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Old 12-08-2012, 09:20 PM   #31
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The problem is we will be denying a child's individualism and creativity by sorting out the "workers" from the "thinkers" and basing a child's destiny on the basis of what some government educator thinks is best for the student. It will create a permanent working class, and an aristocracy. Upward mobility will be a thing of the past. You will have your predetermined lot in life established for you as a child.

Sure, certain books were torture. But they were good for you. Reading and analyzing great works of literature are the basis of critical thinking.

Government education has been so dumbed down, it may not even matter at this point, but this is an overt attempt to do what the government has been covertly trying to do for decades. Ignore it if you want. Laugh at me if you want. But this is what's happening. The elites are protecting themselves from you, as well as from me. And the government is blessing their efforts.
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:34 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
I totally agree with the dumbing down aspect of "No Child Left Behind" but it looks pretty bi-partisan to me. 2 Repub/2 Dem authors (including St. Teddy) and near unanimous votes in both houses of Congress. Who are you blaming here Yssup?
Im blaming nobody. Im merely pointing out who brought us this clusterfuck.

also that previous Congresses weren't always obstructionist dipshits.

Your post indicates that even the worst President in US history could get something passed.

Maybe todays Congress ought to get something done... Before the sky falls.
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:36 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
Yea dumbass Bush went along with "The Swimmer,Ted should have been behind bars Kennedy".... Fucking Kennedys a bunch of lazy ass live off their daddies bootlegging money cocksuckers.
You weren't hugged very much as a child, were you?
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:42 PM   #34
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Default It's real

The national Government under Obama is abolishing vestiges of America's original Federalist structure. Whether it is in healthcare or a bunch of other politics, more govt control is the name of the game, and the destruction of traditions of American governance, values, principles, and beliefs. Part of that is national control of education.
This is about indoctrination into the "politically correct" ways of thinking. "Patriotism" replaced by 'multiculturalism'.

Common Core is the federal govt telling every school in almost every state what they need to be teaching. Control the Dept of Ed, and voila ... you control the next generation.

Pointing this out is important... but notice how it gets denied. Huh.

Part of the agenda is the explicit denial of reality as it is taking place. If you want to know more, read up on how to boil a frog. It's what is happening to the American people.

Morons who voted for Obama are too blame, the forces of indoctrination in schools are a part of the special interest power structure behind the Democrat party, and they are the first to deny that any of this is going on. ... Yet they are the ones most clueless about what is REALLY going on. (Apparently, since the president with the worst and most failed fiscal record in American history just got re-elected by millions of these uninformed dolts.)
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:49 PM   #35
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why are patriotism and multiculturalism mutually exclusive, man?

Shirley you don't think that in 2012, any Western nation is culturally "pure?"

Oh yeah, and how do you feel about the Texas Board of Education telling us what our kids will learn or not learn?
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Old 12-09-2012, 07:56 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
why are patriotism and multiculturalism mutually exclusive, man?

Shirley you don't think that in 2012, any Western nation is culturally "pure?"

Oh yeah, and how do you feel about the Texas Board of Education telling us what our kids will learn or not learn?
Some try, but the United States is still that "shining light on the hill' that is meant to prove that you can take people from any ethnic background and have them become 'Americans'. I doubt there is a more culturally diverse Country on the Planet

We have always gravitated to those who tend to think and act the way we do. But that does not mean that as a whole, we as citizens can't respect the religious and cultural views of others.

I would really like to believe that when the chips are down, we are all Americans first, and everything else takes a back seat to that.
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Old 12-09-2012, 08:18 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Government education has been so dumbed down, it may not even matter at this point, but this is an overt attempt to do what the government has been covertly trying to do for decades.
You make it sound as if "government" is some back-room, ultra top secret club with it's own secret oaths and handshakes where every elected representative is required to conform to the whims of The Masters....or find themselves, and any recorded history that they ever existed, wiped off the face of the earth.

Laugh at me if you want.
Consider it done.

The elites are protecting themselves from you, as well as from me. And the government is blessing their efforts.
And just who are these "the elites"?
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Old 12-09-2012, 08:21 AM   #38
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Will this guy, the OP, ever run out of white flags?
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Old 12-09-2012, 11:01 AM   #39
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The wealthy (and those who are informed but have no wealth) know this. That is why they opt out of the public school systems and send Johnny and Suzy to private schools, religious schools, home school, or charters.

You would think the disadvantaged would want to have the same choices; oh, wait they do. Most poor parents overwhelmingly favor school vouchers and choice......But their elected (and un-elected) representatives want to keep them ignorant and on the plantation of low expectations.

President Bush called this the "soft bigotry of low expectations." He was right !

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
The federal government wants a manageable population. They want the education system to train workers, not teach people how to reason.

Our freedom and our ability to govern ourselves successfully depends on the average citizen having a certain level of complex reasoning skills. We need to be taught philosophy and literature as well as more practical skills so that we can choose our leaders with wisdom.

Our politicians have become demagogues that exploit the ignorance of the average voter. The government wants to keep us ignorant.

Our education system is fundamental in preserving American culture. It is our culture that has made us great; it is our foundation. The culture of any country is like the body's immune system. A healthy immune system can fight off most diseases. A healthy culture will reject political policies and corrupt politicians that violate basic core values.

The socialists know that in order to continue the advance of their immoral policies they must destroy our culture. The destruction of our education system is essential in order to weaken our culture and take our freedom.
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Old 12-09-2012, 12:33 PM   #40
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The wealthy (and those who are informed but have no wealth) know this. That is why they opt out of the public school systems and send Johnny and Suzy to private schools, religious schools, home school, or charters.

You would think the disadvantaged would want to have the same choices; oh, wait they do. Most poor parents overwhelmingly favor school vouchers and choice......But their elected (and un-elected) representatives want to keep them ignorant and on the plantation of low expectations.

President Bush called this the "soft bigotry of low expectations." He was right !
If we had a voucher system, everyone would have a choice between sending their kids to government schools or for profit private sector schools.

The dirty little secret, the Democrats and the teachers unions don't want people to know, is that the average private school is cheaper than the average government school and they do a better job.

Government schools are more expensive than private sector schools because they're enormously wasteful. Government schools spend more money on administrative costs than actual education.

From The Cato Institute:

To put public school spending in perspective,
we compare it to estimated total expenditures
in local private schools. We find that, in
the areas studied, public schools are spending
93 percent more than the estimated median
private school.


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Old 12-09-2012, 12:36 PM   #41
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Please explain why that might be the case, Bloe job?
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Old 12-09-2012, 01:07 PM   #42
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Why do so many of you want to deprive the poor from the same education the wealthy get?
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Old 12-09-2012, 02:31 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Why do so many of you want to deprive the poor from the same education the wealthy get?
If the poor do not have the money to pay for private institution tuition fees, how will they will they be able to afford the opportunity to receive "the same education?"
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Old 12-09-2012, 02:54 PM   #44
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Good question, for a change, BigTurd! They're called "vouchers". Glad you're on board!
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Old 12-09-2012, 03:21 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Good question, for a change, BigTurd! They're called "vouchers". Glad you're on board!
Since my children are finished with their education I am not well versed on vouchers. But it would seem to me that vouchers will fall well short of covering the entire cost of a child's education. How will those with very limited means come up with the remainder of the cost in order to provide the children of the poor with an equal opportunity for "the same education?"

It seems to me that vouchers will increase funding for private schools, thus leaving less for public schools!

I could personally afford it, I am not certain those living in Houston's Third Ward will be able to.
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