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Old 11-07-2012, 04:26 PM   #31
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Careful, IB! Assup may punish you by putting you on ignore!

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Old 11-07-2012, 04:52 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by drluv1 View Post
Out of control spending? where were you during the Bush years? that was out of control. We're coming out of a major recesson, deficits are to be expected. The deficit from bush's last budget was 1.2 trillion. about the same as the current ones. You should have been complaining during the Reagan, and both bush administrations. We pay $600 billion,15% of the budget, in interest on the debt they left us. Tell me how the trillions spent in Iraq and afghanistan was a wise allocation of resources. Tell me how taking a $250 billion surplus and turning it into $1.2 trillion deficit is fiscally conservative.

how we got to the cliff and were left hanging by one finger makes little if any difference to the simpletons
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Old 11-07-2012, 04:59 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
Oh I am.

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Old 11-07-2012, 05:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
how we got to the cliff and were left hanging by one finger makes little if any difference to the simpletons

The more you explain, the more they refuse to understand. I've had fun trying to explain the accounting basics of macro-economics to these simpletons, but I"m going to improve my audience and work on explaining it to my neighbor's 3 year old. At least he has an open mind. LOL
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Old 11-07-2012, 05:20 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Choom's right. Nobody will be working together.

That's not America. Sorry, but it truly isn't.
Choom may be right, but not for the reasons you give. Nobody will be working together because the right has gone off the rails on a crazy train (sorry, love that song) and can't conceive that they are not the only ones with any of the right answers. I mean, how can anyone deny that the party has gone off the deep end when one can point to almost any policy that they have now and show that for most of the last 40 years they either held the opposite view (does I was for it before I was against it sound familiar?) or their actions were completely opposite what they say they are going to do. I honor the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower and I admire some or the things that Nixon and Reagan did or at least the way they did them, but this current party is truly and completely schizophrenic. Until they figure out who they really are and it's relation to the daily lives of most non 1% white male citizens it is going to be a long trek in the wilderness.

Thus, after a night of long knives within the party, it will be back to the old obstructionism and refusal to compromise on anything again. It will take two years, but the electorate will see through it and remember and vote enough conservatives out of Congress that the Republican party will be irrelevant for a long time to come.

I honestly hope not because this won't be all that good for the Dems either since they need a loyal opposition, but one that at least has some tenuous connection to reality.

COG, you really have no idea what the liberal/[progressive mindset is. Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive. Nixon had progressive ideas - see his address to Congress on universal healthcare (in his own words) from 1973. Sometimes liberalism and progressives get it wrong, but it isn't always wrong and we/they are for trying new things, not dependence. Better government, not necessarily bigger. But we are always for an exchange of ideas and intellectual freedom (Communists are usually against that, but not even most socialists) going it together and not alone and helping one another out. Most of us honor true conservatism and conservation (which used to be synonymous) just not in everything because we believe we must strive to make things better for everyone if we can.

What you said about liberals:

"That's our country now. The feeling is, "As long as I get mine, to hell with you." That's the liberal mindset."

Is about like us saying that the conservative and liberatian mindset has always been, "I want what you have, so I am going to work hard to cheat you out of it however I can and pollute your air, dirty your water and to hell with you"

It has a grain of truth, but it just ain't so. It ain't so.
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Old 11-07-2012, 06:45 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
I'm stunned. I figured it would be closer than the margin of victory but with Romney winning. Congrats on the win. I hope I'm wrong but I think we have seen the best this country will ever be and it will continue to decline. We can only wait and see what happens.
Budman you owe me 500 dollars dipshit!!!
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:08 PM   #37
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Austx, I do understand the liberal mindset. I grew up in a socialist home. George McGovern was a family friend. I have known many Democrat/socialist politicians, and campaigned for them.

That is EXACTLY their mindset. Your idea that the Democrats are somehow more holy than others is ludicrous. You live in a fantasy land.

You're so cynical, that the idea of providing value in exchange for value is somehow "cheating". I don't know what to tell you, but you are completely wrong, and completely brainwashed.

I actually feel sorry for you.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:37 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I actually feel sorry for you.
I am sure the threat of having a StupidOldFart feeling sorry for austxjr is very high on his list of concerns!

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Old 11-07-2012, 09:46 PM   #39
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That's ok, BigTurd, I feel sorry for you, too. I don't know how you bear being so utterly ignorant. I mean, stupid would be a step up for you.

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Old 11-07-2012, 10:25 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
You guys don't get it at all and this is why Obama won.


I don't want an Obama phone, I have my own phone.
I don't want a check from the government, I work for my checks
I'm not on welfare.
I'm not on medicare or medicaid.

The republicans and others are going to continue to lose until they realize the real reason Obama won.

He won because the key electorate does not want what the Republican or Libertarian platform is selling!!

Taking away abortion, planned parenthood, choice does not sell to the key electorate
Cutting things like PBS does not sell to the key electorate
Huge unnecessary military spending does not sell to the key electorate.
Tax cuts for the rich does not sell to the key electorate

You guys really don't get it, and that's exactly why Obama won.
you voted for him because you are both black

Total Obama Romney
White 72% 39% 59%
Black 13% 93% 6%
Hispanic/Latino10% 71% 27%
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Old 11-07-2012, 10:43 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Actually it would be hard to be much closer. At present, there's only a two percent margin separating Odumbo's 50.3% from Romney's 48.3%. A mere 1% shift in Romney's favor would put the popular vote into a statistical tie. Arizona had a relatively low voter turn-out: fascinating considering how contentious Arizona has been during the last two years.
332-206 and losing every swing State but one isn't close.

There are 19 States that the Demicrats have carried five elections in a row that total over 240 electoral votes. That means every year we have to hold our base and fond 30 electoral votes.

And if you want close, look at 2000 (stolen by the Court after Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000) or 2004 (where 50,000 more votes in Ohio and Kerry beats Bush). This wasn't even in that zip code, never mind the same ballpark.

And for those of you who thought that Romney was going to win, how did you reconcile in your minds that he was consistently losing, in aggregate, in the polling in 7 out of 9swing States? Seriously, I'd like to know what thought process you used on that huge chunk of data?
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Old 11-07-2012, 10:50 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
You guys don't get it at all and this is why Obama won.


I don't want an Obama phone, I have my own phone.
I don't want a check from the government, I work for my checks
I'm not on welfare.
I'm not on medicare or medicaid.

The republicans and others are going to continue to lose until they realize the real reason Obama won.

He won because the key electorate does not want what the Republican or Libertarian platform is selling!!

Taking away abortion, planned parenthood, choice does not sell to the key electorate
Cutting things like PBS does not sell to the key electorate
Huge unnecessary military spending does not sell to the key electorate.
Tax cuts for the rich does not sell to the key electorate

You guys really don't get it, and that's exactly why Obama won.

Shhhhhh!! Or more to the point, shut the fuck up. What are you giving away the formula for the secret sauce!!??
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Old 11-07-2012, 10:56 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
332-206 and losing every swing State but one isn't close.

There are 19 States that the Demicrats have carried five elections in a row that total over 240 electoral votes. That means every year we have to hold our base and fond 30 electoral votes.

And if you want close, look at 2000 (stolen by the Court after Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000) or 2004 (where 50,000 more votes in Ohio and Kerry beats Bush). This wasn't even in that zip code, never mind the same ballpark.

And for those of you who thought that Romney was going to win, how did you reconcile in your minds that he was consistently losing, in aggregate, in the polling in 7 out of 9swing States? Seriously, I'd like to know what thought process you used on that huge chunk of data?
TTH the retards were believing the shit Dick Morris, Rush Limbaugh, and Newt were saying about Romney's huge landslide victory.
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Old 11-07-2012, 11:05 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
Sometimes liberalism and progressives get it wrong, but it isn't always wrong and we/they are for trying new things, not dependence
And yet, dependence always increases, doesn't it? 50% of the population and rising. Do progressives have a plan for that - other than to continue it? When you are completely dependent on the government for your daily bread, you will pretty much go along with whatever the government demands. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
Better government, not necessarily bigger.
And yet, somehow, it always get bigger, but seldom better. That is a nice bumper sticker slogan, but nothing more.
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Old 11-07-2012, 11:08 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
I've had fun trying to explain the accounting basics of macro-economics to these simpletons, but I"m going to improve my audience and work on explaining it to my neighbor's 3 year old.
And I had fun reading it.

Let us know if the 3 year old approves of the part about repudiating the debt or inflating our way out of it.

Somehow I think even HE won't think those are good ideas, either.
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