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Old 10-10-2012, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default NC/NS by Hobbiests

Ok, I have a question. Why is it when a hobbiest gets a NC/NS that they tend to roast the provider that did it? Just this weekend in Waco there was a provider that had a NC/NS from (3) thats three different male members of this board. If the provider were to come on here and mention this, we would throw her to the wolves. I know this doesnt happen with all guys, but I know it happened this past weekend. I think we should expect the same from the guys as we do the ladies. If you make a appt. I think it would be proper to at least call the provider if your not going to be there. This is not just a local problem, its a problem from all over the board. It only takes a few seconds to dial and let them know you are not going to make it, same for providers if they cant make it. We expect it from them, the least we could do is give them the same courtesy. Therefore, dont come on here bitching about a NC/NS if you have been guilty of the same. Rant over Ranch
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Old 10-10-2012, 10:25 PM   #2
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Because this is our hobby. Not theirs.
I have never ncns without several days notice. Long before a room was booked but it happens a lot. I think the provider should step back and ask herself, what can I do to increase my business, make the consumer more happy and come back and do it some more. Basic economic principals at play.
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Old 10-10-2012, 10:50 PM   #3
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Isn't giving "several days notice" the exact opposite of a NC/NS? Wouldnt that instead be considered "Canceling"?
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Old 10-11-2012, 12:01 AM   #4
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Wow it is about time someone spoke up cause it does happen often and very few have the decency to let us know when they can't show. I don't think they take into consideration that we put off seeing someone who will show up when they don't so they are costing us a loss, it costs us to pay for our ads, our rooms, our supplies (cause very few bring what is neede) seriously if you don't have intentions of showing or something happens at least be respectful to us and give us a heads up.

Thanks Ranch for recognizing our side of what we deal with.
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Old 10-11-2012, 05:20 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by emoney20 View Post
Isn't giving "several days notice" the exact opposite of a NC/NS? Wouldnt that instead be considered "Canceling"?
My bad. I read too deep into the question.
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:18 AM   #6
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I agree that hobbyists should give providers the same courtesy and not NCNS. Even though I haven't NCNS anyone. There have been instances when I can't make a appointment because of an issue that has arisen so I'll call, pm, text and email the lady ahead of time to give the lady the same common courtesy I would expect but shit happens that may be out of the hobbyists control that they might not be able to in a reasonable amount of time.

Ranch, I have to respectfully disagree with the statement that they shouldn't inform about NCNS if they ever NCNS a lady. Whether they did or didn't NCNS anyone themselves really not my concern... Has nothing to do with me... The information they hold might have a effect on my decision making process to see a particular lady. At least for myself, I'd like the free flow of information... This site is about information exchange whether good or bad.
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Old 10-11-2012, 12:17 PM   #7
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Im not saying you shouldnt call someone out if they NC/NS. I think you mis-understood. I think anyone should be called out when they do this, both men and women. I have no dog in this fight either, im just saying whats fair for the goose is good for the gander. We call the ladies out when they NC/NS, but if a lady were to come on here and call a guy out for the same thing, we would roast her, and come up with every excuse in the world why it happened, just as they do. If I cant make a appt. I will find the 15 secs. it takes to let her know. Thats just me though Ranch
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Old 10-11-2012, 01:21 PM   #8
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Agree, it shouldn't happen on either side but it does. I won't be opposed to the ladies doing the same thing however that might just stir up a hornet's nest that may and it's a big may shine a unwanted negative light.
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Old 10-11-2012, 04:20 PM   #9
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Thats what im basically saying. The guy can post a NC/NS and its perfectly acceptable, but if a lady were to do it, all hell would break loose. I would imagine thats why the ladies dont do it. Im not being a WK for anyone, never will be. This was just something that was brought to my attention through a pm. The lady was a bit upset, and with good reason. Hell, I dont even know her, never met her, and probably never will. Ranch
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Old 10-16-2012, 03:00 PM   #10
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Just a update for those who might be interested. There have been (11) thats eleven NC/NS by hobbyiests in our area in the last two weeks. Anyone know whats going on with this? This is just the ones I know of. Ranch
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Old 10-16-2012, 04:06 PM   #11
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No idea, it's sad especially since this area is tough enough to hobby as it is and this will make it even harder. I know shit happens and sometimes plans do become awry for unexpected reasons and if that is the case that number of no shows doesn't shine a favorable light to this area.
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Old 10-16-2012, 04:59 PM   #12
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Ranch, I don't know what percent of booked appointments are NCNS in our community or in any other e.g. Austin. Is 11 a big number in two weeks? Seems to me it is, but I don't know the denominator, and I don't know what percent is "big" by hobbying standards. I would be interested in such details to put some perspective on our local problem. Maybe providers can give us an idea of what is their "typical" rate of NCNS's per week or per month.

BTW, any information on location. Are the NCNS's in Killeen, Waco, BCS, or ??? (I hope it is not BCS.)

I do think it is completely inappropriate to NCNS a provider or a hobbiest. A simple phone call is the least one can do when failing to show for an appointment. Even that does not help much if it is truly at the last minute, but at least the stiffed party will know what is happening. I would go further -- last minute cancellations are not appropriate absent extreme justification, even with a phone call. Providers who are NCNS'ed lose out on other potential customers; clients who are NCNS'ed lose out on time and opportunity to book another, especially those planning ahead and with various constraints on their time. In both cases the opportunity cost seems to be on the order of several hundred roses.

Clearly the occassional late cancellation is part of the business, but these should be rare events.
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Old 10-16-2012, 06:06 PM   #13
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We have discussed this before and the bottom line is it is rude behavior. Why shouldn't the hobbyist or provider be outed for this. We do review that shed light on the providers weather its good or bad. An exchange of information is what this site is about and if we don't uphold those values then the site is no use any more. A cancellation with notice is different then a NCNS and should not be addressed the same.
I would expect the provider to hold me accountable for my actions especially if it is damaging her business.
Why some bozos think they should start doing it now? Probably because they think nobody is going to blow the whistle.
I say let it blow!
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Old 10-16-2012, 10:04 PM   #14
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I am going to try to get the providers in question to let me know the names of the hobbyiests that are doing this. Wheather they will let me know is another story. Some may feel it will hurt their business even more. Providers tend to think different than we do. We have no problem outing a provider for this. Waco is the main culprit in this, that much I do know. Ranch
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