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Old 11-08-2012, 07:16 AM   #1
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Default Police Officers - Under Appreciated ?

Hello everyone!

BLUF (bottom-line up front): Why does it seem that Police Officers do not get the same kind of respect, admiration, and recognition, from the general public that our military do throughout the year?

- Aren't they in the same "line of business" with the exception of jurisdiction?
- Isn't their motto, "to protect and serve" something we all cherish if we're in trouble?
- Don't quite a few police officers put their lives on the line every day just like our men and women in the military do when they are deployed to combat zones in hostile regions?
- Isn't their job just as stressful?
- Can one imagine what goes through their mind when they stop a vehicle or answer a 911 call not knowing what to expect?
- Think of the scrutiny and public outrage they endure when they have to use their weapon and they only had milli-seconds to decide what the person's intent is?

With Veterans Day fast approaching, there will be a barrage of kind words and admiring reflections toward our military men and women, regardless of when/where they served. I appreciate that because I'm a retired USAF officer.

So, why hasn't a special day been declared (and celebrated) for police officers?
I guess the same could be asked on behalf of all "first responders," i.e., Firefighters and EMS.

Let me end this thread with a disclaimer: I am not affiliated with LE of any kind.

This is meant to be thought-provoking and nothing else. Interested in intellectual opinions!

Thanks for reading!

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Old 11-08-2012, 07:39 AM   #2
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I always appreciate our law enforcement officers.....I mean they ain't sexy like firemen (hehe) and Sure, some of the shit that their job comes with sucks but it is their means to provide for themselves and family. We are better off with them then without them.....wish they would leave our little world alone though!!

I am not affiliated with LE in any way as well!!

Hehe.....thanks to all the men and women who serve us......no matter what the job is!! Whether you are serving our country or serving me a warm meal.......your service is much appreciated and thank you
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Old 11-08-2012, 10:39 AM   #3
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Old 11-08-2012, 10:44 AM   #4
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Police/Law Enforcement Officers, are always under appreciated until they are needed.

My last encounter with one was when I utilized a turn around and was issued a citation for "No Seat Belt". My best ESPN voice, "Come on, Man". Some programs are just used in lieu of a tax, and harass the good law abiding citizens to no end.

This may have contributed to Bexar County electing a new Sheriff!

This is why other first responders are apprcieated much more.
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:08 AM   #5
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Old 11-10-2012, 01:15 AM   #6
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Nissan, there's a National Police Appreciation week...it was in May.
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Old 11-10-2012, 04:45 AM   #7
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Yes, Ms. Nikki, I know that......I was referring about the attitude from society, in general....people like you and I and others......

Mr. Moderator, you may close this thread.......2 intelligent responses is about what I expected.

Kind Regards

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Old 11-10-2012, 04:06 PM   #8
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There will always be the debate over the priority of what they enforce.

However, consider this...

Just like those in the military, police officers freely volunteered to put their lives on the line to protect us.

Enough said.
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Old 11-13-2012, 12:56 AM   #9
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With Veterans Day fast approaching, there will be a barrage of kind words and admiring reflections toward our military men and women, regardless of when/where they served. I appreciate that because I'm a retired USAF officer.
So, why hasn't a special day been declared (and celebrated) for police officers? I guess the same could be asked on behalf of all "first responders," i.e., Firefighters and EMS...
Mr. Nissanjay...very sorry my reply seemed to *offend* you, but I was merely replying...to your question as you posted. Sorry it wasn't as intellectual as you wanted, but I don't feel our LE nor first responders are overlooked at all!

Along with annual tributes...there are MANY Memorials all year long...in every city. Our SA Police Academy has a very nice Memorial for our Fallen Officers.

I've always appreciated our Police Officers and our first responders. I have many LE and first responder friends...across the nation. Friends, of my family, were lost when the twin towers went down. Every September 11th, since then...I've always posted my thoughts...maybe you just didn't notice.

As for Law enforcement, I pay homage...by participating in some of their programs that help our community. So, you'll have to excuse me...as this thread has me slightly baffled.
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Old 11-16-2012, 09:23 AM   #10
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you couldn't have honestly expected a positive response about police officers on this board could you?

in the words of a wise , wise man....

"f*ck the po-lice" - Ice Cube! TDN
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Old 11-16-2012, 10:41 AM   #11
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Nobody likes a cop until they NEED one!
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Old 11-16-2012, 10:46 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by greenhorn1960 View Post
Police/Law Enforcement Officers, are always under appreciated until they are needed.

My last encounter with one was when I utilized a turn around and was issued a citation for "No Seat Belt". My best ESPN voice, "Come on, Man". Some programs are just used in lieu of a tax, and harass the good law abiding citizens to no end.

This may have contributed to Bexar County electing a new Sheriff!

This is why other first responders are apprcieated much more.
Sooo Why did you BREAK THE LAW. Have you not heard it is a CRIME to be in a moving vehicle w/o a SEATBELT? You deserved a ticket! You mean a "turnaround or illegal U turn??
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Old 11-16-2012, 11:26 AM   #13
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Default You are correct!!

Originally Posted by Txsunman View Post
Sooo Why did you BREAK THE LAW. Have you not heard it is a CRIME to be in a moving vehicle w/o a SEATBELT? You deserved a ticket! You mean a "turnaround or illegal U turn??
I was guilty of operating a motor vehicle and not having my seatbelt on. It was on a turn-a-round. And I paid the ticket. What I resented was the missal allocation of resources. At least twenty uniformed officers standing around to issue citations for minimal offenses.

Why can an adult operate a motorcycle without a helmet, but not operate a motor vehicle without a license. Does not make any sense.

The point I was trying to make is that the selective enforcement of certain traffic laws as a means to generate revenue does not endear them to the general public. At this point, "To protect and Serve" became "harass the citizens in the interest of generating revenue".

Recently, I attended the funeral of a police officer that was killed(murdered)in the line of duty and I was truly touched by this tragedy.

Let me be clear!!! I have the upmost respect for those fine men and women who daily place themselves in harms way in order "To protect and serve".

But I call chicken shit when I see it.

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Old 11-16-2012, 11:37 AM   #14
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Thanks karla lol just kidding around and its true no one likes the police until they need em. Its funny how there never around when you see some jerk driving like a maniac..... none the less i appreciate them for their service but yea they should be fryin bigger fish!
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Old 11-16-2012, 11:58 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by greenhorn1960 View Post
I was guilty of operating a motor vehicle and not having my seatbelt on. It was on a turn-a-round. And I paid the ticket. What I resented was the missal allocation of resources. At least twenty uniformed officers standing around to issue citations for minimal offenses.

Why can an adult operate a motorcycle without a helmet, but not operate a motor vehicle without a license. Does not make any sense.

The point I was trying to make is that the selective enforcement of certain traffic laws as a means to generate revenue does not endear them to the general public. At this point, "To protect and Serve" became "harass the citizens in the interest of generating revenue".

Recently, I attended the funeral of a police officer that was killed(murdered)in the line of duty and I was truly touched by this tragedy.

Let me be clear!!! I have the upmost respect for those fine men and women who daily place themselves in harms way in order "To protect and serve".

But I call chicken shit when I see it.

Nonsence your ass . You BROKE THE LAW and deserved a ticket. The cops on the beat just do what the chief tells them to do.
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