First off, everyone should see this movie!
Was able to get out to see it this weekend. Wow! Just wow!! The action was fantastic, the acting was great and Bruce Willis was so dark in this. I did not realize who Joseph Gorgon-Levitt was but what ever makeup they did on him totally made him look hotter, lol Not that you guys care about that but the make up job they did on him made him look like a younger Willis.
The story was great and I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. You won't get lost or confused OR a migraine like that dumb movie, Inception.
It is easy to follow and honestly, I like it better than The Avengers. They are different movies, I know, but there is more to this movie than that movie.
It is a dark movie but very groundbreaking and stuff you wish Hollywood would come out with more often.