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Old 12-08-2012, 08:14 AM   #16
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Take the two dicks out of your mouth and ass fg..
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Old 12-08-2012, 08:39 AM   #17
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Seriously, what is so wrong about this approach to education? It was quite a few years ago that I attended high school, but I remember that about one-half the student body considered having to read "The Return of the Native" or "The Scarlet Letter" as a form of lesser torture. Why do we insist on giving every child an education that points him or her toward college when the child in question has no real chance of getting a degree, or even getting past college English, college algebra, or college level history?

In much of Europe, the students are divided at about the eighth grade into the non-college bound and the college bound. The non-college bound are given a vocational education that prepares the student to immediately assume a skilled or semi-skilled or clerical job that the young man is trained for and has the necessary experience for.

I know this idea might horrify the egalitarian dogma of the education establishment, but their agenda has contributed to the disaster we find our country in. I would point out the high drop-out rate and the manufacturers' complaints that they cannot fill existing jobs because of the lack of skilled applicants.
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:04 AM   #18
joe bloe
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The federal government wants a manageable population. They want the education system to train workers, not teach people how to reason.

Our freedom and our ability to govern ourselves successfully depends on the average citizen having a certain level of complex reasoning skills. We need to be taught philosophy and literature as well as more practical skills so that we can choose our leaders with wisdom.

Our politicians have become demagogues that exploit the ignorance of the average voter. The government wants to keep us ignorant.

Our education system is fundamental in preserving American culture. It is our culture that has made us great; it is our foundation. The culture of any country is like the body's immune system. A healthy immune system can fight off most diseases. A healthy culture will reject political policies and corrupt politicians that violate basic core values.

The socialists know that in order to continue the advance of their immoral policies they must destroy our culture. The destruction of our education system is essential in order to weaken our culture and take our freedom.
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:10 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Our politicians have become demagogues that exploit the ignorance of the average voter.
Joe the Bloehard, is this a new "trending" line? If so, did you seek Whirly's approval prior to posting?
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:04 AM   #20
i'va biggen
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With the "no child left behind" they quit teaching what they need in the real world,just how to pass tests so they look good.
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:46 AM   #21
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I submit that most efforts to stifle and even destroy the American "culture" in public schools have come from right wingers and religious fanatics, not the immoral socialists, as spewed by Sloe Bus. More to his point, who is to define the culture of a nation that was born of diversity ... allegedly.

Our idea of cultural education in Houston was totally different than my kids cultural studies in Austin.

And yes, yours was a racist, isolationist statement, Bloehard. I have two words for you -- MELTING POT!

No Child Left Behind was part of a plan for the dumbing down of America. when teaching to the test became too difficult, they made the rules easier.

That's not eduction. That's programming. And that that wonderful bit of government was brought to us by?

Altogether now...
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:53 AM   #22
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
No Child Left Behind was part of a plan for the dumbing down of America. when teaching to the test became too difficult, they made the rules easier.

That's not eduction. That's programming. And that that wonderful bit of government was brought to us by?

Altogether now...
The legislation was proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001. It was coauthored by Representatives John Boehner (R-OH), George Miller (D-CA), and Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Judd Gregg (R-NH). The United States House of Representatives passed the bill on May 23, 2001 (voting 384–45), and the United States Senate passed it on June 14, 2001 (voting 91–8). President Bush signed it into law on January 8, 2002.
I totally agree with the dumbing down aspect of "No Child Left Behind" but it looks pretty bi-partisan to me. 2 Repub/2 Dem authors (including St. Teddy) and near unanimous votes in both houses of Congress. Who are you blaming here Yssup?
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Old 12-08-2012, 12:16 PM   #23
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"HEY ! Anythings possible" ..

(Si, Duck Commander)

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Old 12-08-2012, 01:49 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
The government wants to keep us ignorant.
And in your case it seems to be working.
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Old 12-08-2012, 02:12 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent View Post
Seriously, what is so wrong about this approach to education? It was quite a few years ago that I attended high school, but I remember that about one-half the student body considered having to read "The Return of the Native" or "The Scarlet Letter" as a form of lesser torture. Why do we insist on giving every child an education that points him or her toward college when the child in question has no real chance of getting a degree, or even getting past college English, college algebra, or college level history?

Everything is wrong with removing classic literature and steering away from a classic education for those that want it and force feeding vocational education to the masses. When I was a kid, you could attend vocational classes in high school or take the college bound track. That's the way it should be. My daughter was not sent to private schools because I didn't want her to grow up thinking everyone was affluent white people, but she was offered a well rounded classical education in the best schools Houston has to offer because I made sure she went to the best public schools.

Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent View Post
In much of Europe, the students are divided at about the eighth grade into the non-college bound and the college bound. The non-college bound are given a vocational education that prepares the student to immediately assume a skilled or semi-skilled or clerical job that the young man is trained for and has the necessary experience for.

I know this idea might horrify the egalitarian dogma of the education establishment, but their agenda has contributed to the disaster we find our country in. I would point out the high drop-out rate and the manufacturers' complaints that they cannot fill existing jobs because of the lack of skilled applicants.
Like I said above, this system exists in the States too, but there is no way I would let my child be educated in a system that limits classical literature along with other liberal arts and hard sciences. Ever.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I submit that most efforts to stifle and even destroy the American "culture" in public schools have come from right wingers and religious fanatics, not the immoral socialists, as spewed by Sloe Bus. More to his point, who is to define the culture of a nation that was born of diversity ... allegedly.
Ya, like the black, Democrats on the committee to "re-write" - both sides tried and succeeded to some degree - history when they considered content for the new social studies and history text books. They wanted to leave out Obama's middle name Hussein because it was too prejudicial.
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Old 12-08-2012, 02:59 PM   #26
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
I totally agree with the dumbing down aspect of "No Child Left Behind" but it looks pretty bi-partisan to me. 2 Repub/2 Dem authors (including St. Teddy) and near unanimous votes in both houses of Congress. Who are you blaming here Yssup?

It's Bush's fault.there I said it for him...
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:21 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
It's Bush's fault.there I said it for him...
I was going to go with "But its still Bush's fault...dipshit"
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:35 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
Ya, like the black, Democrats on the committee to "re-write" - both sides tried and succeeded to some degree - history when they considered content for the new social studies and history text books. They wanted to leave out Obama's middle name Hussein because it was too prejudicial.

This oughta be good.
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Old 12-08-2012, 07:05 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
It's Bush's fault.there I said it for him...
Yea dumbass Bush went along with "The Swimmer,Ted should have been behind bars Kennedy".... Fucking Kennedys a bunch of lazy ass live off their daddies bootlegging money cocksuckers.
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:08 PM   #30
Zabrina Sarafina
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Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent View Post
Seriously, what is so wrong about this approach to education? It was quite a few years ago that I attended high school, but I remember that about one-half the student body considered having to read "The Return of the Native" or "The Scarlet Letter" as a form of lesser torture. Why do we insist on giving every child an education that points him or her toward college when the child in question has no real chance of getting a degree, or even getting past college English, college algebra, or college level history?

In much of Europe, the students are divided at about the eighth grade into the non-college bound and the college bound. The non-college bound are given a vocational education that prepares the student to immediately assume a skilled or semi-skilled or clerical job that the young man is trained for and has the necessary experience for.

I know this idea might horrify the egalitarian dogma of the education establishment, but their agenda has contributed to the disaster we find our country in. I would point out the high drop-out rate and the manufacturers' complaints that they cannot fill existing jobs because of the lack of skilled applicants.
Makes sense to me.
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