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Old 12-11-2012, 07:58 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages?
And maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt!

Sorry, CC. That's NEVER gonna happen!
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Old 12-11-2012, 08:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by satexasguy View Post
What a typical liberal BS response. Imagine if a republican house passed this piece of shit and were told to "sign it then read it" ... I wonder if CJ would say the same thing.

Bush did ... the Highway Bill 2005 ... it contained over 6000 seperate pork bills that made up close to 25% of the 284 billion dollar cost of the bill .... and the republican house and senate never read it. Just to name one of the 1100 bills he passed in 1700 days in office when he had a majority congress.

anything else sport?

I was pissed Obie passed healthcare before he addressed the economy and two wars, and I damn sure said so. Congress before, now and later wont READ and dont care whats between the binder covers ... its play lets make a deal between both parties, aside from the BIG issues, all the little side bets and asskissing favors dont get so much as a glance ... read 2700 pages of a bill?

youre clueless,

be proud !
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Old 12-11-2012, 08:59 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages?
So you want nothing but lawyers in Congress? They are the only ones who know exactly what is in a bill.

The reason for that is simple. The bill must be able to plug all possible loopholes that allow the bill/law to be circumvented. A bill is the same as a contract. Both describe exact stipulations, situations and all other details that make the law or contract enforceable. Both require an attorney to interpret them.

A bill should be as long as it needs to be. Some will be much longer than others because some subjects are much more complex than others. Add to that the fact that people want straight talk with no mumbo-jumbo lawyer talk. Straight talk swells the size because there are many legalize/Latin phrases that may only be 2, 3, or 4 words but it takes 50 words in English to translate into layman speak.

Why would a Congressman waste his time in the fine print?
Can mistakes be made? Of course they can. And since Franken isn't an attorney, how would he know in advance there was a problem?
Very few lawmakers in the history of our country have read and completely understood every bill that has crossed their desk.
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Old 12-11-2012, 09:01 PM   #19
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Dumbest Post Ever. Bar none. From a complete ignoramus.
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Old 12-11-2012, 09:13 PM   #20
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There is a movement afoot that has tried to accomplish what many have mentioned in this thread. Urge your congressman and senators to support the "read the bills act" and the "One subject at a time act"

Both of these are being pushed by an organization called downsizedc


I for one think that this would prevent a lot of the bullshit that congress pulls for selfish reasons. Not to mention it would make knowing what your representatives are actually doing a hell of a lot easier. If anyone can come up with a legitimate reason not to pass these I would love to see it.
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Old 12-11-2012, 09:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
So you want nothing but lawyers in Congress? They are the only ones who know exactly what is in a bill.

The reason for that is simple. The bill must be able to plug all possible loopholes that allow the bill/law to be circumvented. A bill is the same as a contract. Both describe exact stipulations, situations and all other details that make the law or contract enforceable. Both require an attorney to interpret them.

A bill should be as long as it needs to be. Some will be much longer than others because some subjects are much more complex than others. Add to that the fact that people want straight talk with no mumbo-jumbo lawyer talk. Straight talk swells the size because there are many legalize/Latin phrases that may only be 2, 3, or 4 words but it takes 50 words in English to translate into layman speak.

Why would a Congressman waste his time in the fine print?
Can mistakes be made? Of course they can. And since Franken isn't an attorney, how would he know in advance there was a problem?
Very few lawmakers in the history of our country have read and completely understood every bill that has crossed their desk.
I just can't believe how far Munchie will go to defend this government. If a congressman is too stupid to understand or read the legislation s/he is voting on, they need to resign. And the legislation should be made public before it is signed by the President, like Obama promised, and lied about, so the public can have a look at it too.

Why would a Congressman waste his time on the fine print?


God, Munchie, you are quite a piece of work. Just when I thought the postings on here couldn't get stupider, you come along with this gem.

<<< Munchie // Everyone Else >>>
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Old 12-11-2012, 10:05 PM   #22
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Munchoncock is just a fucking cocksucker fuck em, stupid asswipe.....
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Old 12-11-2012, 11:34 PM   #23
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take a look at the freshmen congressmen and notice their background ..

pizza shop owner
professional fundraiser
etc etc

who here honsetly belives these people can fathom the legalese of a complex bill?

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Old 12-11-2012, 11:45 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
And maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt!

Sorry, CC. That's NEVER gonna happen!
Way to wave the white flag of surrender, and admit that we the American people no longer have any control over our own government.
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Old 12-11-2012, 11:59 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
Way to wave the white flag of surrender, and admit that we the American people no longer have any control over our own government.

after you vote you have no control whatsoever over the elcected person ... regardless.

people may think they once had control over the government but guess what?

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