While I as a hobbyist look for a great experience (all the time

)by first select by the physical attribites of my liking; then the sexy, fun nature, or even naughty personality; Finally, of couse the most important of being safe and comfortable.
What's on your mind when you are screening?
Surely I understand one of the main goal is to select clients that's "safe"
But I'm curious as to how do you decide? Most of the time, will the referred providers even remember the name or handle?
I'm new to this type of hobby, getting screened, just had my first rejection! LOL. My feelings are not hurt but surely it's a very unique experience for me after all these years of playing in safe, VIP type of environment.
Let me hear from you ladies and of course my new found fellow hobbyist.
Yes, yes, I do know about P411. I'm in the process of getting verified but without the use of traceable payment method

since I am having so much fun of this new ways of hobbying.