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Old 03-26-2012, 10:38 PM   #16
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DD, I assure you that my wife knows not what I do during office hours, question just for nosey curiously sake does your SO know what you do when he is away?

I must admit I'm joansin for a good blow job!
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:04 AM   #17
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I may get into trouble with this comment, and I can't read the BCD of reviews so may be missing a lot of details, but in general I don't think it safe for a provider with an SO to use her home as an incall and invite men into the same bed she shares with him and attempt to keep the situation hidden. We're not talking about an affair, which would have one guy coming over for recreation but not P4P. Even at low volume, the neighbors may eventually notice the influx of several men and spill the beans, if not to the hubby then to the cops. If a provider gets busted at home it will come down on the SO, too, and no matter how discreet she thinks she is, it's still a huge risk. Lots of guys don't read the rules, or care, and instead of giving her advance notice may just drop by unannounced. I've heard of it happening many times, the side effect of having a permanent incall address. It seems uncaring, unrealistic at best, to put an SO in such a potentially embarrassing and compromising situation legally, socially, and emotionally. What if he finds a condom wrapper that fell under the bed? I'm all for people doing what they want with their own sex lives, but why draw your SO into a hurtful situation with a high likelihood of discovery when there's no need? Give the man some respect and use a motel room.
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Old 03-27-2012, 04:56 AM   #18
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I hear you and understand....but I run a business out of my home with business signs posted. My neighbors are very aware of my client flow. My hobby just happens to work in perfectly. But back on topic....the reason for eccie is to have fun. Not gossip and drama. If you don't like a provider or shes not your kinds gal....move on. Don't trash her. Nobody on eccie wants to be judged....that's why we're here...right? People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. And besides....only GOD can judge me. So let's move on and have fun. Be safe,be discreet, and be respectful.
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Old 03-27-2012, 05:27 AM   #19
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Lol..Silvester ...you crazy nut. No my so does not know what I do during business hours either. That's why its fun. But I do clearly have it posted on my profile so that there is no confusion about my private life. And so clients won't put themselves in a position where they feel uncomfortable .....they know ahead of time. And if its not their thing....move on..can't we all just get along and have freaky sex like wild monkeys? I'm horny after all this shit..........
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Old 03-27-2012, 07:18 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by MIss Cali DD View Post
I hear you and understand....but I run a business out of my home with business signs posted. My neighbors are very aware of my client flow. My hobby just happens to work in perfectly. But back on topic....the reason for eccie is to have fun. Not gossip and drama. If you don't like a provider or shes not your kinds gal....move on. Don't trash her. Nobody on eccie wants to be judged....that's why we're here...right? People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. And besides....only GOD can judge me. So let's move on and have fun. Be safe,be discreet, and be respectful.
Sorry, I didn't know that detail. Having a publicly advertised home business DOES make a big difference, and is a great cover story. The neighbors and management in my apartment complex think I'm a professional costumer, event planner, and entertainer.

We ladies have to be very careful of the impression we create, both for clients and spying eyes.
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Old 03-27-2012, 08:28 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by MIss Cali DD View Post
Its me.....I have it clearly written on my profile. My clients are perfectly safe. I make sure of it. But its not nice to over react and attempt to put fear in other men. There are several Providers who use their personal homes as meeting places....and they also have boyfriends. Just another cruel conversation to make it hard on a nice girl who just wants to have fun...discreetly and safely. This is the only guy who complains.....so what. Hes married and so am I. What if his wife came after me?
In all fairness Miss Cali, you're getting paid to be put in that position. When I went over there to see Miss Cali I had a good time. I didn't appreciate the part where she told me that an hour before I arrived some guy was knocking on her door asking her for an "everything for $" appt. She freaked out thinking it could be LE, but never thought to warn me of the potential LE before I showed up. It hardly felt like my safety was being put first.

I have nothing against Miss Cali and would see her again. I do agree her incall isn't the safest place. Now that we know, we can't go and complain when her husband comes home in mid appt.
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Old 03-27-2012, 08:46 AM   #22
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ok, lets shed some light on this from a different angle. We have our own responsibility to check the scene for safety before going in, yes it would be nice if the provider let us no on safety issues. But it's our responsibility to look after ourselfs. We r all big boys and girls r we not. Everyone has loved there visit and hopefully one day soon I'll join the ranks. And she's right there should be no judgment either direction on this forum. She's a wonderful gal and we would all be lucky to see her in our brief existence.

I'd rather be in a home which im sure is beautiful then at a days inn, lol. Even at the expense of a watchful husband, adds to the fire haha. And who's in it deeper if she gets caught, us or her? She's taking the bigger risk at out comfort in mho. So thank her. .

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Old 03-27-2012, 09:23 AM   #23
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Thatguy....I told you about my stalker. Hes the one who I refused to see .....didn't feel safe. And I told you for that very reason. It was the responcible thing to do by telling you. .I also informed el gato. I have no control over freaks. I do have the right to refuse service if I feel unsafe. So I did. Hes the stalker. Not me
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:25 AM   #24
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Geez, Cali. Lougie hadn't named you, and the thread had already been hijacked with jokes. How many of us without premium access figured it was you? Why attract more drama?

In terms of judging you, I don't care about your personal life; to each their own. I will, however, make judgements about safety because it can affect me, and this is Strike Three for me. The important part here is that your husband doesn't know about your hobby. That increases the chance that my O face can turn into an Oh-No face. The part about hubby not knowing is not in your showcase or your last ad. Once this thread floats out of view, telling us you have a husband isn't really keeping us safe.

This one was Strike Two: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=408723 . You had help in terms of this one getting botched, but ultimately, you are responsible for making sure your appointments don't cross paths. You are responsible for scheduling. Things ended well for you, but you put a regular in a bad situation.

This one was Strike One: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=387795 . Sounds like poor screening.

All of your actual reviews are good, but too many red flags for me. The good news is my wallet is empty (you've lost nothing by losing my business), I am not a leader here, and opinions are like a**holes -- everyone has one.
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:48 AM   #25
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Feels like jersey shore up in the bitch. Shit enough with the drama. This thread shouldn't have even started, nor continued. Like I said before. Look after your own safety once and a while. It a big boy I hope. Now get on with ur life's as im sure the people complaining will come back to Cali for more. If ur gonna be respectful then state your mind, if u have drama, then delete your account.

People forget that they r responsible for the outcome of what happens to them. The weak blame others and invent fate. If u don't like where u r when u meet a provider, then kindly leave, don't stay then flame online later.

To the moderators, the providers should have an area where they rate there clients, this site is as much about them as it is with us, and we tend to forget that.
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Old 03-27-2012, 10:16 AM   #26
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Sorry to hear that....but have a nice day anyways. I do screen well, problem is, I have no control over bad behavior. They checked out they just had poor attitude and lack of respect for me. So I chose not to see them and bring that into my life. Its about fun..not drama. Of all people, I thought you'd have my back. You were here when it just happened. Oh well. I had an awesome visit with you anyways. Now that everyone has Ganged up on me for standing up for myself...I'm done now. Enjoy your day
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Old 03-27-2012, 10:40 AM   #27
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Old 03-27-2012, 11:25 AM   #28
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"DD" please, you seem to have a problem recognizing that the only one shining a spotlight on this subject is YOU! You need to ask the moderator to close this thread and let it dye as it is doing you no good whatsoever.
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:05 PM   #29
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Louigi, just spelling it right this time. Goose, I would not have posted if she hadn't posted, "My clients are perfectly safe. I make sure of it." And, the thread is not yours to Fin. Cali, I probably did pile on a bit. Sorry. Some of it can be considered constructive criticism. The incall/hubby thing is complicated, but tightening up the TCB and screening might help. I could be wrong about the TCB and screening, but it wouldn't hurt to ask yourself, "What could I have done differently?" Douches appear to be getting past your screening. What can you do to minimize the Douches? If this was meant for me, "Of all people, I thought you'd have my back. You were here when it just happened," I wasn't there. Silvester, it's not Cali's thread; it's Louigi's. The mods my close it anyway, but the mods move in mysterious ways.
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:26 PM   #30
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"There's a provider in NOLA whose husband sometimes drives her to appointments and waits in the car
This doesn't strike me as odd - maybe because I started in Vancouver where if you do an outcall, you have a driver/someone waiting for you in the car (less screening, more safety issues, etc). I knew a few ladies who paid their S/O to do it instead of a stranger from craigslist to do it. I had a roommate with military experience so I hired him (best $25/hr I ever spent).
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