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Old 08-23-2012, 05:00 AM   #16
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I don't know where some of you are coming up with this "you'll probably get banned" crap.

She CAN name his handle here in coed. How many threads have been written by hobbyists who were cash n dashed, and other various issues??They totally name handles, and I have yet to see a banning.

As far as the advice to take it to Gina, she doesn't give two shits about us getting stiffed (and not in a good way..heh) if we didn't get the money upfront. She's made that perfectly clear on numerous occasions.

*There are two very solid reasons for naming this giant turd sandwich in coed:

- A lot of hobbyists talk amongst their group of hobby buddies, and I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would like to scratch this one off their list of guys they trust.

- A lot of ladies don't even go in the powder room, and will miss the alert. At least by putting his handle in coed, you are actually reaching more ladies than you would in the private forums. But I'd also put his info (as Shea suggested) in the Infoshare forum, PB, and NBL.

You will NOT get banned,, and it even gives the douchebag a chance to reply. Although I doubt he will but it would make for a great read. Besides, waiting for karma can take too long. Be proactive
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Old 08-23-2012, 06:09 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie View Post
I don't know where some of you are coming up with this "you'll probably get banned" crap.

She CAN name his handle here in coed. How many threads have been written by hobbyists who were cash n dashed, and other various issues??They totally name handles, and I have yet to see a banning.

As far as the advice to take it to Gina, she doesn't give two shits about us getting stiffed (and not in a good way..heh) if we didn't get the money upfront. She's made that perfectly clear on numerous occasions.

*There are two very solid reasons for naming this giant turd sandwich in coed:

- A lot of hobbyists talk amongst their group of hobby buddies, and I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would like to scratch this one off their list of guys they trust.

- A lot of ladies don't even go in the powder room, and will miss the alert. At least by putting his handle in coed, you are actually reaching more ladies than you would in the private forums. But I'd also put his info (as Shea suggested) in the Infoshare forum, PB, and NBL.

You will NOT get banned,, and it even gives the douchebag a chance to reply. Although I doubt he will but it would make for a great read. Besides, waiting for karma can take too long. Be proactive

Sticky worthy.
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Old 08-23-2012, 06:22 AM   #18
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"Spare the rod, spoil the child"

Out him and let him take his public flogging.

And that way those of us who tend to be asses can follow his reviews and remind him to go back to pay up.
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Old 08-23-2012, 06:23 AM   #19
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I agree, put his name out there. I have seen several posts and threads with providers being called out for ALL sorts of things and the informers were not banned. You have given him several opportunities to make it right, now you need to throw him to the wolves. We ladies need to watch each others backs and play nicely. I am sorry that this guy has no class and disrespected your time and services. Fortunately he is in the minority.
Hobby Safely,
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Old 08-23-2012, 06:39 AM   #20
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Excellent advice in this thread. Do report him to every board and client verification site he is a member of, because at least they'll keep an incident report and action will be taken to boot him the next time. Also, stick his info on every alert forum you can find, including Provider Buzz.

It isn't fair; ladies are often expected/encouraged to keep such info relegated to the Powder Room or back channels, yet gentlemen can post NCNS and C&D with names right up front with impunity. I am heartened to see how many fellows in THIS thread agree with publicly revealing the jerk.

However, I wouldn't let him know beforehand as he may very well threaten you, and terribly sorry, at this point you aren't getting your money back anyway. Just post his handle and info (with blanks and/or asterisks discreetly placed to block real world identification) and let the the cards fall where they may.
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Old 08-23-2012, 07:56 AM   #21
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Absolutely post his eccie handle here. I can guarantee if the tables had been turned he would have been flaming here 10 mins after the session. Let everyone know who the idiot is. He needs to be exposed as a thief. As that is exactly what did. He stole services and did not pay. Let his peers and the gals alike know who NOT to trust.
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:09 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Cunnilinguists View Post
I wouldn't out him publicly. Use the Powder Room. Besides the possible banishment from this forum, it wouldn't actually help you get your money if he truly doesn't plan to pay you. If he does plan to pay you, outing him would eliminate that possibility. Karma works in magical ways. He obviously knows he owes you the money. Let the guilt and shame ride on his conscience. If he calls to pay arrears, don't mix collecting money with pleasure. Get the money in a public place, not during another session. If you never collect, then chalk it up to a one-time business expense and don't let it happen again.
Cunnilinguists - I used to think like you, "Let the guilt and shame ride on his conscience." but I have come to find out that there are some people who have no conscience. They live their lives like they are in a movie and we are here for their support roles.

To the OP-Out him and let him live on BP.

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Old 08-23-2012, 09:14 AM   #23
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Post his info so he can't cheat any one else. Sorry that happened to you.
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:25 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
in the restroom
I have done this as of late and it works. I tell the lady hey go ahead and wash ur hands for me. Now some have literally washed their hands I find it allows the lady to count it without having to be in my face

To Queen Sophie, put his handle on blast. You have given him ample time to respond. I don't think Gina will help in this case but you never know
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:30 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie View Post
I don't know where some of you are coming up with this "you'll probably get banned" crap.
Banned if she outs his real name. That is a major no-no. That's what the previous person who mentioned banning was referring to as the ban-able offense. I assume you missed that tiny but important part of the equation because you were day-dreaming about all the orgasms you've had in the past week.
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:46 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking View Post
Banned if she outs his real name. That is a major no-no. That's what the previous person who mentioned banning was referring to as the ban-able offense. I assume you missed that tiny but important part of the equation because you were day-dreaming about all the orgasms you've had in the past week.
I guess I did miss that, along with everyone else who agreed with me and even said the same thing! Not naming real names is kinda basic knowledge. Maybe there has been a lot of orgasm daydreaming going on! Or, you just wanted to quote me to board-flirt with me .

Queen Sophie has been around waaaay long enough to know not to put his real name out there. I figured that was just common sense, and she was talking about "naming" him as in, his handle.

Back to my daydreams LOL
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Old 08-23-2012, 10:30 AM   #27
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I am pretty new here, but I can appreciate a woman like Dannie for first telling it like it is and then when she realized she was in error she corrected it, thats the sign of a real person to me. As far as the guy that did not pay, shame on you. You have to pay to play its that simple.
On another note, Dannie lets wrestle!!!
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Old 08-23-2012, 12:52 PM   #28
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Do what we do when some chick rips us off - Chalk it up to experience and move on down the road.
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Old 08-23-2012, 01:39 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by steviewinwood View Post
Do what we do when some chick rips us off - Chalk it up to experience and move on down the road.

And cry in ML about it too?? Really??
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Old 08-23-2012, 03:06 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
And cry in ML about it too?? Really??
It would be their choice. Airing the public drama isn't always some crusade that fixes anything. It's often just bitching. "Naming names" isn't really as effective as some would hope.

Putting someone on various provider resources as a no-pay deadbeat seems much more effective than making co-ed a constant bitch-fest. We have a forum specifically for the ladies regarding "problem clients"...and it's not Alerts, nor Co-ed Discussions.

I would also ad that the veracity of the claim is always at stake. Is it a legitimate business gripe and a true event? Or is it just another threAD cry for sympathy? I've been more than a bit jaded by the latter in recent months.
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