #30
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OK - some of these remarks are just stupid. Be a realist.

Overall - you indicated that he had a new job and waiting on paycheck to come in, just keep diggin' your way out. Pay the rent/or mortgage and keep a roof. There is light at the end of the tunnel if he already has a job, so things aren't bleak, but certainly uncomfortable.

If you have regular clients - give them buy 1 hour get 2nd hour for 1/2 off - that brings down your expenses as well and would prompt some cash you would not have otherwise received. Do a special offer of some sort.....Look at the ISO for special requests that you may normally not have on the menu.

And no, don't dig yourself in a hole you can't get out of - always put the oxygen mask over yourself or you are no help to others.

A bit of perspective: (and this is only a reminder that things are tough, but not devastating) People went for at least 10 or 12 years without electricity - Crap, Wait, that was me as a kid. It hasn't even been cold yet. Not that this isn't important, sure it is, but a bit of perspective here - blankets and a fireplace and a rough couple of nights. Hang blankets in doorways to enclose the room with the fireplace and hold the heat in. Only start fire if weather drops below 40 degree to conserve the wood. Not ideal, but push through - kids are remarkably elastic.

And on a side note: WTF are you people bashing her for asking for ideas and/or help - cause if your too proud to ask for help, you have obviously never been in need. What a bunch of inconsiderate a-holes.
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