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Old 02-20-2011, 09:34 PM   #31
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Sometimes these kind of threads will hurt a provider more than help, because any provider could do the exact same thing to any guy on here. I would think twice about
calling a provider that started a thread like this, should have been settled privately. She may be a good provider, but she handled this poorly.
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Old 02-20-2011, 09:46 PM   #32
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It happens. Berk has a fan club, he had a bad night. Whatever. Move on. Both people are human. It happens. I am sure Berk is still cool and he is still a nice guy. Sometimes the stars do not aligh.
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Old 02-20-2011, 09:56 PM   #33
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I find it funny how the ladies don't address how wrong it was of Berkleigh to discuss this mans line of work. Goodness forbid anyone else have a "no" session with Berkleigh. Who is going to post it? This woman might say what you do for a living. No excuse for that. She has been providing for years now. Shame shame....

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Old 02-20-2011, 10:00 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by berkleigh View Post
After receiving several pm's and emails and text messages to notify me of this so called bad review or poor recommendation....here is my side of the story.
sad when WK's and/or "friends" feel the need to "notify" people

Sure he pointed out some flaws but I am by far from perfect.
I can't see BCD so I am not sure what was said nor do I really give a fuck but because I have to protect my reputation then I will post what I gather is a problem with this hobbiyst.
someone obviously gives a fuck or this wouldn't be posted.. and I have yet to see what a problem the hobbyiest had?

So he doesn't recommend me? Well LADIES I DON'T RECOMMEND HIM.....
of course not.. he "hurt" you..damn right you will "hurt" him.. thats what this hobby has become and is exactly why hobbyiest are so damn scared to post THEIR REVIEWS as THEY see the session having went

The first appt happened last summer and he had scheduled an appt the same day prior to meeting with me. I guess he was one of those who decided to bounce around from provider to provider and see how many times he could get his rocks off that day.
And the problem with this is exactly what? the frequency with which he hobbies in a day/week/month is NO ONES BUSINESS and especially not that of a provider.. but it does go directly against the theory he is cheap.. he could afford to see 2 providers in the same day

The fact is she and I were running weekend specials...so he is just cheap. IMHO
This is sickening at best and is about as much a cheap shot as I have seen.. It is NOT the hobbyiest fault either of you ran specials..it is his option as a paying customer to take advantage of the specials being offered on the own free will of the providers.. its not his fault you made yourself available at a cheaper rate.. If providers are gonna offer specials in order to gain business and make money they ought not hold it against hobbyiest when shit goes bad.. if both girls he saw that day had discount rates that equaled 1 girls regular rate..i guess that makes him pretty damn smart.. he saw 2 girls for the price of one.. he took advantage of what was being offered and got the most bang for his buck..KUDOS to him.. none the less..he obviously PAID THE RATE that services were offered for so this is pretty much a non issue and its sad that it is even brought up and attempted to be used against him.. but this is why hobbyiest hands are tied..shit like this

Since I can't list his personal info I can say he doesn't make a lot edited to remove work data SD. So I am assuming he was searching for deals...again whatever.
Really? you went there? he made enough money to pay not 1 but 2 girls the same day the RATES THEY WERE OFFERING THEMSELVES AT.. NOT his fault you made yourself available for cheaper than usual.. and you don't know what he makes.. but what a cheap fucking shot to knock his employment

however..there is humor in someone that sells their body for a living thinking they are in any place to judge someone elses employment.. really? I mean..his job afforded him the ability to buy your body for the hour..so he must be doing something right

For our first meeting I believe I was on time.
Although I am usually late...my time management is off will always be off. I run late.
There is really nothing any provider can say that makes being late "ok".. that alone gives him the right to give a NO recommendation.. guys take hours out of their lives.. families etc..to try and have some fun and hobby..and girls think that since they are always late and other guys just "let it go"..that every guy should.. NOT AT ALL.. just like a provider..hobbyiest time is money.. they have to explain everything possibly and providers should be more aware and courteous of that.. girls get together and bitch like crazy when guys are late.. girls can't be late.. the "my time management is off"..and always will be simply should not be excepted..if more guys bitch..and "hurt a girls rep" by giving NO's..i think its totally fair and right

I tried to talk to him prior to engaging in any activity but he is one of those boring individuals who has no personality what so ever or any life experiences to speak of so basicly it was timeto just get down to business.
It's his money, his time, his date..he can use it how he wants.. him not wanting to talk to you or engage in mindless..pointless chit chat speaks volumes of what he was seeking.. he is the customer..

awkward how? cuz he didn't wanna talk to you? or because you simply can't fuck for the sake of fucking? or because you can't handle having thrown in your face exactly what your their to do..which is FUCK..not talk..once again..his money, his date, his time.. its only awkward if the girl can't handle it and can't fuck just to fuck

Knowing he had just came from the last provider, I offered a shower.
He declined.
Hoping he showered there at her incall prior to visiting me.....
....I highly doubt it.
I noticed he had a few scratches and scabs that were noticeably all over his naked self.
Boys pick scabs not grown men....how I managed to dodge them probably let to me being stand off-ish.
Ok..where to start.. he declined a shower..humm yet providers wanna claim this or that and they control this and this provider don't put up with no shit blah blah blah

well..she put up with him declining a shower..she put up with what she claims is ..and still went thru with the whole date.. not his fault once again you decided to go thru with it..therefore its a non issue..can't hold it against him because you let it slide..thats your fault..not his and you can't crack on him now because of it.. frankly..i highly doubt any of the above since one provider done said he has been clean as long as she has known him..and she tends to be drama free

I think I literally sucked him dry and tried every position until I went dry from the friction of the protection.
He got off in the appointment prior to me and he WAS NOT going to get off with me.

NOT MY PROBLEM. I tried. And the minute the hobby starts to become difficult its not fun anymore
How do you know he wasn't going to get off with you? I mean guys have the ability..many many guys do.. so you can't say he was not..it may have going to be difficult..but isn't really half the fun of sex the "trying to get their" part.. i mean..orgasming is great..and getting off is great..but trying different things..attempting different stuff makes it fun..or atleast its suppose to if you like what your doing

and your right.. when the hobby becomes difficult its not fun..so hence the reason the review and NO recommendation.. you made it NOT fun for him and he is telling about it.. you getting dry isn't his fault..it is solely your fault..no one elses.. you obviously weren't having fun and didn't aim to and he paid for it in the end

I did feel bad as that rarely ever happens but told him if I saw him again I would hope we would be able to click better

so.. scabs, non showering cheap bastard with a broke ass job who you can't get to cum and you went dry fucking due to protection made you feel bad and you point out that if your saw him again you would hope you click better.. thus saying to him there is a chance you will for starters..after all that.. and you think all this about him obviously upon first meeting him but left the door open to future meetings..why exactly? to get his money again? in hopes he would give a bad review?

So upon contacting me again several months later...he booked a super late appointment and I actually did come in from being in Austin that day.

I had a dealer car that I had an issue with as my rental was being serviced.
And yes I was late. But he waited as I had explained the incall had been prepaid and he could stay longer that I would make it up to him. I would make it up in time but no discount only service.
NONE of which is his fault.. why is all of this being posted when in the end it goes directly to the argument that you deserved and EARNED A NO recommendation from him.. you was late..late again.. and have excuses everytime.which these days is apparently the excepted norm since it happens more and more..what happened to girls being on time..being professional and guys excepting NOTHING LESS.. NONE OF WHAT YOU ARE SAYING is his fault so far..

He told me he was drinking waiting on me.

I made him shower with me this time.

I should have turned him away but based on the fact he had waited and the first session we didn't click, I was a trooper and TOOK ONE FOR THE TEAM.
Him drinking and your knowledge of that and the fact you still showed up can't be used against him..thats YOUR FAULT FOR GOING THRU WITH IT

his mole..bleeding or whatever else you claim and the fact you remained in there IS YOUR FAULT..not his..you can leave

and you are no martyr for staying.. who did you TOFTT for exactly? your pocketbook was the only thing that got helped from this.. if all of what you are saying is true..and you had of just left upon seeing all this..it would say far greater things about you then bringing it up now to try and bash and attack him

The same thing happened.
Every position...every hole but the starfish but this guy was not gonna get off.

Was it the alcohol? Was he tired from waiting?
well..its goofy to say EVERY HOLE..then have to exlude the starfish like thats some big accomplishment..fact is..he got the standard service offered to any hobbyiest that many many girls offer..which is the standard pussy and mouth.. as far as EVERY position..SO WHAT? thats what you are hired to do for christ sakes.. why is this repeated like its suppose to somehow discredit or sway peoples thoughts.. he has the right to fuck you on your fucking head if you agree to it.. its p4p..its what we do.. it does speak volumes about how much you like your job if you are having to bitch about being fucked in every position

I don't care by this time. He did stay past 3am.
It wasn't gonna happen.
He has contacted me but our scheduled haven't meshed.
I believe I've even given a reference or two...
thats the whole problem all along..you didn't care the first time..you didn't care the second time..you merely was trying to get him to pay 1 MORE TIME.. and apparently based on the above comment would have seen him a 3rd time and taken his money yet again.. and based on everything you are complaining about and bitching about you still gave him a reference.. lol.. really?

But this was the real story.

I can't always be the same in every session with every client.

What one reads in a review another will experience different, better or worse.

I am not perfect and can only spread myself so thin thru all of the cities I travel.
Its known I do my best to maintain myself and my fun girl experience.

Its also known I suffered a real life tradegy in september.
I've been on depression medication for it.
My attitude has also been shitty on here do to the amount of idiots I deal with daily who can't read an ad.

so I will quote a good friend..."this is the hobby, its meant to be fun....if your not having fun...find a new hobby"
none of the above is the fault of anyone you will see that spends money on you.. if you are going to be available and take some paying customers money you are NOT entitled to "shitty days".. its not fair to the people spending hard earned money.. perhaps you should take your own advice until you can get your shit together and provide the level of service EVERY CUSTOMER expects and deserves ..and that would be find a new hobby since you obviously aren't having fun.. its not the fault of the customers who read reviews..do research, make time to spend money on someone making themselves available to be hired that the person they pay for decides to use excuses to get out of providing the level they promise..

its simply pathetic and unexceptable and should be given a NO every time.. if more hobbyiest would step up and tell the truth even if shit like this happens providers would find themselves new employment..

im sorry.. if someone has that much drama whereas it affects their ability to work then they ought not work in a customer service based business..

im sorry..waiters can't claim "shitty day" for bad service.. your doctors and lawyers can't say "cut me some slack.. so i missed your illness i just drove up from austin and decided to rip you off and take your money but provide shitty service and you not say anything".. it simply can't happen

bottom line.. kudos to the hobbyiest and all hobbyyiest that tell the truth even if faced with provider backlash

hobbyiest.. this is why the info found on this site and others like it is on the decline..providers get to bitch and moan and call names and mindless crap like that and hobbyiest can't risk it..thus the flow of info stops

its sad.. its pathetic..its what this hobby is slowly becoming..
I am paid to provide a service not deal with bullshit of which I am sure several others will agree they have endured.[/quote]
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Old 02-20-2011, 10:38 PM   #35
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I think I just fell in love with DeAnna. I will be moving to Arkansas immediately.

What a post. Just to take the time to put that level of thought into a post is beyond awesome.

Oh, duck, DeAnna.
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Old 02-20-2011, 10:54 PM   #36
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Ya i will duck.. im sure the WK's both male and female will be out in force.. facts are facts..nothing in this rebuttal should persuade anyone from the obvious..which is the NO was earned
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Old 02-20-2011, 10:56 PM   #37
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I personally think some providers are being too sensitive to one small review or line.

I just experienced this nonsense similar to this one with a provider. She too went against eccie rule revealing personal information.

What Im trying to say is if you have great reviews you shouldnt be over worried and post these kinds of thread. Most men will see provider even if she has a single or couple negative reviews.

But starting drama like this isnt necessary. Us men can and should leave our experience so it can be used as reference for later. That is the reason why eccie exist.

Providers, you are not perfect and you cant be perfect to everyone. If you accept that fact you wont be trippin over negative reviews.*

Of course if the reviewer writes bs reviews or insults (doesnt seem like this was the case for me and this incident) thats another story and you should notify the moderators instead of revealing personal infos on public thread like this.

Its frustrating to see some providers who thinks they are always entitled to positive reviews/comments and forgetting the simple fact that they can receive negative reviews.
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:00 PM   #38
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I loved the "Take one for the team" line.... A true classic...

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Old 02-20-2011, 11:04 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I loved the "Take one for the team" line.... A true classic...

ya there is a thread in houston labeled something like "best quotes or famous quotes".

the "I took one for the team" in this post may be the best all time
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:11 PM   #40
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I had a really bad day today. I wish I wouldn't have clicked on this thread.
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:18 PM   #41
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In the past I have never been a fan of your posting style..
Today , I Have to say I'm Sorry ... I may have fallen in Love...
Thank You for saying many things that have needed said...
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:18 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar View Post

some of u do not understand the shit we have to deal with and that this is our "job" its how we pay bills and feed ourselves and in some cases our families. This is true for most part, at least, that is what they say, of the providers on this board, which is why it is very ironic that many of the providers do not answer their phone, return messages or emails, guess they have already paid their bills for the month, and since we hobbyists are nothing but wallets, then why bother being at least cordial? They will call you again because hobbyists are so starved for your attention! we have to have the image of a provider being beaten and robbed in our heads and still put on a perfect session. Well then it sounds to me like you need to have a better screening process, or whatever it takes, so you do not feel like a guy is going to do that and you will feel more comfortable in seeing him.
lets see how hard your dick would stay if you had to fuck some big fat lady with scabs all over her body...Well if I was getting paid multi-hundred dollars per hour to put on a "believable act", especially just one or two hours a day, I think I could do it, but the question is, how many of the hobbyists out there are big, fat AND have scabs all over their body? How many providers have seen this and did a session with a guy like that? Anyone, anyone? I think that is absolutely ridiculous and to generalize hobbyists as guys that are so physically unattractive, is absurd. If that is a providers thoughts on hobbyists, then they should seriously consider doing something else to pay their bills, and when you left the "provider business", I do not think you would be missed.

I would like to think that I "hobby" because I do not want to put up with YMMV, or drama, I already have that with my wife....who in their right mind would pay a provider for that kind of treatment? There are a few guys that would, but, again they are not "in their right mind". I want to "donate" to a provider who will "stroke my ego", make me glad that I saw them as opposed to all the other providers out there. I am not fat, nor do I have scabs all over my body, I hobby for the fun, variety and "satisfaction", not because "the only reason I do it is that I have to pay for it cuz I could not get it any other way".

Not "dissing" you at all, Jules.

As far are the OP of this thread goes, you have many good reviews and you have 1 bad one, it is the hobbyist opinion on whether or not he was satisfied or not satisfied with the session. To cross over into the real life area can be a little "over the boundary line", I would not have gone there. There are plenty of providers that have many "NO" recommendation reviews and are still "thriving" so I would just let this go and do not see him again.
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:27 PM   #43
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Well written DeAnna!

We all have days when we're not feeling well or something may be going on in our personal and professional lives. We're all human. I don't understand why a provider would schedule a session with someone if they're having an off day? I know every providers situation is different, but if a client feels like he has a bad session, why shouldn't he be able to post it in a review without being blasted?
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:29 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by DFWRaven View Post
In the past I have never been a fan of your posting style..
Today , I Have to say I'm Sorry ... I may have fallen in Love...
Thank You for saying many things that have needed said...
Don't fall in love to fast.. you never know when my next post will just piss you the hell off

but thanks for the kind words.. I don't post to win people over..just try to say what is going on in my head.. sometimes that offends people, sometimes that is spot on for some and sometimes I am way off base.. but always nice when a "non fan" can be converted even if its temporarily lol

but surely I am not the only one that the thread and the balls it took to start it truly baffles me?

THIS JOB IS NOT HARD..despite what some will make you believe.. we get damn good money to do a job that isn't hard.. if it was to miserable..no one is forced to be here and can leave anytime.. thus the bitching really isn't warranted

being roughed up, nc/ns, short changed etc.. all need to be talked about and make the job difficult.. admiting your a flake, and jacked a guys money not once..but twice and would have a third time and it being tolerated is scarier than any other thing to me..
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:36 PM   #45
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Default Oh, my worthless two cents

To all providers:

Do not respond to a review by starting a thread defending yourself. It will only serve to give people a forum to further attack you.

Here is what you do: Type out a complete response. Say everything you need to. Really get it off of your chest. Walk away. Come back an hour later and delete it.

I have no idea what happened. NONE. But i have read the review and the rebuttal. And, unfortunately, Berkleigh looks like the jerk. And the funny part is that she could be totally right. He wasn't viscious. She was. He was never insulting. She was.

This thread should serve as a "how NOT to" handle a negative review. Just take a deep breath and keep being the best version of you possible, ladies. Everyone has a bad day at work. The key is to put as many good days between that day and today as possible.
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