What the hell did I just read?
A pimp hoes rendition on what should be done. Bc she HAS wait DOESNT HAVE is joking wait a pimp is nessisary. Wow.
Independent pussy is always better. I don't pay a man to protect me or to pretend like he loves me while he collects my money!! Get your head out of the clouds and learn how to play discreetly & classy. No self respecting women would have even posted this. I know a couple pimp hoes on here that are so classy you'd never know. I can respect that. I can't respect this crap.
Might as well have your pimp stand at the door and collect the money for you. Since soon as they pull out of the parking lot you hand it off.
If your pimp doesn't have you in your own car and your own apartment or house with your own bank account and money you're getting played he's never going to love you or marry you or be with you it's all a facade he doesn't need to protect you or bring clients to you it's all a facade to get you to keep paying him.
I've helped women get away from pimps and get back to life. I promise it's alot more out here than forking over your money to a man who only sees you as profit not as priority and will only stick around if payed
You have to believe you deserve better to get there
Good luck .