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View Poll Results: Sex or money: What makes you happier?
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Old 10-08-2012, 12:39 AM   #1
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Default Sex or money: What makes you happier?


One study found that money bought more sexual partners, but it didn't necessarily buy more sex.
  • Studies show millionaires may enjoy better and more adventurous sex
  • One study suggests that women enjoy sex more with rich partners
  • Another ties frequency of sex to happiness in both men and women
  • Increasing sex may provide a mood boost similar to a $50,000 income gain

Editor's note: Ian Kerner, a sexuality counselor and New York Times best-selling author, blogs about sex for CNN Health. Read more from him on his website, GoodInBed.
(CNN) -- If you're thinking that the benefits of a hefty bank account could help turn up the heat in the bedroom, you're at least partly right.
Money might not buy love, but it can allow for a sizzling sex life.
About 70% of multimillionaires -- with a mean net worth of a whopping $90 million -- say they enjoy better and more adventurous sex, according to a 2007 survey by Prince & Associates Inc., a marketing research firm specializing in global private wealth.
"Fully 63% of rich men said wealth gave them 'better sex,' which they defined as having more-frequent sex with more partners. That compares to 88% of women who said more money gave them better sex, which they defined as 'higher quality' sex," writes Robert Frank in an article for the Wealth Report entitled "The Rich Libido."
It makes sense when you think about it: Money relieves much of the life stresses that most of us have to deal with, helping those 1%ers relax and let go.
The security of extreme wealth can provide a sense of stability that many people, particularly female millionaires, find empowering. And expensive toys like private jets and trips to exotic locales certainly don't hurt, either.

Ian Kerner

Hooking up with the rich may even improve the quality of sex, at least for women. In a 2009 study (PDF), researchers at Newcastle University found that as male partners' income increased, so did the frequency of women's orgasms.
Political differences and the bedroom
Could money act as an aphrodisiac? Maybe. Or, as the study's authors suggest, perhaps wealth-inspired orgasms are the result of evolution, helping women discriminate between men to find those that have the best provider potential.
However, a partner who can provide more resources and more orgasms may not necessarily be the best long-term bet, because wealth changes people, and not always for the better.
According to social psychologist Justin Lehmiller, "Wealthier people engage in more dishonest and unethical behavior, and these traits may follow them into the bedroom. In fact, research has found that power and wealth are linked to a higher likelihood of infidelity."
But luckily for all of 99%ers, sex itself may confer more happiness than money ever could.
In one study, researchers at Dartmouth College and the University of Warwick, England, measured levels of happiness in 16,000 men and women. They found that the more sex people had, the happier they were, regardless of their age or whether they were male or female.
And while money was found to buy more sexual partners, it didn't necessarily buy more sex. In fact, men who paid for sex were considerably less happy than those who didn't, which makes sense.
According to Lehmiller, "You can buy all of the sex you want, but at the end of the day, most of us want and need more than a few moments of physical contact. Purchasing sex does not meet our psychological needs for intimacy and emotional connection."
Beyond 'Fifty Shades': Sex experts share their favorite books
The researchers even found that sex is so closely tied to happiness that they estimated increasing sexual intercourse from once a month to once a week would have the same mood-boosting effects as adding $50,000 a year in income.
Sex may contribute to your happiness -- and your actual bank account -- in other ways, too. According to research by biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, people who have more sex might do better at work.
Sex triggers the release of various brain chemicals, such as dopamine, vasopressin and oxytocin, which are associated with creativity, problem-solving, cooperation and confidence. It stands to reason, says Fisher, that regular sex might improve performance in the boardroom as well as the bedroom.
So how can you reap these rewards? Invest in your relationship by giving it the same time and attention that you would your retirement portfolio. Make time for date nights. Make sure that the number of positive interactions with your partner outnumbers the negatives.
Practice 30-second hugs to get those feel-good chemicals flowing. Share a cuddle -- and maybe a fantasy or two. Remember, you may not own six homes and a private jet, but when you bank on your relationship, you can feel just as rich.
So what makes you happier: sex or money?
Crank up your sex drive

Cash or credit
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:12 AM   #2
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sex on my pile of $$$
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:21 AM   #3
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Money is just the gateway to sex for some. But when you least expect it and something comes along and all the planets are lined up just right and the emotions erupt and do their thing, and money is not an issue. Now thats good sex. Money can't buy love or happiness. Thats my take anyway.
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:23 AM   #4
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It makes sense when you think about it: Money relieves much of the life stresses that most of us have to deal with, helping those 1%ers relax and let go.
Being someone who achieved a top 1% income for a few years, this statement is very true. Not married and not having children helped in the fact I could not spend the money fast enough.

In one study, researchers at Dartmouth College and the University of Warwick, England, measured levels of happiness in 16,000 men and women. They found that the more sex people had, the happier they were, regardless of their age or whether they were male or female.
And while money was found to buy more sexual partners, it didn't necessarily buy more sex. In fact, men who paid for sex were considerably less happy than those who didn't, which makes sense.
According to Lehmiller, "You can buy all of the sex you want, but at the end of the day, most of us want and need more than a few moments of physical contact. Purchasing sex does not meet our psychological needs for intimacy and emotional connection."
I hear people in relationships say a relationship is 50/50. I always reply "no a relationship is both giving 100%" If 100% is not being given by one of the people in the relationship then what is missing will be found somewhere else.
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Old 10-08-2012, 05:38 AM   #5
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The more money I have the more sex I can get. This I have learned.
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Old 10-08-2012, 08:50 AM   #6
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More money means more of everything. Sex is just one of those "everythings".
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:49 PM   #7
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once i quit worshiping either one i began to have more than enough of both
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Old 10-08-2012, 03:11 PM   #8
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My experience is that in this genre and in RL, moola is a catalyst.... for good and for bad.... Glad I have invested in education and deferred immediate gratification in my younger years so I could spend middle age and beyond pursuing my hedonistic vices
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Old 10-15-2012, 12:10 AM   #9
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Great answers everyone!

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Old 10-15-2012, 03:44 AM   #10
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GOOD to Great Sex! (nothing worse than BAD Sex, no matter how much you can get it!-SMDH)
High $ Cash Flow (a pile of $1s and coins, no matter how big, unless compounded daily will NOT do the job)
NEED both!

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Old 10-15-2012, 05:57 AM   #11
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Old 10-15-2012, 09:03 AM   #12
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i though the different defns of "better sex" were enlightening!!

Originally Posted by Kloie View Post
..."Fully 63% of rich men said wealth gave them 'better sex,' which they defined as having more-frequent sex with more partners. That compares to 88% of women who said more money gave them better sex, which they defined as 'higher quality' sex," writes Robert Frank in an [COLOR=black]article for the Wealth Report entitled "The Rich Libido."
Could money act as an aphrodisiac? Maybe. Or, as the study's authors suggest, perhaps wealth-inspired orgasms are the result of evolution, helping women discriminate between men to find those that have the best provider potential.
===> pmd: since when does having "wealth-inspired orgasms" equate to provider potential??
oh, i get it, if she has more orgasms, she's a better "provider" for us horndogs :^)

However, a partner who can provide more resources and more orgasms may not necessarily be the best long-term bet, because wealth changes people, and not always for the better.

According to social psychologist Justin Lehmiller, "Wealthier people engage in more dishonest and unethical behavior, and these traits may follow them into the bedroom. In fact, research has found that power and wealth are linked to a higher likelihood of infidelity."
===> pmd: can it really be true??? :^)

And while money was found to buy more sexual partners, it didn't necessarily buy more sex. In fact, men who paid for sex were considerably less happy than those who didn't, which makes sense.
According to Lehmiller, "You can buy all of the sex you want, but at the end of the day, most of us want and need more than a few moments of physical contact. Purchasing sex does not meet our psychological needs for intimacy and emotional connection."

===> pmd: i think because we're just w/ the woman for an hour or so at a time.
as much as marriage and relationships get a bad rap from some posters here at eccie, i think being someone over time helps us out, from a social, economic, and psychological point of view. go to a retirement center and ask them if they rather be widowed or single or have someone to be with.

Originally Posted by macdeft View Post
once i quit worshiping either one i began to have more than enough of both
i agree w/ this 100%.

excessive desire for anything is likely to cause problems, either from blind attraction [not exercising sufficient judgement or analysis], risky behavior, disregard of other life priorities, etc.
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Old 10-15-2012, 08:08 PM   #13
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Money, I can masturbate if there's no one to have sex with, but I can't make money appear out of thin air !
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Old 10-15-2012, 08:15 PM   #14
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Sex and intimacy really outweighs money anyday. Money brings a whole wrath of issues that somedays are just not worth it. IMHO
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Old 10-15-2012, 08:32 PM   #15
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First a confession. I'm comfortable financially. But for most of my life I wasn't. So here is my 'take.'

If you really need to scramble for $$ to get by, all the more so if you are responsible for others (and take your responsibility seriously) then the answer is 'money', hands down. For those of us who are ok financially, but have no ready access to sex, then we say "thank G-D for the board."
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