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Old 12-01-2012, 05:00 PM   #1
Concierge Service
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Default Why would a hobbyist not want to use the help of reputable escort agency?

Looking for an escort online in Boston can be quite overwhelming. Between the Google search and all the other online outlets , someone who is starting out as a hobbyist can have a hard time making a final decision. You get the low-end girls on Backpage who are doing $60 special ready to infect you with ‘god knows what’, then you have your upscale VIP providers on Eros and P411 that are more guaranteed as well as particular to who they will see on a given day. Since most of the dates with an escort are scheduled impromptu, the agency plays an essential part. They take care of the most annoying role of financial negotiations, verifications and scheduling which kills the “mood” as we have to deal with enough of those in our everyday life.
Eros Concierge is not for everyone. It’s only for the most discerning, most discriminating, and most selective of gentlemen. If your preference is to be seen in public or to be tucked away privately with the most gorgeous of women, this is the place for you. Boston Escorts provides those gorgeous beauties and much more through their website or by phone to any man eager to spend a few hundred dollars per hour for a romantic evening and life-long memories.
From raven haired Asian vixens to sexy blonde coeds, we offer a wide variety of choices. Photos are plainly displayed on the company website with a guarantee that the photo you see will match the young woman who shows up at your hotel room. All the women are independent contractors but have agreed to offer their charms through our service. Discretion, the calling card of only the finest escort agencies, is a primary consideration at Eros Concierge. You will remain as anonymous and as mysterious as you wish. That’s the pledge that we live by.

In the words of Inga, a premier escort who is quoted on the Boston Escorts website, “You will find me to be true elegance and class, all wrapped up in a warm, sensual heavenly body.” Somehow you know that Inga's packaging is just the beginning.
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Old 12-03-2012, 07:47 AM   #2
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Soooo is this a genuine question or a threAD for your agency?? I would be interested in hearing replies from the gentlemen on this
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Old 12-03-2012, 09:13 AM   #3
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Why would I want to involve a large organization in a transaction?

Large organizations are more typically targetted by LE than individual independent ladies who are advertising on places like ECCIE.

Let me suggest that you might find that your target market is not the typical ECCIE member who is somewhat more price conscious than I think this AD is looking for.

Not meaning to argue with Sensualsanaa, but there was no thread to this AD in my opinion.
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Old 12-03-2012, 09:44 AM   #4
Jackie S
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Yeh, Sure. All of these agencies offer that same tag line, "elegance, class, upscale".

Remember the Elliot Spitzer affair with that Diamond Girl, or what ever that high dollar hottie agency was called. Well, it turned out that the "elegant, classy, educated, upscale" lady he was paying 10 grand a night for was just another pretty girl that could get an old man's dick hard.

Agency= Pimp in the minds of most hobbyist. And for all of the privacy and discretion these agencies offer, it sure seems like a lot of important men who are paying for that "discretion" get their name on the 6 oclock news.

Nice ThreAd though.
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:11 AM   #5
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Personally I've never dealt with an agency, I have only read what other gentlemen have posted about agencies. IMHO I am sure the ladies are lovely and have great BCD skills. I, however, choose independents because I like the none rushed visit. I really appreciate an independent lady who is not a clock watcher. I don't want to take advantage of her time and always try to make sure I leave when my time is up. But I have had several ladies tell me when I said it's time for me to go, "don't worry about it my next appointment isn't for another 2 hours". I will still be gone in another 15 or 20 minutes but atleast it makes me feel like I'm with my GF which is the feeling I am after, a true GFE. It gives more of an ILLUSION of being with a GF, even though I know it's P4P. From what I understand if you book an hour through an acency then after 55 minutes her phone rings and they are telling her the session is over she needs to get dressed and leave. IMHO an agency just makes it to, IDK, mechanical, to P4P, wham bam thank you ma'am. I think it leaves you with the feeling of being a cow in a herd of cows who are being ran through a vacination chute. Just my .02 worth.
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:52 AM   #6
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I reported this thread whe it was posted because in the THIRD sentence s/he accuses all BP girls of being diseased.

Yo mods......what up with the TOS?
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Old 12-03-2012, 01:12 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna View Post
I reported this thread whe it was posted because in the THIRD sentence s/he accuses all BP girls of being diseased.

Yo mods......what up with the TOS?
I did not catch that part of it, and actually pretty much ignored most of what the poster had to say because I just figured it to be another wannabe pimp.

Looking at it in more detail, the references to EROS are pretty funny. Most guys I know around these parts consider EROS to be at least as big a bait & switch as BP, maybe worse.

Perhaps BOSTON guys are a different breed than us Southern Gentleman, but the OP has provided no basis for trusting that the service provided is any better or safer than BP, EROS, or any other advertising venue. All you are assured of by using this service is paying higher fees to a middleman. My abbreviation for a middleman in this industry is PIMP.

And horserider, your understanding of how agency gals tend to work is the same as mind. A lot of agency gals have a rude awakening when they try to go independent and guys expect a little bit more from them. I haven't seen but a couple, but the letters G-F-E were not in their vocabulary.

I think guys who typically use an agency accept less than stellar service and think they are getting a great value for what they pay.
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Old 12-03-2012, 01:20 PM   #8
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Agency = Pimp
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Old 12-03-2012, 02:51 PM   #9
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Just checked out the Asian line up................Ava contracts through them?

Nothing wrong with an agency. Some guys in the big cities like them and I'm sure they have their place.
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Old 12-03-2012, 03:09 PM   #10
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i have reached out to a couple agencies, and have had some success, but I miss flirting with the provider I will be meeting, as my regulars know i like this, and I call it pre-sale. I am unusual in this and have noted some providers do not flirt. just how I am
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Old 12-03-2012, 03:33 PM   #11
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My hesitation would be that one or more famale would be picked as a favorite and suggested more times than someone else that I might like better. If I was ever going to try something like this, I would have to know that the service was unbias in that regard and not pushing anything on me.

Also, the thought of dealing with a pimp is also in the back of my mind.
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Old 12-03-2012, 04:33 PM   #12
El Hombre de la Mancha
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Escort agencies are not pimps . . . escort agencies are love brokers ...
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Old 12-03-2012, 04:59 PM   #13
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Default Not all independent ladies are

You guys do realize that a lot of ladies that post as independent are really not, some work for agencies, madames, pimps, whatever you want to call it.
I always find it funny,
most guys don't have a issue if the agency is run by a woman...madame
have a issue if run by a man....pimp
there are female pimps for the unenlighten
so why is that, is the guys that run the Mustang and Bunny ranch pimps or legal business (brothel) owners, would you not use their place of business because they are men running it.

Oh before I forget, the orignal post to this thread is nothing more than a ad posed as a question
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Old 12-03-2012, 05:12 PM   #14
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Old 12-03-2012, 08:54 PM   #15
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ThreAD all the way.... Would never add another party to the process. IMHO
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