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12-15-2012, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by joe bloe
I'm worse, because I honestly believe the positions I take? So it would be better if I was lying about my beliefs? I know it's getting late, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't make any sense. Most people think integrity is a good thing, as in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
LovingKayla said she thought the government or UN was behind these shootings. It was her facts to back that up, just a belief. Should she have stated her belief? Was that smart? Or should she just state those beliefs to numbnuts like you and JD? People with similiar beliefs?
Let me tell you something joe, actions speak louder than any belief. You get cancer, you go to the Doctor, you pray. . If you had to choose between the Doctor or the Lord...99% of people that say they believe in God would be siiting at MD Anderson waiting to see a Doctor, not in a Pew waiting to speak with the Lord.
What you do is lie to yourself about your actionable beliefs. Just do not expect me to believe it. Your actions will show you to be a liar. For example, you said you believed Romney was going to win but when action was proposed, like a bet with real $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, your action, or inaction exposed how little faith you had in your belief.
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12-15-2012, 01:29 AM
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12-15-2012, 02:22 AM
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Obama is a politician and I look at every politician with a jaundiced eye. I don't know if he was affected and neither does anyone here. I will only go so far as saying he acted like he was affected and he said the words very well. Sincerity??? I have to see some action and not words first. Of course you're expecting this but where was that sincerity for the Mexian children killed at a house party with weapons sent across the border by the DOJ. Where were the tears for an ambassador whom Obama knew when he was killed in Benghazi? Did we get a speech when 28 people were killed in Chicago in one weekend? What did we get when 13 people were killed and 28 others wounded at Fort Hood? A shoutout to some guy in the crowd!!! You may think Obama was really moved but he has demonstrated that capacity until today so color me sceptical.
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12-15-2012, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by fetishfreak
Which is exactly what I expected you to say. My point was that Reagan did not write that speech either he read it as well. That speech was written by Peggy Noonan. You have just exposed yourself as a hypocrite. I do not think Obama is a great man or a great President. I am not that high on Reagan either. However, I am man enough to give credit where it is due. You continue to attack Obama for doing the exact same thing that Reagan did, yet you credit Reagan.
In the end both of them did nothing more than give a speech. A speech that was intended to provide some confort to a nation of people who were grieving over a tragedy. Some may find comfort in what was spoken by Obama, none will find comfort in what you have done. Your words are not truth, your words were an opinion.
I know that you will be unable to see it. You are unable to understand a world outside of your own bias. That is a flaw that you must live with. Others who read this will understand my meaning and see my point. Perhaps when as you grow, you to will understand. There is always hope.
This post deserves to be on the short list of best post's ever for this forum! Thank you FF, very well said!
Prior to today, I only thought Joe the Bloehard and Whirly were pathetic individuals. They have now confirmed my original belief!
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12-15-2012, 07:22 AM
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama is a politician and I look at every politician with a jaundiced eye. I don't know if he was affected and neither does anyone here. I will only go so far as saying he acted like he was affected and he said the words very well. Sincerity??? I have to see some action and not words first. Of course you're expecting this but where was that sincerity for the Mexian children killed at a house party with weapons sent across the border by the DOJ. Where were the tears for an ambassador whom Obama knew when he was killed in Benghazi? Did we get a speech when 28 people were killed in Chicago in one weekend? What did we get when 13 people were killed and 28 others wounded at Fort Hood? A shoutout to some guy in the crowd!!! You may think Obama was really moved but he has demonstrated that capacity until today so color me sceptical.
That's my reaction too. Of course it's appropriate for Obama to make a statement expressing sympathy for the family and to try to comfort the nation. It just sickens me that Obama may be able to exploit this tragedy to improve his approval numbers and facilitate his continued destruction of the country.
I'm not buying the notion that Obama is broken hearted over the shootings. This guy supports killing newborns. He is an evil son of a bitch.
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12-15-2012, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh how the masses worshiped their Fuher (a man who didn't need/use a teleprompter):
Obama is the quintessential demagogue. He's just using the Newton shootings to make himself appear more likeable. He's playing the comforting father role to a grieving nation. He'll probably get a five point bump in his job approval rating. Axelrod is probably doing a flash poll right now.
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12-15-2012, 07:37 AM
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Yep.....a made for TV event !
I see ALL the news networks are rushing to Newton to get in on the "grieving" process.
Heck, ABC is running 15-second "Newton Tragedy" promos during commercial breaks....
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12-15-2012, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by joe bloe
I'm not buying the notion that Obama is broken hearted over the shootings. This guy supports killing newborns. He is an evil son of a bitch.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yep.....a made for TV event !
I see ALL the news networks are rushing to Newton to get in on the "grieving" process.
Heck, ABC is running 15-second "Newton Tragedy" promos during commercial breaks....
Joe the Bloehard, if it "is an evil son of a bitch" that you are searching for, you can locate them both in the quoted portions of this post.
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12-15-2012, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by bigtex
Joe the Bloehard, if it "is an evil son of a bitch" that you are searching for, you can located them both in the quoted portions of this post.
You're a charter member of Obama's useful idiots brigade. Demagogues operate by exploiting, emotion and ingnorance. You're made to order.
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12-15-2012, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yep.....a made for TV event !
I see ALL the news networks are rushing to Newton to get in on the "grieving" process.
Heck, ABC is running 15-second "Newton Tragedy" promos during commercial breaks....
Well then it is just not Obama exploiting this than is it. Every news outlet exploits evey tragedy that happens all over the world. They exploited 9/11 way more so than this. Bush exploited 9/11, it is human nature to exploit these things. Everybody does but joe blow only hates Obama for doing so. Don't you find that kinda out of wack?
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12-15-2012, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by WTF
Well then it is just not Obama exploiting this than is it. Every news outlet exploits evey tragedy that happens all over the world. They exploited 9/11 way more so than this. Bush exploited 9/11, it is human nature to exploit these things. Everybody does but joe blow only hates Obama for doing so. Don't you find that kinda out of wack?
Whirly should have said the following, Yep.....a "Trending" made for TV event !
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12-15-2012, 09:13 AM
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JB (and myself included) are just acknowledging the facts.
Obama will use the presidential pulpit to his advantage. Simple reminder. Simple fact.
He is still the same left winger who wants to destroy the American economy, burden us with entitlements and debt, and kill off the middle class dream of a better economic future.
Is Obama a good father ? Yes.
Does Obama have empathy for the Newton families? Of course.
Should Obama be able to advance his agendas because of Newton? No.
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12-15-2012, 09:16 AM
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The Village Idiot is stammering....the Village Idiot keeps repeating and repeating hoping someone notices him in the public square.
Originally Posted by bigtex
Whirly should have said the following, Yep.....a "Trending" made for TV event !
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12-15-2012, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway
JB (and myself included) are just acknowledging the facts.
Obama will use the presidential pulpit to his advantage. Simple reminder. Simple fact.
He is still the same left winger who wants to destroy the American economy, burden us with entitlements and debt, and kill off the middle class dream of a better economic future.
Is Obama a good father ? Yes.
Does Obama have empathy for the Newton families? Of course.
Question for Whirly and Joe the Bloehard: What if Obama would have said absolutely nothing yesterday? No public comments or anything similar! I suspect that you two idiots would have been calling for the President's head due to his silence.
Now that we have established that in your collective set of visually impaired eyes, Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't..........
Well, at least everyone else should be able to follow my drift!!!!!!
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12-15-2012, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Should Obama be able to advance his agendas because of Newton? No.
That is what politicians do! Every single one of them. In fact that is human nature. You are asking your political enemies to do something you and other politicians will not do.
Gun dealers will exploit this crying about Obama banning guns and ammo to gin up their own sales of such. It is the nature of the beast.
What will wind up being the most ironic is that News Outlets will start talking about how politicians are using this event to advance their agenda. The News Outlets are using this tragedy to advance their agenda....which is to make money.
You know how much I have watched of this ... Zero. It is just another OJ or Casey chick that killed her kid.
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