Originally Posted by CJ7
sure there was a point ... as much point as kayla had when she threw out the thread about the current admin looting the WH when they lost the election ..
I didnt really notice, but did you mention anything about that being an unthinking partisan trying to make points off something so innocuous, or are you just an unthinking partisan hypocrite?
Ahh! So two wrongs DO make a right, apparently.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to police every thread on this board.
But two things come quickly to mind. First, look up the definition of innocuous, because you apparently don't know it. Per Merriam-Webster, it means "not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility".
The comment by the Romney camp to bring in signs was an innocuous comment.
Second, what was the innocuous comment to which Kayla was responding? I don't see one. She was insulting Obama, sure. But she was alluding to something that had actually happened the last time there was a Democratic administration. Some Clinton staffers trashed some WH property. There wasn't anything innocuous about that.
It's probably unfair to predict some Obama staffers will do the same thing. But, as bitter as this election has gotten, it is not totally outlandish to imagine David Axelrod taking a dump in the middle of the carpet as he is boxing up his stuff.