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Old 02-10-2011, 10:33 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by kittyloveratx View Post
I also believe that the site is to blame to a degree as they continued to allow one member that sole descretion to post pics or not... Or any other of 1000's of members could do the same?
And there you have the crux of the matter. There's an inherent conflict of interest/advantage when a sole hobbyist becomes recognized as the approved source for photos. Anybody who says otherwise is being disingenuous or plain stupid.

And ladies, be aware that when you rush to defend that circumstance, there's an appearance to some that you are protecting your interests above the general good to the board. Whatever your actual motives, perception is reality. Perhaps unfortunate, because I hold most of the providers who have commented in high regard, but... this actually has me wondering a little now about some of you.

This issue came up on the old board after people expressed concerns (shortly before the meteor struck)and GM stirred up a hell of a shit storm to try to retain his sole privilege. Self-interest? Hell yeah.

My personal bias is that any hobbyist who is too lazy to do his own research gets what he deserves. I don't think any hobbyist should be allowed to post pics of providers in the forums, thus avoiding the current kind of heartburn. PMs or other back channel is nobody's business, so that's a release valve for the challenged or when somebody has old pics of former providers and such.

Just MHO. Rock on.
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:46 PM   #62
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...quoted from Bobave, "And ladies, be aware that when you rush to defend that circumstance, there's an appearance to some that you are protecting your interests above the general good to the board. Whatever your actual motives, perception is reality. Perhaps unfortunate, because I hold most of the providers who have commented in high regard, but... this actually has me wondering a little now about some of you."

Wow, that sucks, i stand up for what I know is true for me, and now I get second-guessing of my reputation. (Maybe you didn't mean me?) I do not need any of his reviews and have asked him not to post pics of me. My merits stand on their own.

I guess sometimes it is better to just let things fester on their own instead of trying to illuminate some reality into a circumstance which does not directly involve me. Lesson learned today.
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Old 02-11-2011, 12:45 AM   #63
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It's just a feeding frenzy in the shark tank. A little blood in the water and they all have to see if they can get a bite in. No awareness of friend or foe. Just bite it before it bites you. You can't really blame the poor animals, it's hard wired into their little bitty bundle of synaptic tissue generously called a brain. No higher order functions like reason, kindness, or class possible. Just pity and ignore them.
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Old 02-11-2011, 12:47 AM   #64
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If I am not mistaken I have never met GM. I have met Maxine and she is a remarkable lady and in my humble opinion happens to be one of the best providers in Austin! With that said, it is quite obvious there is a rift between the two. The rift is what it is! Who am I to pass judgement?

I have long appreciated the contributions GM adds to this board and I hope it continues. If he is able to attain a discount from one or more of our providers, than more power to him. By the same token, if Maxine chooses not to see him now or in the future for whatever the reason, that is clearly her choice.

I believe I will just leave it at that!
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:15 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by kittyloveratx View Post
oh, I don't blame the ladies for sure. I actually blame the site for allowing the oddity to occur.
There is nothing in the Rules of the Forum Guidelines that specifically prohibits anyone from posting pictures in a review thread as long as the review is not older than thirty days. Geniusman is not the first one to do this. There have been a couple of others. I would also add that the gentlemanly thing to do is to only do it if you have the lady's permission.
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:22 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Crystalkitty View Post
...quoted from Bobave, "And ladies, be aware that when you rush to defend that circumstance, there's an appearance to some that you are protecting your interests above the general good to the board. Whatever your actual motives, perception is reality. Perhaps unfortunate, because I hold most of the providers who have commented in high regard, but... this actually has me wondering a little now about some of you."

Wow, that sucks, i stand up for what I know is true for me, and now I get second-guessing of my reputation. (Maybe you didn't mean me?) I do not need any of his reviews and have asked him not to post pics of me. My merits stand on their own.

I guess sometimes it is better to just let things fester on their own instead of trying to illuminate some reality into a circumstance which does not directly involve me. Lesson learned today.
Crystal don't worry. I have never held Bobave in high regard and often wondered about him myself......

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Old 02-11-2011, 01:51 AM   #67
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Hobbyists post my pix all the time. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For anyone to imply that I or any other provider has some sort of unreasonable devotion to him because he improves our biz is ridiculous. He posts anyone and everyone's pix as soon as he can on his own schedule. The very idea of a girl contacting him and asking him to post a pic is laughable. Nobody receives a special advantage since he posts pix for anyone who allows it. If he stopped posting pix today I feel it wouldn't induce the tiniest ripple in my biz, nor the biz of any other provider. Everyone knows him as the pic poster and as such his pic posts are perceived in much the same way as an automated link to a showcase would be perceived: quick access to info.

I think he deserves thanks for the many hours he has devoted to the larger hobby community due to his pic posting. Now the Maxeen party incident is a separate issue and I'm not passing judgement or defending either side (though I have a personal gut feeling about who is telling the truth).
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:52 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
And ladies, be aware that when you rush to defend that circumstance, there's an appearance to some that you are protecting your interests above the general good to the board. Whatever your actual motives, perception is reality. Perhaps unfortunate, because I hold most of the providers who have commented in high regard, but... this actually has me wondering a little now about some of you.

Very well stated observation.

Of course... IF.. there was some ulterior motives for his pic postng / bumping............. it would certainly be 2nd nature to defend him..... They would lose a major tool if he stopped....
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:09 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I have never held Bobave in high regard
Back atcha, Sitzbath
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Old 02-11-2011, 04:31 AM   #70
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I used to get a lot of discounts, hell even free sessions. Many times I would use my very nice camera to take pictures of the lady in exchange for a free or discounted session, but I worked on referrals, I never advertised my services.

But I haven't done that in forever. But I do enjoy a discount now and then....
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Old 02-11-2011, 06:27 AM   #71
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Why should a hobbyist give a shit who posts pics of who and if they bump a review as long as its within the 30 day rule? Who is going to put in the time to do all of that? There won't be some mad rush to help out GM. The issue with GM is more that he acted like there was some incident with a dog and used that to try and get an advantage.

I don't think its the business of any hobbyist to worry about how these women do their biz and any possible self interest in having their pics posted. So fucking what if they do? It's a business fellas. Like I said, who cares? I don't care what Bobave aka Bochump says....

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Old 02-11-2011, 06:36 AM   #72
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must be a slow day at the landfill is all I can say about this thread.....
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Old 02-11-2011, 07:17 AM   #73
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Default i have received

a couple discounts for various reasons and on the rare occasion i have posted them ie 100 hh instead of 125 i have been crucified by the provider. now if the occasion happens that the provider happens to cut me a deal i simply quote normal rate and base my review / reccomendation on that rate since thats what i would have to pay if i repeated.
Originally Posted by irishlad View Post
Getting discounts Good.

Stating you paid a price that you didn't pay in a review Bad.

You're free to decide not to disclose what you paid.

Why is this hard?
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Old 02-11-2011, 07:37 AM   #74
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Default the idea that anyone

asking for a discount is a scumbag is pretty harsh. there are things in life we all would like but can't always afford. a car at 28,000 might be out of range but at 20,000 might be affordable. there are weeks that 200 might be in the hobby budget but 240 is not. while it may be easy to say see someone else or do not hobby is that always the right answer. if a provider who charges 240 is asked politelty if she ever offers specials or is ever avail for 200 she has every right to in a nice way say no. she may for whatever reason agree to see someone for 200 or offer a suggestion like a 200 45 minute session in leiu of 240 hr. if treated with respect and civillity both parties may obtain what they are looking for and be happy or at least realize the meeting cannot happen at this time at this point. we all have heard the story about the beautiful girl who never gets asked to the prom cause every guy figures she has a date or would say no. perhaps there are times when girls wish at the end of the day they had 2 guys see them at a discounted rate then to have gone through the day with no buz. other women are set in their feelings as to the worth of their time and will not waver in price. both are fine. remember this is a business and if every one treats ever one with respect and kindness issues such as price and activities can be discussed in a civil way. the notion that we are paying for time and companionship is a crock of shit.. we are paying [in most cases] for a sexual fantasy and how much.. for what.. for how long are all part of our decision making processes. if the girls do not believe this please allow us guys to have an appointment where we dictate how long, the menu at at the end we will pay what we want.. not gonna happen.
Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
Maxeen is absolutely right Its BS for anyone to /Demand a discount for Bogus reasons is absolute BS. In my opinion anyone even asking for a discount is a lowlife.The point i was trying to make is IF a Provider does feel like giving a discount to someone she feels deserves it for whatever reason.it should be between them..And not be broadcast that So and So gives me a discount...
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Old 02-11-2011, 07:57 AM   #75
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I will concede that There may be times when asking for a discount is OK...I wasnt real clear in my frst post..I mean the Haggling is not acceptable...I agree there can be times where "ASKING POLITELY" is acceptable..but if the Provider kindly denys the request..Dont take it as a slap in the Face..If she does agree count your blessings and ENJOY...BUT dont make a habit of asking just because she worked with you this one time..
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