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Old 06-20-2012, 03:33 PM   #16
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These days, I think that a providers posts and responses to initial communication are more useful than reviews. The level of intelligence, professionalism, discretion and playfulness shown in public forums like this have been a good guide for me as to whether I think the provider and I would "click" or not.

In terms of age, I have seen wonderful women from 19-50ish and have found gems as well as dodged bullets all along that spectrum.
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Old 06-20-2012, 03:36 PM   #17
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Default Smart and Mature Habits

Think some simpe habits when writing in boards might help:
  • Do not post when emotionally charged, especially if you are pissed. These boards (and really any board) should not be used as a forum to vent or to attack others. Think quite a few of our train wreck threads are due to this
  • Actually read what you have written before clicking on submit. This will also help with any spelling
  • Do not go on the "attack". Yep, there are a lot of chuckleheads out there. If they said something stupid or have taken a swipe at you, the other smart and mature folks should know that it is stupid and/or maicious -- don't get sucked into the drama
  • Turn off the Caps Lock key
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Old 06-20-2012, 05:01 PM   #18
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I just had tooo giggles

Originally Posted by Bonferroni View Post
Think some simpe habits when writing in boards might help:
  • Do not post when emotionally charged, especially if you are pissed. These boards (and really any board) should not be used as a forum to vent or to attack others. Think quite a few of our train wreck threads are due to this
  • Actually read what you have written before clicking on submit. This will also help with any spelling
  • Do not go on the "attack". Yep, there are a lot of chuckleheads out there. If they said something stupid or have taken a swipe at you, the other smart and mature folks should know that it is stupid and/or maicious -- don't get sucked into the drama
  • Turn off the Caps Lock key
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Old 06-20-2012, 05:04 PM   #19
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I wish I can say that this was deliberate... YIKES!!!!
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Old 06-20-2012, 05:41 PM   #20
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Alas, probably an accurate observation about competition, LL, but there are many ladies here who treat each other decently, as Kaylee pointed out.

Shulb, dead on, and Bonferroni, EXCELLENT suggestions!
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Old 06-20-2012, 06:54 PM   #21
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Smart and mature hobbyists? Talk about an oxymoron.
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Old 06-20-2012, 09:56 PM   #22
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You are correct Kaylee. I believe it to be mainly a generational thing. Too many of the younger fol just do not have the same level of respect for their fellow human beings as we were taught. You are a class act, loved our visit, need to get back soon.
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Old 06-20-2012, 10:11 PM   #23
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Some of the things people will post on a open forum is crazy. Some LOVE the drama and some LOVE to start the drama. I think most guys are on here to have fun not listen to chicks calling each other out about a pimp. Or sit in chat and listen to them keep saying "I am horny in Dallas who wants to take care of me". I am still new on the board only been on about 5-6 months but it seems the BS gets thicker and thicker.
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Old 06-20-2012, 11:19 PM   #24
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Personally, I like to see who rage posts and is battling in a pimp war as it lets me know who not to see.
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Old 06-21-2012, 03:57 PM   #25
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Holy Crap! Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who is old enough to knock the "younger generation" and does so is bordering on egregious hypocrisy. Because unless you're memory is covered in vaseline you were once one yourself. Yeah you, you long haired bell bottomed no socks hemp smellin' no good slackers and your bra-less long haired hip hugger wearin smell like sex girlfriends...and every generation earlier or later with their own bag of piss off the old farts tricks. Let's see you stand up and bash the rude youth with a straight face.

Greed, bad manners, impatience, contempt...any general dissing of another person or their values...these are not age, gender or culture specific, they are equal opportunity behaviors. I find that it depends on who pissed "you" off on a given day...smart ass youth, rude old fat white people, stupid soccer moms in big SUVs texting and driving, mexicans with one brake light out driving too slow, idiot door hanger advert dudes putting tape on your door, NCNS...jeez, the list is endless. But the generalized blame thing is SO 20th century.

What Kaylee said originally was thanks to the mature and smart blah blah blah. She'd probably had enough dealings with rude youth for a while, I can only speculate. So thanks to the polite and those with "mature" behaviors, which if mature = polite, in this case it seems to, so be it.

+1 on the oxymoron thing.

And all you people younger than me, fucking turn it down, stop being rude, listen only to "good" music, stop wearing fashions I can't and for God's sake show a little respect to your elders like I did! (NOT).
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Old 06-21-2012, 07:16 PM   #26
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Thanks for this thread Kaylee, I think I got back those ten IQ points. As to all the references to us grey breads being young assholes, I plead guilty. I mean I went into the Army at seventeen, that or Juvie Hall, my parents were more than happy to sign.

I was blessed, prof positive that there is a God and She is Good and Benevolent, by living with two older women (stop it not at the same time) during the next six years, one on Borneo and one in the North of Thailand. I used to tell them both "I don't know if you are fourteen or forty...Asians....they are both now in the spirt world so they were at least forty.

Also I kind of grew up in the business, my Dad and Uncles were gamblers and in the fifties in Dallas, every Strip Club had a game in the back. Never once saw those guys disrespect a working girl. I though it was because they lived through the Great Depression and all three hit the beaches in Normandy and knew how hard life can be, but later I found out they liked "providers" now I know why, they are just more interesting.

As to age, I have already said I liked older even when I was younger. Oh shit this is dangerous, but gals like Fawn, Lana, Lindsey Lacy (well she my be in a different category all together), Jacxxx, Max and some mature women I am leaving out are just head and shoulders above the young tight bodies, but then there is thirty five year old Dannie and my new playmate thirty year old Jade Nicole. So go figure, surrender Jack, resistance is futile.
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:36 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
Each gender on this site has different agendas and for many, it is as simple as that.

Providers are in direct competition with each other, no matter their age or body or even service level. The hobby pool of cash to be spent in this P4P environment is not endless and given the current economic climate, if not shrinking, it is not growing. Unless a provider is actually making money off another provider somehow, she really has zero incentive to assist or help a new entrant into this line of work.

Sure, there are some who will send out helpful messages or emails but after helping a provider yesterday get a family member to the airport and hearing her tell me how she gets nasty hateful emails from some of the "established" providers on here complaining about her rates and services, it reminded me how true the direct marketplace demonstrated here 24/7 works and also how cut throat!
See, that's the problem. This is NOT a competition. Competition means that there is a score to be kept, and that one person's performance has to be better, and that performance is in some way influenced by the performance of another, which is NOT the case. We're not running races on who gets the most reviews or charging the most money. This is BUSINESS, pure and simple, and there's more than one way to conduct it. NO ONE PERSON in this industry helps or stagnates my business but ME. There are too many variables to the person and how they conduct it and where to make an assumption on available hobbying dollars. I know 900/hr ladies who sees 3 clients a day MINIMUM, and a 150/hr girl that can't get a date. The individual lady determines the hobbying dollars available to her. Please ladies, don't drink that Koolaid.

Yes, because some ladies have been fed the lie that this is a competition, I can see a lady receiving hateful emails about their level of service and prices. What ladies don't understand is that there is a reason why ladies advertise the way they do, and charge what they charge. Those that know better DO better. I wouldn't care if a lady was your identical twin, and she charged less than you, it is YOUR job to make YOURSELF worth the money you charge. It is ALSO your responsibility to do whatever it takes to meet your goals. Threatening or belittling others won't help the money come to you.

Helping ladies nowadays is almost a two-fold issue. And it's not an age issue, since ladies of all ages are newbies in this industry. For the helper, getting involved in the dramas of a person's real life issues that stagnate them in this world is almost unavoidable. For the helpee (?), sometimes sabotage can come from the sweetest voices, and with a smile. The point is to use your head. Do your research. Yes, this shit requires research. No one can do that for you. You can't think for yourself, get a pimp. He'll know what to do.

Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
Client's for the most part have a very different agenda. Sure you get the asshats who fall in love and think that by being a provider's white knight they get better service or the ones who are working behind the scenes promoting specific ones in exchange for cash or ass, or they demand cheaper rates because they have a "reputation" (mostly made up in their own minds because any review has value as long as it is honest)
White Knight? Pot, please stop talking about the kettle. You should change your name to Trick Daddy Dollaz. I have NEVER called a client and asked him to take my FAMILY to the airport. If that's not a white knight I don't know what is. WK'ing is not always about what you say. Just because a man can see things from our perspective doesn't mean that that he's trying to win favor. But it does help. You know, drawing flies with honey and all that. Kind of makes him smart. Getting involved in a lady's personal life being a Captain Sav-a-Ho makes you a bigger White Knight. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It just means you have a bigger heart than you let on. Unless you're doing it for freebies.

Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
But the clients on here have more of a helpful attitude. Hell, just posting reviews helps an untold number of guys with cash in their pocket. But answering a Request and ISO thread can be just as helpful as a review.

As an example, there are several FBSM guys who don't bullshit and if they post something, those who know their posting history can take it to the bank.

NCNS threads help guys in a tight time frame avoid wasting their limited time. Honest reviews about service and looks helps any other guy who may be curious about seeing a provider.

Some of the most valuable reviews are of new providers by guys who have been around and have either met other clients here or have some other way of knowing the review is not being posted by a shill pimp handle. PLENTY of those on here.
This I agree with. It's the purpose for communities like this: to keep Providers honest, and to keep everyone out of trouble.

LL, I hope you can tell that I meant everything in earnest. We don't need to promote idea of competition in this life. This is about pleasure. Either you're getting it or you're giving it. The lucky ones are doing both.

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Old 06-22-2012, 12:06 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bonferroni View Post
Think some simpe habits when writing in boards might help:
  • Do not post when emotionally charged, especially if you are pissed. These boards (and really any board) should not be used as a forum to vent or to attack others. Think quite a few of our train wreck threads are due to this
  • Actually read what you have written before clicking on submit. This will also help with any spelling
  • Do not go on the "attack". Yep, there are a lot of chuckleheads out there. If they said something stupid or have taken a swipe at you, the other smart and mature folks should know that it is stupid and/or maicious -- don't get sucked into the drama
  • Turn off the Caps Lock key

I agree and try hard to practice this as well. Being a new provider I was very surprised at how many people take this so serious and personal. This is our business not a dating game. Girls we are here to provide the best service as the men are here looking to have their needs meet by pros. Please dont get offend if a client chooses to see another girl and uses you as a reference, just smile and be a Pro. This is not personal, He is not your BF and is not cheating on you. We are all unique and offer different fantasies for the men.
Now lets have a group hug so I can feel everyone up...........lol
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Old 06-22-2012, 07:21 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
See, that's the problem. This is NOT a competition. Competition means that there is a score to be kept, and that one person's performance has to be better, and that performance is in some way influenced by the performance of another, which is NOT the case. We're not running races on who gets the most reviews or charging the most money. This is BUSINESS, pure and simple, and there's more than one way to conduct it. NO ONE PERSON in this industry helps or stagnates my business but ME. There are too many variables to the person and how they conduct it and where to make an assumption on available hobbying dollars. I know 900/hr ladies who sees 3 clients a day MINIMUM, and a 150/hr girl that can't get a date.

... more stuff

LL, I hope you can tell that I meant everything in earnest. We don't need to promote idea of competition in this life. This is about pleasure. Either you're getting it or you're giving it. The lucky ones are doing both.

All businesses compete with like businesses. You compete with providers who provide similar services and offer a similar product. Whether you acknowledge that or not does not negate the reality of it. A smart consumer always compares products before making a purchase. I cannot imagine it being any different in the land of P4P. Additionally, competition doesn't have to be and isn't always cut-throat. For example, I am friends with people in my industry who run businesses similar to mine. We compete for resources and opportunities. We're still friends but we acknowledge that there are limited resources out there at times and when that happens, may the best business person win.
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Old 06-22-2012, 12:43 PM   #30
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Kaylee and all the other beautiful and wonderful ladies out there, some of us are old enough to remember the old fashioned and, unfortunately, out of date, behavior known as chivalry.

And to all you guys, whether young or old, treat the women with whom you have contact with the respect and courtesy a lady deserves and you will find gratification beyond your wildest imagination - and you will also surprise the hell out of her.

Remember, ladies, it works both ways!!!
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