Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
i honestly think there should be a 30day review policy
Review posted mid-February, and states the appointment was in mid-January. Berkleigh states that it was in December. *shrug* Timeliness may depend on which.
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
and yes she could have said no to the second visit, maybe she really needed the money we dont know....
I understand the economic pressures, but I would humbly suggest that (in general, not specifically about this situation) ladies
not see someone if they have reason to believe that they won't be able to give it their best. Or under circumstances with a significant risk of being significantly late. Short-term gain, but over time it can detract from reputation.
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
bottom line she is hot and a great fuck is that not what you guys are here for?
Umm, not always the only relevant factor in our choice.

At least, not for everyone.
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
s so what if she speaks her mind? when you have awesome reviews and someone posts a bad one that could hurt our business a great deal so of course we get scared and defend ourselves.
I've always supported the ladies' right to respond to a review. I think they probably don't do it as much as they should.
But it's important to do it well, and most do not. When you're scared and feeling defensive is the
worst time to compose and post a rebuttal. An emotional response is likely to do more harm than good, whereas putting together a well-thought-out and calm response can improve the reputation much more than the negative review hurt it. Some prospective clients
are interested in ladies' personalities and attitudes as well as how they look and how they fuck. A well-written rebuttal can demonstrate positive aspects of personality and attitude and character that were may not have been evident before; sometimes a difficult situation brings out who you are more than ordinary situations do.
Of course, the well-thought-out, calm, and well-written rebuttals are in the minority, because most ladies respond immediately and emotionally. If I were in their position, perhaps I would as well. (Don't feel compelled to write a review of me to test my response, though.

) But when I read an incoherent, angry, mean-spirited response (again, I'm talking generally here, not characterizing the opening post), it reduces my interest in the lady. Spunky, opinionated, and standing up for herself are positive attributes, but other aspects may overwhelm that.
At the same time, that's for everyone to judge for themselves, so I would likely not comment to provide my evaluation of a specific response. (As opposed to pontificating and offering unsolicited and unwanted advice in general, as I'm doing here.) Ditto if it were, in my opinion, a well-done response. I have an opinion, sure, but there's no real benefit from sharing it. Public observations like that would be as meaningless as my expressing whether I would or would not want to see a particular lady. What good does that do, to tell everyone that a lady
whom I've never seen is now either added to my list or removed from it? Who gives a shit? Everyone decides that sort of thing for themselves, and anyone who decided to see a lady or not (or to criticize or not a response like above) based on
my opinion . . . well, be a man, make up your own mind. So, regardless of my opinion of the original post, I would normally not comment to criticize it or praise it.
Except, in this particular situation, to point out that it did come close a place or two to publicly disclosing personal information about a client that could aid a lurker in identifying him. Short of posting his real name or phone number, but still (arguably) indiscreet. Sometimes identifying information is appropriate, in cases of true alert-worthy behavior, but I think the consensus of the P4P community is that it would be inappropriate for something as trivial as a negative review. You all can make the call for yourselves about whether this did or did not cross the line. I'm sure there will be some on both sides of that question. But I'll close this (unsolicited and unwanted advice, I know) by suggesting to the ladies that indiscretion is the third rail of P4P; be
very careful about staying far away from anything that might be considered as useful in identifying someone's real world identify. Especially in the heat of the moment when you're angry.
OK, y'all can now post a rebuttal to
my comments.