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Old 12-08-2012, 03:08 PM   #1
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I’ve been meaning to bring up the following New York Times graphic since it was published last month, as it shows that Republicans are at their highest level of control of state governments in 60 years. Not bad for a party supposedly in deep trouble and on death’s door. (Notice, by the way, that Republicans controlled exactly zero states after the 1976 election.)

So while all eyes are on Washington and the fiscal cliff, outside of Washington a determined counterattack against liberalism is under way, and looks to have some good chances of success. First, several states have announced they are going to refuse to set up Obamacare insurance exchanges, heeding Michael Greve’s always well thought out advice that states actively assert their constitutional prerogatives to “interpose” themselves between Washington and the people:
[S]tate interposition—meaning a refusal to cooperate in Medicaid or exchanges—may yet produce an Obamacare crash-and-burn within the President’s term in office. Moreover, and more importantly , it may produce a collapse on constitutional terms, provided someone can articulate them. . .

The Madisonian precept gains special force and constitutional dignity in the context of federal programs that require, or rather imperiously demand, the states’ active cooperation. A state failure to do the feds’ bidding is not an ugly outbreak of neo-Calhounism. The power to interpose comes from a form of government that the Constitution permits but, unmistakably, treats as deeply suspect: a government over governments. States have been complicit in that scheme for far too long. Saying “no” to a further extension—for partisan reasons, fiscal reasons, or no reason at all—is an implicit embrace of a constitutional proposition: the feds have their sphere, and we (the states) have ours. If the feds insist on their scheme, let them do so with their money and their officers: they have the power. If they want to work through us, we interpose. The Constitution contemplates it; allows it; and very nearly demands it.
But the really big news came out of Michigan this week, with the state legislature’s vote to make Michigan a right-to-work state. No one saw this coming, which is one reason why it succeeded. It is a dagger at the heart of union power. First Wisconsin, and now Michigan. Notice, also, how Democratic legislators walked out of the capitol in Michigan. That’s the face of liberalism today: rather than abide by a democratic election result, walk out and try to prevent the legislature from functioning. And then holler about “secession” talk from conservatives. Heh.

As the red-blue split in the nation widens further, the new wedge issue in politics won’t be any single issue as in years before, but will be the broader issue of the massive opportunities for flanking liberalism’s failures from outside Washington. Stay tuned. And shore up your flanks.

And look to greater GOP gains as Progressivism collapse on itself in such states as California, Michigan, New Jersey, and the like.

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Old 12-08-2012, 03:43 PM   #2
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I just love it when Whirly predicts another Republican "trending" line.
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Old 12-08-2012, 03:48 PM   #3
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the gop isnt in decline, theyre just trending constant asswhoppin'
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:20 PM   #4
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It's nice to see that BigTurd is still trending stupid.
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:39 PM   #5
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Exclamation Decline

You think the GOP is not in decline?

You must live in a cave or under a rock.

That false belief has actually has been one of the main problems with the party that has many.

They remain in total denial of the facts.

They don't believe in global warming, they are so against abortion that they concoct stories about how even rape is not reason enough, they have alienated Latin voters, then for good measure they discount 47% of the population as free-loaders.

. . . The Stupid Party will keep losing elections as their constituency of rich old white men dwindles if they don't grasp reality and offer the people better solutions.

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Old 12-08-2012, 06:38 PM   #6
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They're not in DEcline. They're in REcline. That's right! They're just laying back and taking the ass whipping they've rightfully earned!

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Old 12-08-2012, 09:40 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
I just love it when Whirly predicts another Republican "trending" line.
this not a "trend" it is A FACT

can you and the rest of your donkey dipshits not read, this explains it best
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:48 PM   #8
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Yeah ... The Republicans continue to control America. Powerline.com says so.

The voters of America disagreed. who gives a fuck about what happened then. All that matters is what's happening now.

Deal with it.
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:42 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Yeah ... The Republicans continue to control America. Powerline.com says so.

The voters of America disagreed. who gives a fuck about what happened then. All that matters is what's happening now.

Deal with it.
you do not get it shit for brains, read the chart
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:53 PM   #10
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I read the chart. The fact is that this is 2012. Not 2010. Next election cycle will likely show a new TREND. That, too, is a FACT! You are trying to shove oranges up your apple crate.

dipshittery, your name is Johnstone...
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Old 12-09-2012, 05:21 AM   #11
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Conversations about liberal vs. conservative trending ought not to be based on Party designations, but on political and social factors.

And if the Democrats want to blame the Republicans for not being able to accomplish what the Democrats promised they would produce, then the Democrats are acknowledging that the Republicans have more clout than the Democrats.

All this "high-fiving" is a bit premature.

Let's see what the outcomes will be in the future.

Will all those folks who voted for more government benefits start burning down the America they entered for that "pot of gold" when their benefits get denied and/or eliminated for lack of funding? If so, who is gonna put out the fire?
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Old 12-09-2012, 07:48 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Conversations about liberal vs. conservative trending ought not to be based on Party designations, but on political and social factors.

And if the Democrats want to blame the Republicans for not being able to accomplish what the Democrats promised they would produce, then the Democrats are acknowledging that the Republicans have more clout than the Democrats.If you think the ability to stop everything and to start nothing of note is clout (which of course you do) then the majority of Americans who place the blame for the cliff on the repubs (up to 65% in some pols) disagree with you. You are obstructionists. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Mad that you have no clout so you pout and block (like a cock-blocker) everyone who has a chance.

All this "high-fiving" is a bit premature.

Let's see what the outcomes will be in the future.

Will all those folks who voted for more government benefits start burning down the America they entered for that "pot of gold" when their benefits get denied and/or eliminated for lack of funding?Stupid question. Very stupid. I hope you worry about it every day the rest of your life and that you spend 100s of thousands of dollars on freeze dried foods and heifer bull cum you planned on repopulating the world with.If so, who is gonna put out the fire?
When do you have time for work after all the time you spend worrying about bull shit and the time you spend on here.

I would like to add the RNC is up a creek.
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Old 12-09-2012, 08:02 AM   #13
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Muncher: "If you think the ability to stop everything and to start nothing of note is clout (which of course you do) then the majority of Americans who place the blame for the cliff on the repubs (up to 65% in some pols) disagree with you. "

Actually, if 65% blame the Republicans, they agree with my suggestion.

As for "my time" .... sorry it puzzles you ....

... but I just think and work faster than you. It is apprently one of those skills you lack ...

which is why it has been such a challenge for you to stand and pee

.... while hitting the inside of the toilet simultaneously.

Oh, as for "the cliff" ... (if there actually is one)

... the current event issue is who is going to prevent us from going over it ....

.... the blame game is more wasted time of yours and ....

.....a deflection from the incompetence of your Chief.
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Old 12-09-2012, 08:47 AM   #14
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Nixon won by 60% .Reagan won by 59%

Only a Dem would think that 50.4% is a mandate.
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Old 12-09-2012, 09:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Nixon won by 60% .Reagan won by 59%

Only a Dem would think that 50.4% is a mandate.
I didn't realize that George W. Bush was a "Dem."

Even though Dubya fell short of pulling in 51% of the popular vote in 2004, he quickly claimed the following mandate:

"I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it."
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