10-08-2012, 03:27 PM
Valued Poster
Join Date: Sep 14, 2011
Location: Dallas
Posts: 483
Cop, Little Girl, and Santa
A couple of days after Christmas, a little girl (about 11 years old) was riding her new bicycle. She came to a street corner, and dutifully stopped and looked both ways. At the street corner was a police officer on horseback.
The officer looked down at the little girl and said "Say, that's a nice new bike you are riding. Did Santa bring you that bike for Christmas?" The little girl replied "Yes officer, he did."
The officer pulled out his ticket book, wrote the little girl a citation, handed it to her, and said "You need to tell Santa that there is supposed to be a red reflector on the back of the bike."
The little girl looked at the ticket, looked and the officer, and looked at the officer's horse. She then said "Officer, that sure is a nice-looking horse you have. Did Santa bring you that horse for Christmas?" The officer replied "Santa sure did, young lady".
The little girl said "Well, you need to tell Santa that the dick is supposed to be UNDER the horse."
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