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Old 02-20-2011, 11:56 PM   #46
Lana Warren
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Originally Posted by sirliamscross View Post
To all providers:

Do not respond to a review by starting a thread defending yourself. It will only serve to give people a forum to further attack you.

Here is what you do: Type out a complete response. Say everything you need to. Really get it off of your chest. Walk away. Come back an hour later and delete it.

I have no idea what happened. NONE. But i have read the review and the rebuttal. And, unfortunately, Berkleigh looks like the jerk. And the funny part is that she could be totally right. He wasn't viscious. She was. He was never insulting. She was.

This thread should serve as a "how NOT to" handle a negative review. Just take a deep breath and keep being the best version of you possible, ladies. Everyone has a bad day at work. The key is to put as many good days between that day and today as possible.

Amen, brotha!
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:07 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by sirliamscross View Post
To all providers:

Do not respond to a review by starting a thread defending yourself. It will only serve to give people a forum to further attack you.

Here is what you do: Type out a complete response. Say everything you need to. Really get it off of your chest. Walk away. Come back an hour later and delete it.

I have no idea what happened. NONE. But i have read the review and the rebuttal. And, unfortunately, Berkleigh looks like the jerk. And the funny part is that she could be totally right. He wasn't viscious. She was. He was never insulting. She was.

This thread should serve as a "how NOT to" handle a negative review. Just take a deep breath and keep being the best version of you possible, ladies. Everyone has a bad day at work. The key is to put as many good days between that day and today as possible.

A rebuttal done in an intelligent manner that sticks to facts and states "your side" of things and let the chips fall where they may is warranted in some instances.. A girl like a guy can post her "opinion" of how things went just like the guy does with his review..doing so to often or in the wrong manner usually brings more bad than good..

I have posted 1 rebuttal on the old "p" of a review that simply the date NEVER TOOK PLACE.. the review he gave wasn't even a bad one per say..but the date never took place.. he was pissed cuz he scheduled then nc/ns and then wanted me to rebook him for later and i wouldn't..he wrote a semi good review blah blah and i simply said it never happened..he didn't even have the facts right etc of where i was at etc.. so.. in instances where reviews aren't warranted.. or facts can be proven..go for it.. but do so intelligently and with facts in place

childish name calling, insults, and over all meanness does nothing in the way of credibility

and posting rebuttals shouldn't become a regular practice
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:10 AM   #48
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This is getting interesting ... and pathetic ...
Carry on....
I will Check back when I feel like it

Been watching this for hours and I'm quite disgusted and totally misunderstood
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:19 AM   #49
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One of the hardest things to do is walk away from a fight. Walking away feels like surrendering your pride. And if there is one thing that most girls on this board value, it is their pride. And they should value it.

Like I said, it's hard to not start flinging mud back...

But I always admire the ones who refuse to swim in the filth.
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:38 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by berkleigh View Post
After receiving several pm's and emails and text messages to notify me of this so called bad review or poor recommendation....here is my side of the story.

To the individual who took it amoung himself to challenge me on this obviously didn't recall several very important things that happened in both sessions.

I advise he sit back and recall how it really went down.

Sure he pointed out some flaws but I am by far from perfect.

I can't see BCD so I am not sure what was said nor do I really give a fuck
but because I have to protect my reputation then I will post what I gather is a problem with this hobbiyst.

Let's start with the fact this happened in DECEMBER of last year.

Its late Feb...why is he waiting til now to post this?
If I wasn't so "awesome" then why sit on it for 2 and half months????

So he doesn't recommend me? Well LADIES I DON'T RECOMMEND HIM.....

The first appt happened last summer and he had scheduled an appt the same day prior to meeting with me. I guess he was one of those who decided to bounce around from provider to provider and see how many times he could get his rocks off that day.

The provider he saw prior to me I know her outside the hobby so when I called her for the reference she seemed shocked as well that he was seeing us both back to back the same day.
The fact is she and I were running weekend specials...so he is just cheap. IMHO


So I am assuming he was searching for deals...again whatever.

For our first meeting I believe I was on time.
Although I am usually late...my time management is off will always be off. I run late.

I tried to talk to him prior to engaging in any activity but he is one of those boring individuals who has no personality what so ever or any life experiences to speak of so basicly it was timeto just get down to business.


Knowing he had just came from the last provider, I offered a shower.

He declined.
Hoping he showered there at her incall prior to visiting me.....
....I highly doubt it.
I noticed he had a few scratches and scabs that were noticeably all over his naked self.
Boys pick scabs not grown men....how I managed to dodge them probably let to me being stand off-ish.
I think I literally sucked him dry and tried every position until I went dry from the friction of the protection.
He got off in the appointment prior to me and he WAS NOT going to get off with me.

NOT MY PROBLEM. I tried. And the minute the hobby starts to become difficult its not fun anymore.

I did feel bad as that rarely ever happens but told him if I saw him again I would hope we would be able to click better.

So upon contacting me again several months later...he booked a super late appointment and I actually did come in from being in Austin that day.

I had a dealer car that I had an issue with as my rental was being serviced.

And yes I was late. But he waited as I had explained the incall had been prepaid and he could stay longer that I would make it up to him. I would make it up in time but no discount only service.

He told me he was drinking waiting on me.

I made him shower with me this time.

He had a mole that he had removed and was physically bleeding on his shoulder.
He had more scabs on him than the last time. Big ones. Very Nasty.
I should have turned him away but based on the fact he had waited and the first session we didn't click, I was a trooper and TOOK ONE FOR THE TEAM.

He bled on the sheets and comforter from the mole and opened scabs he picked.

We were in a 4 star upscale hotel so you know if it was from my personal incall he would have been required to buy another or replace it.

The same thing happened.

Every position...every hole but the starfish but this guy was not gonna get off.

Was it the alcohol? Was he tired from waiting?

I don't care by this time. He did stay past 3am.

It wasn't gonna happen.
He has contacted me but our scheduled haven't meshed.
I believe I've even given a reference or two...

But this was the real story.

I can't always be the same in every session with every client.

What one reads in a review another will experience different, better or worse.

I am not perfect and can only spread myself so thin thru all of the cities I travel.

Its known I do my best to maintain myself and my fun girl experience.

Its also known I suffered a real life tradegy in september.

I've been on depression medication for it.
My attitude has also been shitty on here do to the amount of idiots I deal with daily who can't read an ad.

so I will quote a good friend..."this is the hobby, its meant to be fun....if your not having fun...find a new hobby"

I am paid to provide a service not deal with bullshit of which I am sure several others will agree they have endured.
Im sorry I can't stop laughing @ "Protect your Rep"
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:53 AM   #51
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None of this would have ever happened if it wasnt for the dueces/duck lip combo. Its more powerful than any of us.
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Old 02-21-2011, 01:40 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by broes View Post
None of this would have ever happened if it wasnt for the dueces/duck lip combo. Its more powerful than any of us.
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Old 02-21-2011, 03:14 AM   #53
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I will be renewing my drivers license with the myspace kissy duck face for those who care lol

These comments are so lame....I thought I would be entertained more.

Its a shame I can't read the BCD but I am sure Tara has access to it right?
Tara I advise you go see the Eye Doctor because you clearly are mistaken about this guys skin.
I'm also going to ask you don't blow up my phone or pm box after you read this

Will I be pointed for what I just said? Don't care.....

Jules I love ya girl and keep in touch when you leave....

For the record.....my feelings are not hurt...LMFAO....I'm too hardcore for that.
I know how to seperate my feelings and this is the hobby so c'mon stop acting as if you know me.

For those who know me, Are good friends inside and outside the hobby. AND I HAVE MANY MANY FRIENDS HERE.....its not a fan club *major eye rolling*

I've been around for a while....AND I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE.....
I fiqured all this bashing would be entertaining but its lame....
Not really bothered to much by it...but I do love the ones who try and advise how I should do things..o.
I'm a grown woman who is opinionated and confident in myself...

It amazes me how many have nothing else better to do with their time to get on a hooker board and talk shit like they have morals and values and live as a saint...christ are you kidding me?

I am a real person who can honestly say I am at a better place in my life than I have been in a while. I am more happy now than I have been in a while and its very sad to see the unhappiness and negativity that comes thru in the postings of some here.
I use to really enjoy being a member of this board but there is so much drama and trash here now that its ridiculous....

To the idiot who claims my excuse for my behavior is my "medication"...if you were smart enough to read several months back why I "was" medicated then you would have seen it due to the POSTPARDUM I was diagonsed with due the loss of my twins. At which I was getting ready to retire and get married...yada yada blah blah LIFE GOES ON I AM OVER IT....
But maybe if I was still on the LEXAPRO....go look it up...I'll wait....I might not come across like such a CUNT on here....
Doubt it because I still have to deal with FUCKTARDS like him and the others that want to challenge me....

Look if y'all don't know by now I am not about to break...so good luck with that.

I don't have time to quote and pick apart what everyone has said about me BECAUSE I DON'T CARE....
I have a real life with an awesome family and great friends and I am happy
I have a schedule and things to do...hints why you don't see me on here as much
I stated my opinion and I'm sticking to it and refuse to apologize for anything said

The only reason for this thread was to state the facts...whether anyone likes it or not AGAIN I DON'T CARE...I am currently in Austin and have been all wkend with my ATF and was disturbed by the amount of texts emails and pm's on this subject. If I could see really what had been said then maybe I would have just let it roll off but I can't so whatever.....

I don't if your 7 months prego and your hormones are allowing you speak out of your ass but you will not disrespect me. You don't know me and your real lucky I am going to act like a Lady right now but its obvious that you chose my thread to make this all about you and your experiences....so if your hurting for business right now and you need time to shine well be my guest....get it girl because you voiced your damn bullshit I swear just about every other comment as if you were really staying on topic. You my dear must be bored.

I scrolled thru half of the bullshit on here and didn't even care to read it. LAME.

LOOK IF I WAS ON YOUR LIST and now I'm scratched off, your loss....

My phone will NOT stop ringing nor will the emails STOP.
So if any of you think for one minute this will hurt my business because I so honestly posted the truth and how I feel...your wrong.

Many great people I've had the pleasure of meeting in the last 6 years in every city I tour in will vouch that I am agood person who loves to show and have an awesome time.
I have become super selective in who I choose to spend my time with and I'm low volume now because I choose to be. If my attitude offends you well you haven't walked in my shoes a day in this hobby. I can promise I'm only going to offer the same great service and will probably get hotter as I'm in my MILF STAGE lol
I am and will continue to be one of the few providers who maintains her apparence greatly and offers competetive rates and service with a smile.

Things happen and people don't mesh. If you don't like me...not my problem...move on

Lastly I would absolutely love for the guy who said I was low class to personally come over to my home so I can show him the way I live, crack open the photo album of me growing up, let him see the background I was raised in and how my family lives, intoduce him to my nanny who takes care of the 2 most intelligent well behaved children I know, have some coffee, pull out my old report cards and cheerleading photos, the education I have and the school I am futhering my education to accomplish my long term goal. And I do it all as a single parent without welfare or child support but wait I forgot to mention my big fat annuity i ve been sitting on since I was 16. PLEASE call me...let's do lunch anytime
Cracks me up because I voice my opinion where its suppose to be stated I'm low class LOL

This thread got way out of hand so I've spoke my mind and am going back to my FABULOUS LIFE

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Old 02-21-2011, 03:22 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by berkleigh View Post
This is getting interesting ... and pathetic ...
Carry on....
I will Check back when I feel like it

Been watching this for hours and I'm quite disgusted and totally misunderstood
Actually your rebuttal was quite pathetic, and many people are both disgusted and "totally" understood your lame response...

To admit that you have a problem with tardiness and bad mouth the dude and make it sound like he has leprosy is immature at the least and extremely childish at the most. Grow up, and if you are disgusted with the guy, send him on his way and walk out the door. Don't take his money and reveal real world information about him.

I can't imagine how hard the job is for you ladies. I bet you are completely repulsed by many of the men you see. I get it. I really do, but this rebuttal was the most immature shit I have read on here in a long time.

I have to commend Tara Evans for sticking up for this guy. I thought that was very classy. And to Deanna Luv, your initial post was great and hit the nail right on the head.
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Old 02-21-2011, 03:31 AM   #55
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But its ok for y'all. To blab in depth in the locker room about us?
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Old 02-21-2011, 03:35 AM   #56
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Old 02-21-2011, 03:41 AM   #57
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No, just immature because you have the logical reasoning skills of a 14 year old and you make duck lips like an 18 year old, but you're in your 30's, so yeah, immature....It's pretty easy to stand by that assessment.

Edit: I noticed how you changed your post about being "immature" but I'll keep mine the same.
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:03 AM   #58
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i thought people came here to fuck not attack and criticize each other?

and for the record ive NEVER seen a repulsive client EVER!

i read the alerts and these threads just like everybody else... i do not run my business like others, i do what i am comfortable with and what works for me!


i also agree that this ended up bad and posting a response to a review is not always the best thing to do especially when we are "emotional" i just think sometimes guys might think or overlook the fact have the same feelings and emotions as other non provider ladies. add the stress of this being the main source of a lot of ladies incomes and sometimes we go bat shit crazy or do something silly (THESE COMMENTS ARE NOT DIRECTED AT BERK OR THIS SITUATION) im just speaking in general.

i think some people need lighten up and have fun here all this negative shit is depressing as hell
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:05 AM   #59
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Woah. It's not very often that I can say that I agree with DeAnna...let alone get this excited about it.

But DeAnna NAILED it this time.

+++++1 Woo Hoo!
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:18 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by berkleigh View Post
I will be renewing my drivers license with the myspace kissy duck face for those who care lol

These comments are so lame....I thought I would be entertained more.

Its a shame I can't read the BCD but I am sure Tara has access to it right?
Tara I advise you go see the Eye Doctor because you clearly are mistaken about this guys skin.
I'm also going to ask you don't blow up my phone or pm box after you read this

Will I be pointed for what I just said? Don't care.....

Jules I love ya girl and keep in touch when you leave....

For the record.....my feelings are not hurt...LMFAO....I'm too hardcore for that.
I know how to seperate my feelings and this is the hobby so c'mon stop acting as if you know me.

For those who know me, Are good friends inside and outside the hobby. AND I HAVE MANY MANY FRIENDS HERE.....its not a fan club *major eye rolling*

I've been around for a while....AND I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE.....
I fiqured all this bashing would be entertaining but its lame....
Not really bothered to much by it...but I do love the ones who try and advise how I should do things..o.
I'm a grown woman who is opinionated and confident in myself...

It amazes me how many have nothing else better to do with their time to get on a hooker board and talk shit like they have morals and values and live as a saint...christ are you kidding me?

I am a real person who can honestly say I am at a better place in my life than I have been in a while. I am more happy now than I have been in a while and its very sad to see the unhappiness and negativity that comes thru in the postings of some here.
I use to really enjoy being a member of this board but there is so much drama and trash here now that its ridiculous....

To the idiot who claims my excuse for my behavior is my "medication"...if you were smart enough to read several months back why I "was" medicated then you would have seen it due to the POSTPARDUM I was diagonsed with due the loss of my twins. At which I was getting ready to retire and get married...yada yada blah blah LIFE GOES ON I AM OVER IT....
But maybe if I was still on the LEXAPRO....go look it up...I'll wait....I might not come across like such a CUNT on here....
Doubt it because I still have to deal with FUCKTARDS like him and the others that want to challenge me....

Look if y'all don't know by now I am not about to break...so good luck with that.

I don't have time to quote and pick apart what everyone has said about me BECAUSE I DON'T CARE....
I have a real life with an awesome family and great friends and I am happy
I have a schedule and things to do...hints why you don't see me on here as much
I stated my opinion and I'm sticking to it and refuse to apologize for anything said

The only reason for this thread was to state the facts...whether anyone likes it or not AGAIN I DON'T CARE...I am currently in Austin and have been all wkend with my ATF and was disturbed by the amount of texts emails and pm's on this subject. If I could see really what had been said then maybe I would have just let it roll off but I can't so whatever.....

I don't if your 7 months prego and your hormones are allowing you speak out of your ass but you will not disrespect me. You don't know me and your real lucky I am going to act like a Lady right now but its obvious that you chose my thread to make this all about you and your experiences....so if your hurting for business right now and you need time to shine well be my guest....get it girl because you voiced your damn bullshit I swear just about every other comment as if you were really staying on topic. You my dear must be bored.

I scrolled thru half of the bullshit on here and didn't even care to read it. LAME.

LOOK IF I WAS ON YOUR LIST and now I'm scratched off, your loss....

My phone will NOT stop ringing nor will the emails STOP.
So if any of you think for one minute this will hurt my business because I so honestly posted the truth and how I feel...your wrong.

Many great people I've had the pleasure of meeting in the last 6 years in every city I tour in will vouch that I am agood person who loves to show and have an awesome time.
I have become super selective in who I choose to spend my time with and I'm low volume now because I choose to be. If my attitude offends you well you haven't walked in my shoes a day in this hobby. I can promise I'm only going to offer the same great service and will probably get hotter as I'm in my MILF STAGE lol
I am and will continue to be one of the few providers who maintains her apparence greatly and offers competetive rates and service with a smile.

Things happen and people don't mesh. If you don't like me...not my problem...move on

Lastly I would absolutely love for the guy who said I was low class to personally come over to my home so I can show him the way I live, crack open the photo album of me growing up, let him see the background I was raised in and how my family lives, intoduce him to my nanny who takes care of the 2 most intelligent well behaved children I know, have some coffee, pull out my old report cards and cheerleading photos, the education I have and the school I am futhering my education to accomplish my long term goal. And I do it all as a single parent without welfare or child support but wait I forgot to mention my big fat annuity i ve been sitting on since I was 16. PLEASE call me...let's do lunch anytime
Cracks me up because I voice my opinion where its suppose to be stated I'm low class LOL

This thread got way out of hand so I've spoke my mind and am going back to my FABULOUS LIFE


WOW, just....WOW! Apparently the Lexapro isnt working so well.
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