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Old 12-06-2012, 11:25 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by oktome View Post
These charts don't point that out, what they do point out is that simply people oversimplify in an attempt to prove a point (ie Bush's fault). Once the veils of simplicity have been removed then a real discussion can begin, but that assumes someone wants a real discussion. We know most people either don't want to or are not capable of the thought processes needed to have an intelligent discussion.

I commented

when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country

You deemed that "INANE"

Two wars
Tax cuts

either they are STILL costing the entire counrty $$ or they're not ?

now be intelligent and educate the board how those two little revenue killing items magically disappeared when he left office ..
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Old 12-06-2012, 04:49 PM   #32
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here ya go COF since you chimned in maybe you can give an intelligent answer ..

Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
I commented

when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country

You deemed that "INANE"

Two wars
Tax cuts

either they are STILL costing the entire counrty $$ or they're not ?

now be intelligent and educate the board how those two little revenue killing items magically disappeared when he left office ..
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:00 PM   #33
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Obama could have ended those wars, and ended the tax cuts. They're his now.
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:04 PM   #34
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oH I see, the actions of Bush ARE having a direct effect on this country ...

stating the obvious inst real intelligent though
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:13 PM   #35
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No one denied that they did. Obama promised to stop them. He didn't. He lied. They are HIS wars, and HIS tax cuts now.

Gawd, you're stupid.
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:17 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
No one denied that they did. Obama promised to stop them. He didn't. He lied. They are HIS wars, and HIS tax cuts now.

Gawd, you're stupid.
horseshit ... dickbreath deemed my comment INANE and you slobbered right in behind him
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:42 PM   #37
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Yssup and jeep man, if you had bit more to offer this would be easier for you to follow, but I will type really slow for you. An argument was made that deflects all blame from Obama to Bush. I simply outlined how that was an extremely simplistic way to view it, and then provided an article that reveals that surpluses were not such a good thing in the 1990 and this may have in fact caused much of the problems. Thus Bush inherited a set of problems that were PART of why he failed. We can argue the merits of that article or even concede it has no validity, but the part that no one with a fleck of brain matter can ignore is that Obama is accountable for his own share of bad decisions that are contributing not mending this economy. Every person on here could concede that Bush caused many issues, like decisions all presidents make. Even if everyone conceded that Bush was the worst president of all times. Obama still has no culpability on anything. List one thing that Obama has not done right? Can any of you? If you can I will match error for error by Bush and the republicans. You guys just can't bring yourself to see the cult like figure you have created. I do not blame Obama for what he inherited, i blame him for actions taken that have pushed unemployment back up to 8.3% today. It is conceded on my part that the decision made by every congress and prior president cause issues for the next president, but I have never seen some one get a free pass like Obama gets.
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Old 12-06-2012, 06:07 PM   #38
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What an article. I am not buying it though. To me it goes along with the kid who gets stopped by the police, they discover a Dime Bag in his pocket and the kid tries to convince them that it's not his, he's just holding it for a friend. Maybe, but he's still getting poped for posession.
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Old 12-06-2012, 06:18 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
horseshit ... dickbreath deemed my comment INANE and you slobbered right in behind him
ALL your comments are inane. That's just a given.
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Old 12-06-2012, 07:51 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by oktome View Post
Yssup and jeep man, if you had bit more to offer this would be easier for you to follow, but I will type really slow for you. An argument was made that deflects all blame from Obama to Bush. I simply outlined how that was an extremely simplistic way to view it, and then provided an article that reveals that surpluses were not such a good thing in the 1990 and this may have in fact caused much of the problems. Thus Bush inherited a set of problems that were PART of why he failed. We can argue the merits of that article or even concede it has no validity, but the part that no one with a fleck of brain matter can ignore is that Obama is accountable for his own share of bad decisions that are contributing not mending this economy. Every person on here could concede that Bush caused many issues, like decisions all presidents make. Even if everyone conceded that Bush was the worst president of all times. Obama still has no culpability on anything. List one thing that Obama has not done right? Can any of you? If you can I will match error for error by Bush and the republicans. You guys just can't bring yourself to see the cult like figure you have created. I do not blame Obama for what he inherited, i blame him for actions taken that have pushed unemployment back up to 8.3% today. It is conceded on my part that the decision made by every congress and prior president cause issues for the next president, but I have never seen some one get a free pass like Obama gets.
dodge deflect spin yada yada yada...

it had NOTHING to do with Obama .. read the thread and see who mentioned Obama first

lets review for the S-L-O-W simpleminded .. (for the second time)

I commented ........ speaking about BUSH

when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country

You deemed that "INANE"

then proceeded to yammer endlessly, and are still yammering ...

Two wars
Tax cuts

either they are STILL costing the entire counrty $$ or they're not ?

are those two actions by Bush currently having an effect on this country OR NOT ?

either you can be honest and answer the question with a simple yes or no, or you cant .. which is it Finance man?
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Old 12-06-2012, 08:50 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
dodge deflect spin yada yada yada...

it had NOTHING to do with Obama .. read the thread and see who mentioned Obama first

lets review for the S-L-O-W simpleminded .. (for the second time)

I commented ........ speaking about BUSH

when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country

You deemed that "INANE"

then proceeded to yammer endlessly, and are still yammering ...

Two wars
Tax cuts

either they are STILL costing the entire counrty $$ or they're not ?

are those two actions by Bush currently having an effect on this country OR NOT ?

either you can be honest and answer the question with a simple yes or no, or you cant .. which is it Finance man?
We can go point by point for you, but just for you.

First look at the thread and article, The entire premise is that the debt incurred is not the result of Obama's actions. So OBAMA is mentioned in the OP initial thread. Inane comment number 1 refuted. Thank you judge. lol

A. By definition an action
(something done or performed;)
can influence the outcome or results.
B Thus any action taken by Bush has led to results.
So far we both agree actions taken by Bush have direct influences.

C Now here is where the argument falls apart for you Action: something done or performed. We both agree that Bush's actions had influences.

Yet no one who worships Obama thinks his actions have had any negative influences or compounded the actions of Bush. So you have a disconnect, one persons actions are the entire problem and the other persons actions have had no negative influence. See the disconnect. Probably not. lol

Maybe you are saying that until every action Bush took no longer influences the world; even at the most micro level, Obama is not responsible for his actions?
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Old 12-06-2012, 09:17 PM   #42
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When are you Obama Fanatics going to accept that the problems that we facing were not all caused by Bush. They were caused by bad decisions made by Congress and the president for several decades. The Social Security surplus enabled hidden deficit spending for a long time. The cost of the wars were trivial compared to that so get over it already. I will happily concede that military spending needs to be controlled.

The issue now is what is Obama doing to make the situation better. One factor that has been caused by decades of bad policy is the trade deficit. Is Obama doing anything to improve that. Will wasting money on "clean energy" boondoggles or refusing to maximize the use of domestic oil reserves help? Will raising taxes on businesses help? Is he doing anything to improve domestic manufacturing?

Deficit spending is a problem. Is Obama doing anything to eliminate wasteful spending? Is he addressing the unfunded mandates in Social Security and Medicare? What is he doing other than trying to raise taxes which will suppress economic activity?

The next bubble is student loans. What is he doing to mitigate that problem? Kids are coming out of school with large debt burdens. The only segment benefiting is colleges that can charge more for their services than a free market would support. That creates an inefficient use of capital that again suppresses economic activity. Other than throwing more tax dollars that are borrowed at colleges, what is Obama doing about that?

Obama did not create all of the problems but he was hired to fix them. Instead of focusing on who caused the problem tell us how Obama is making things better. As oktome pointed out it is a complex situation so quit coming up with simplistic answers.
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Old 12-06-2012, 09:39 PM   #43
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Jesus, Laz. Didn't you know that making sense is not allowed in the sandbox?

Excellent post! Right on the money! Now watch them go berserk!

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Old 12-06-2012, 09:43 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by oktome View Post
We can go point by point for you, but just for you.

First look at the thread and article, The entire premise is that the debt incurred is not the result of Obama's actions. So OBAMA is mentioned in the OP initial thread. Inane comment number 1 refuted. Thank you judge. lol

A. By definition an action
(something done or performed;)
can influence the outcome or results.
B Thus any action taken by Bush has led to results.
So far we both agree actions taken by Bush have direct influences.

C Now here is where the argument falls apart for you Action: something done or performed. We both agree that Bush's actions had influences.

Yet no one who worships Obama thinks his actions have had any negative influences or compounded the actions of Bush. So you have a disconnect, one persons actions are the entire problem and the other persons actions have had no negative influence. See the disconnect. Probably not. lol

Maybe you are saying that until every action Bush took no longer influences the world; even at the most micro level, Obama is not responsible for his actions?

my comment was directed at Bush not Obama .. apparently you cant understand that, even after its been explained to you several times .. someone ask when were we going to stop blaming Bush, I answered when I would step off with the comment you said was inane ... with all of your doublespeak and deflection you cant prove its was an inane answer because his actions are having a direct impact on this country now, and will be for quite sometime to come ... unless one of your charts forgives the interest on the trillions of dollars he added to the debt ?? you should retake your finance classes.

inasmuch as you mirror IB's lack of abilities ... Cya
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Old 12-06-2012, 09:54 PM   #45
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The Dems should stop blaming GW 8 years to the day after the Repubs finally stop blaming Clinton.

And not one day sooner!!!!!
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