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Old 11-22-2012, 07:53 AM   #31
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When you scan thread titles, this threads reads PROVIDER MEASUREMENTS DROP.

No horndog could avoid checking out that subject!

Talk about disappointment.


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Old 11-22-2012, 10:21 PM   #32
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Ms. Costello,

You are absolutely gorgeous. Don't listen to the douchebaggery. Keep on rockin it, girl.
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Old 11-24-2012, 10:46 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by MilfAmy View Post
This is the typical MO of the frequent (yes, 23.15 posts a day!) posting Austin eccie crew. They are the reason that many Austin ladies are using posting history as a screening tool, and many reputable Austin providers are focusing their attention solely on clientele from other sites. A mere glance at the recent reviews and coed discussions will tell you what you're dealing with. It's best to ignore these...people, as they truly seem to have no life outside of the board, and will bash a stranger with no qualms whatsoever. Even turning them down evokes their "wrath". They will go on for paragraphs (and pages), and it's just plain tiresome for those that have fulfilling professional and personal lives.

O' the braggart. lol
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Old 11-24-2012, 07:34 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Both of you have something in common. You both want to hurt SL! Why? Over something that was posted on a hooker board? Give me a break. You boys got a bad case of WK Syndrome it would seem.

For the record, this started out because I'm sick and tired of having my time wasted by bait and switch, old pictures and BBW'S trying to be something they are not! Hey, are either one of you fellow board members into guys? Imagine your delight when you show up and you’re NOT getting your BBW chick but rather a guy! Now hey if that’s your deal, no judgment from me, rock on boys! What two or three grown men do behind closed doors is none of my business! But I'm like most EVERYONE else out there, someone who doesn't like surprises! And in my book 30-50 LBS makes a BIG DIFFERENCE!

Now as far as posting too much, fucking too much, paying too much.... guilty as charged! Don't like what I have to say? Don’t like my TOP TEN LISTS? Well as BBWLOVER so eloquently put it... "MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!"

Enjoy the video boys!


When did lying become your thing SL? If your moronic drivel that passes itself off as a thread were about BBW's pretending to be somethign they are not, then why was your original post predicated on a showcase where the lady clearly indicates her physical description as 'BBW'? (By the way, she's not, and who the fuck are you to call her out for being honest?) That's truth in advertising dipshit. Make up your excuse for a mind. Do you want girls to advertise themselves as BBW (thus sparing you the horror of accidentally seeing her), or not?

Yup, you sure are still looking alrght. For a life, a brain, or anything that can be passed off as a weak excuse for your miserable existence.
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Old 11-24-2012, 07:48 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by CarolineCostello View Post
Unfortunately, this is a 'lose/lose" situation. You say you were trying to make the point of exposing providers that are 'bait and switch'. By doing so, you selected my profile where I advertise as a BBW to just make fun of my legs and breast size. If I had advertised as a BBW and was really a spinner, then this would follow your line of reasoning.

You thought you would make a joke out of me; I could be used for you to get a laugh. Wow, that is an original idea. Let's make fun of a chubby girl! Are you in 3rd grade?

It is a lose/lose because you look like a complete asshole and I lose because you are potentially taking money out of my pocket.

Do you think that is good for my business to have you speak about me like this? This might be play time for you where you can post 23.15 posts per day (that is 1 post per hour for the last 20 months) but this is how I pay my mortgage and tuition.

Although I do not tour in the primary area where this board has members, I do advertise for my market in Washington, DC and other parts of Virginia. I had met some guys that only knew about me from seeing my ads here and were visiting my area. Now, when they pull up my profile they can see that I have had my features ridiculed and I am the recipient of a series of jokes written by other people that you have copied/pasted; as if I were your personal court jester. The only provocation that I am guilty of is being a member of this site with a gallery available for viewing.

I appreciate your apology, but the damage is done. Do you think someone who is thinking of spending time with me will bother to read all of this nonsense? It is like reading a news story and going back to find a correction days later; no one pays attention.

Don't get me wrong, I have received negative feedback online before. Ironically, I recently got a bad review from someone who swore up and down that when he met me I was a nearly 6 foot tall amazon. The difference is that I got paid for that appointment; all I get from this is humiliation.

As empowered that you may feel behind a keyboard to be a bad ass, you are the joke. It is just unfortunate that I was selected for you to show the world your ignorant behavior.
Well spoken, and a true class act to boot. BTW, your pictures are beautiful, don't let an asshat tell you any different.
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Old 11-25-2012, 05:33 PM   #36
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WOW lots of key board drama here l understand his point on the bait and switch but if you don't like what you see when it walks in the room or opens the door you don't have to stay, l'm sure alot of the providers don't like what they see with every client walks in wether its his looks or size for the most part not very many will turn down a client unless he smells bad or is a drunk out of control myself l feel lucky that l have my regs. and they are by no means BBW at all and l'm not Fobio either
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Old 11-25-2012, 11:57 PM   #37
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dude was just acting like a dickhead... nothing unusual about that. I think it's kinda amusingly pathetic.
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:24 AM   #38
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For the record, this started out because I'm sick and tired of having my time wasted by bait and switch, old pictures and BBW'S trying to be something they are not!

Yep. I agree. This part of the hobby is what makes it the most frustrating, and too often it's being OK'd, it seems. Oh, and the nerve of the guy to get pissed about basically being conned out of his money, which isn't always easy to come by in this economy. If the women of this business were so confident in their looks, why don't they put in writing in some sort of fashion. The sad fact is, many outright rely on deception of old and even fake pics. What's so 'right' about this? What makes this acceptable or defensable?

Weight fluctuates. I get it. But over, say, 20lbs, is NOT a flucutation. That's just weight gain, and in many cases it's not in 'the right places'. Looking good and feeling healthy should be a priority for everybody. I do it, getting up on cold mornings and running through the neighborhood some times before going to work at my shitty, minimum wage job to support my ball and chain hobby lifestyle. There are good days and bad ones. Some take more motivation than others. Some days it's a piece of cake (no pun intended...stay away from that shit). Gets easier the more you do it. I know one thing. If I was in the business of making money off my body and how it looks, you can best believe I'd make it a priority to showcase a good product and not rely on gimmicks and deception. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing pictures of a mouth-watering body of a provider, going to see her...and there's that mouth-watering body that was accurately portrayed in the pictures.

Everybody's not going to look like a Hollywood showgirl. I get it, but there's healthy middle ground that we should all strive for. As a provider, displaying a nice, healthy presence to a paying customer isn't too much to ask for, IMO, especially if you want to keep an audience interested in you. Look in a full length mirror and ask yourself, "Would YOU pay for a body like this?" If you don't like what you see, then you may have some things you need to get figured out with yourself. Hell, be healthier because IT FEELS BETTER than not being healthy. Feeling shitty and sluggish is NOT normal. Exercise and eat better.

I'm just saying. Maybe I'm wrong here.
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Old 11-29-2012, 08:29 AM   #39
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There are guys who make comments about my weight, photos and get mad that other guys choose to see me.

If you don't like the way a lady looks then leave her alone. Still Looking--you have too much time on your hands and obviously hate yourself. If you don't like the photos then move on.

In my opinion you saw the picture of the lady in question and you knew you did not have a chance in hell with getting an appointment. So what do you do? You start a post to attempt to make her look bad.

Still Looking you and guys like you need to get a life and work on your poor self esteem.
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:18 PM   #40
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i agree mikki fine! if they want spinner type thats fine.just dont go dissing on girls here! im not skinny not thick just rite! and we dont go around discussing ahem"sizes" of men!!
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Old 11-29-2012, 07:06 PM   #41
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OK, Kiki. If you want to play along those lines. Imagine seeing a picture of a handsome stallion of a man, buffed, bronze skin, claims to have a perfect 8" and a talented tongue, but the guy who shows up is some short, pudgy, unkempt jackwagon with a 2" mini-me that won't even get hard, talking about, "Come on, baby! Let's get it ooooon!" How many times would YOU let that scenario slide before you got tired of it?
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Old 11-29-2012, 07:19 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
OK, Kiki. If you want to play along those lines. Imagine seeing a picture of a handsome stallion of a man, buffed, bronze skin, claims to have a perfect 8" and a talented tongue, but the guy who shows up is some short, pudgy, unkempt jackwagon with a 2" mini-me that won't even get hard, talking about, "Come on, baby! Let's get it ooooon!" How many times would YOU let that scenario slide before you got tired of it?
She most likely wouldn't see the guy yeah she would be pissed but she wouldn't be with him because she so horny, she pleasure herself before she does that.
Which is a hell of a lot better than the guys who feel that they got conned out of money because they don't have the will power to just say no,
Every time I read a post where some guy goes to see someone, doesn't like what they see but still see the person anyway has no one to blame but their own weak will self.
A man controls his dick, a dick controls the boy
Ladies, how many of you have turned down clients, because they just didn't look appealing to you, not talking about smelly, crazy or dirty guys just guys you just didn't find appealing to look at. I think they see more horror stories than any of the complaining guys ever have to deal with on a daily basis.
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Old 11-29-2012, 07:53 PM   #43
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The correct answer is, it shouldn't come to that in the first place. The lying ads, fake pics, false services, no shows, etc. Those shouldn't happen. Even if you have the will power to walk away, the fact that you drove 20 or 30 miles (in some cases, or even further), spent an hour getting ready, if you're married, having to 'disguise' enough free cash and an excuse to get away, going through all that just to get hustled is BS. Period. Again, if these instances happen MULTIPLE TIMES, the shit gets annoying. Justifying/defending the bullshit is....more bullshit.

I'm just saying.
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Old 11-29-2012, 09:49 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post

The correct answer is, it shouldn't come to that in the first place. The lying ads, fake pics, false services, no shows, etc. Those shouldn't happen. Even if you have the will power to walk away, the fact that you drove 20 or 30 miles (in some cases, or even further), spent an hour getting ready, if you're married, having to 'disguise' enough free cash and an excuse to get away, going through all that just to get hustled is BS. Period. Again, if these instances happen MULTIPLE TIMES, the shit gets annoying. Justifying/defending the bullshit is....more bullshit.

I'm just saying.

Good Job.

All of your other posts that I have hacked on,,, were for a response....

You are off my list of handles, that I want to bother.

Probably does not matter.
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Old 11-30-2012, 03:04 AM   #45
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Absolutely RC.....

If I considered going to another city to see a girl then I'd have time and money invested before I ever even met her so if it's was bait n switch in any way no matter how little I'm gonna be a bit peeved. Even if I walked away I'd still be out money....
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