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Old 09-30-2012, 01:10 AM   #1
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Default Houston Strip Clubs

I am not sure I can post here, but I will give it a try. I would like to work at a club in Houston. Which ones are the best? I prefer upscale clientele (of course), because I can relate to them much better than younger party guys. Is the money good? Do most girls do it in the VIP? I don't think it's fair to do other services in a club. After I get off though, all bets are off!

I have tried to apply at a couple of the ones by the Galleria and they say they are not hiring. Do I have to know someone to get a job there? If so, are any of you that person?

I have never danced before and I think I would be good . The Houston clubs are way cooler than the ones in Dallas so give me the skinny. Thanks!
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Old 09-30-2012, 06:45 AM   #2
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I can see you having succesd at the St. James.
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Old 09-30-2012, 07:23 AM   #3
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I saw legends has hiring sign the other day when I was in the club. The club is on Richmond ave. Good luck.
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Old 09-30-2012, 08:18 AM   #4
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Ladies may not post in the review area's so I'll move this.
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Old 09-30-2012, 10:34 AM   #5
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From what ive heard and experienced first hand, there are girls in every club that are giving the guys in vip a little extra service. Some of them are very straight forward about what they can give you in vip and sometimes they can get pushy. It can be annoying. Sometimes i just like to go with a friend, have a beer and sit back and watch the girls. I dont always need a girl telling me "I can give you what you want back there" or "I'll take care of you" Just my opinion. And ive been to Legends and got some action in vip. I only went once and the time I was there, the customers were mostly young guys. No "upscale" looking clients like you are looking for
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Old 09-30-2012, 11:30 AM   #6
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Old 09-30-2012, 12:10 PM   #7
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Erotic Morgan,

As I turns out, I am a recruiter for the strip clubs here in Houston. I'll send you a PM to setup a private interview.
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Old 09-30-2012, 01:21 PM   #8
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Shut up Citori! I am not falling for that ever again!

No, I am joking. Sounds like a pretty lame scene from the intel i have gotten. I am really only interested in modeling all of my cute lingerie and getting constant compliments.Maybe I can just do that by myself in this hotel room.
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Old 09-30-2012, 02:59 PM   #9
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More than a little ignorance here....think about it..

Why would one pay $50-100 to go to a VIP if there was no "extra" value there...

If the girls do not perform, the customer will be less than happy...bet on it...the manager will hear about it. And it will be posted on a board somewhere.

If you are a low volume provider...think you are GPS or delicate...don't try it.
Dancers can really make money in a day with volume services.

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Old 09-30-2012, 03:55 PM   #10
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pm sent
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Old 09-30-2012, 04:02 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by EroticMorgan View Post
I am not sure I can post here, but I will give it a try. I would like to work at a club in Houston. Which ones are the best? I prefer upscale clientele (of course), because I can relate to them much better than younger party guys. Is the money good? Do most girls do it in the VIP? I don't think it's fair to do other services in a club. After I get off though, all bets are off!

I have tried to apply at a couple of the ones by the Galleria and they say they are not hiring. Do I have to blow someone to get a job there? If so, are any of you that person?

I have never danced before and I think I would be good . The Houston clubs are way cooler than the ones in Dallas so give me the skinny. Thanks!
I fixed that for you.
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Old 09-30-2012, 11:24 PM   #12
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You can try The Men's Club.
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:25 AM   #13
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If you're looking to get into an "upscale" place you better be on your best behavior when you go to apply since many of those managers are reluctant to hire aa dancers.

I take it you're not looking to dance to "gucci mane" and "lil boosie" songs while guys with gold grills and neck tatoos "make it rain" so you might want to check out treasures, gold cup, st james, michaels, ricks, the men's club.

But like I said be on your best behavior and show that you're not "ghetto" or you'll get the "we're not hiring right now" speech.
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Old 10-01-2012, 03:06 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by EroticMorgan View Post
I am not sure I can post here, but I will give it a try. I would like to work at a club in Houston. Which ones are the best? I prefer upscale clientele (of course), because I can relate to them much better than younger party guys. Is the money good? Do most girls do it in the VIP? I don't think it's fair to do other services in a club. After I get off though, all bets are off!

I have tried to apply at a couple of the ones by the Galleria and they say they are not hiring. Do I have to know someone to get a job there? If so, are any of you that person?

I have never danced before and I think I would be good . The Houston clubs are way cooler than the ones in Dallas so give me the skinny. Thanks!
Hey Morgan!

I've danced in Houston before, but I would rather dance in Dallas. IMHO, Houston is fast paced and not conservative at all like Dallas. Most dancers consider Houston to be High mileage and High Contact. Expect to bump, grind, get your titties sucks and licked, and rub some cock for a $20 dance. Houston gentlemen are very particular when it comes to their money in a SC.

The Best Clubs for a Black Dancer, IMHO.
Rick's - This is a GREAT upscale club for a black dancer, but they are picky about hiring black girls. They want a polished look.
Foxxy's - (Ghetto, but money can be made early in the night).
Harlem Knights - ($20 To get in VIP, a.k.a. Fantasy Room).
Dreams - (Ghetto, but with $$$ if you know pole tricks) - I made money on stage, but keep in mind that you have to pay $100 for your house fee, and $100 more to get on stage and dance. I would come in here with some friends because you will be on stage for a good minute.
Club Fetish - (Money Mayfield was here, and I heard he made it rain 100's this is a nice club.)
XTC South (A little bit nicer, but they don't have a lot of black girls, so you will bank).
Blue Sapphire or "Sapphires" wrote in a blue sign. I think this club was in South Houston. (This club is a bit nicer, but there is money to be made in VIP, and the VIP fee is low, like $20).
Secrets (Off of 45) - I love this club! Even though there was no VIP, the day-shift had steady clientele and the house fees were low ($20 to work).

The Clubs I would avoid, at all cost:
Memories (Greek owned Club with a mafia like vibe- The Manager looked like an extra from the Soprano's - There was no money here).
Most of the Latina Clubs like Moments, Legs, Ritz, etc. (There were too many Hispanic people in these clubs, and I don't speak no Spanish, so....)
Solid Platinum - This place is rust.
Legends - Maybe I came in on a bad day, but the customers here were rude, the manager was an ass, and this club was loaded with pimps.
Hi-10 - The house fee was way too high, and the club was dead on a weekend.
The Club down the street from Hi-10 - Same thing, very Ghetto and no money.

Now I couldn't tell you about the white/mixed clubs like St. James, Gold Cup, Penthouse, and etc. But I did befriend a white dancer in Houston, and she told me that it was ridiculously hard to get hired at these clubs (And this girl is gorgeous). But then, different strokes for different folks.

I honestly wouldn't even walk into the club and ask if they was hiring or even fill out an app. Walk in with your bags and a good $20-40 in your hand and tell the manager you are ready to work.

And also, Houston has this CRAZY rule regarding granny panties and itchy latex on your nipples. Most clubs want you to wear full bottoms and put flesh-colored latex on your nipples. I have a latex allergy and that did not work well with me at all. Make sure you can adjust to this....

But Anyway,
Good luck, and P'M me if you any questions!
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Old 10-01-2012, 02:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby View Post
Hey Morgan!

I've danced in Houston before, but I would rather dance in Dallas. IMHO, Houston is fast paced and not conservative at all like Dallas. Most dancers consider Houston to be High mileage and High Contact. Expect to bump, grind, get your titties sucks and licked, and rub some cock for a $20 dance. Houston gentlemen are very particular when it comes to their money in a SC.

The Best Clubs for a Black Dancer, IMHO.
Rick's - This is a GREAT upscale club for a black dancer, but they are picky about hiring black girls. They want a polished look.
Foxxy's - (Ghetto, but money can be made early in the night).
Harlem Knights - ($20 To get in VIP, a.k.a. Fantasy Room).
Dreams - (Ghetto, but with $$$ if you know pole tricks) - I made money on stage, but keep in mind that you have to pay $100 for your house fee, and $100 more to get on stage and dance. I would come in here with some friends because you will be on stage for a good minute.
Club Fetish - (Money Mayfield was here, and I heard he made it rain 100's this is a nice club.)
XTC South (A little bit nicer, but they don't have a lot of black girls, so you will bank).
Blue Sapphire or "Sapphires" wrote in a blue sign. I think this club was in South Houston. (This club is a bit nicer, but there is money to be made in VIP, and the VIP fee is low, like $20).
Secrets (Off of 45) - I love this club! Even though there was no VIP, the day-shift had steady clientele and the house fees were low ($20 to work).

The Clubs I would avoid, at all cost:
Memories (Greek owned Club with a mafia like vibe- The Manager looked like an extra from the Soprano's - There was no money here).
Most of the Latina Clubs like Moments, Legs, Ritz, etc. (There were too many Hispanic people in these clubs, and I don't speak no Spanish, so....)
Solid Platinum - This place is rust.
Legends - Maybe I came in on a bad day, but the customers here were rude, the manager was an ass, and this club was loaded with pimps.
Hi-10 - The house fee was way too high, and the club was dead on a weekend.
The Club down the street from Hi-10 - Same thing, very Ghetto and no money.

Now I couldn't tell you about the white/mixed clubs like St. James, Gold Cup, Penthouse, and etc. But I did befriend a white dancer in Houston, and she told me that it was ridiculously hard to get hired at these clubs (And this girl is gorgeous). But then, different strokes for different folks.

I honestly wouldn't even walk into the club and ask if they was hiring or even fill out an app. Walk in with your bags and a good $20-40 in your hand and tell the manager you are ready to work.

And also, Houston has this CRAZY rule regarding granny panties and itchy latex on your nipples. Most clubs want you to wear full bottoms and put flesh-colored latex on your nipples. I have a latex allergy and that did not work well with me at all. Make sure you can adjust to this....

But Anyway,
Good luck, and P'M me if you any questions!
Hell this is the best piece of advice I've read in this thread.
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