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Old 12-06-2011, 09:19 PM   #16
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Fuck wrong button!!ol
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Old 12-06-2011, 09:20 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by ScubaBad View Post
If the gal shows up and it's not the one in the pictures, then I'd send her home in a heartbeat and she should be happy if I give her $20 bucks for gas. That's my gentlemanly thing to do. No way in a million years would I pay for the full 2 hours to someone that false advertises.

If I offer you $60K for a used Ferrari you had in the paper and you show up with a beat up camero, I promise you I'm not giving you that $60K.

I gotcha Scuba but she was the girl just the pics were outdated...youd still do the same?[
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:00 PM   #18
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In the last month you have had complaints and voiced them on ECCIE about 3 ladies. You called them for appointments, they did not call you. Do your homework before you book. They screen you and make a determination whether to see you or not. Screen them or at least do as much research as possible prior to making a date. First time I would want to know some chemistry was there before scheduling more than one hour. Good luck in the future.
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:08 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by noleftturn View Post
In the last month you have had complaints and voiced them on ECCIE about 3 ladies. You called them for appointments, they did not call you. Do your homework before you book. They screen you and make a determination whether to see you or not. Screen them or at least do as much research as possible prior to making a date. First time I would want to know some chemistry was there before scheduling more than one hour. Good luck in the future.
well umm I trying to think I dont recall ever have had any complaints about providers not calling me...not that I rememember,,,can you refresh my memory? Contacting me has never been a problem...
This provider was a well reviewed provider prior to her semi retirement...and we had spoken only via email...of course hard to develop chemistry that way.
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:23 PM   #20
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You complained about this lady, Summer . I doubt any of these ladies called you to schedule an appointment. You originated the encounter. What I am saying is do your homework and you will have much more enjoyable times with the ladies.
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:29 PM   #21
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Well, from this provider's viewpoint, if she really didn't look anything like her advertised photos, you had the right to turn her away with NO money, but you were quite the kind gentleman, and I applaud you for that, sir. However, if you weren't forthright with her, just telling her that the chemistry was off, she did have the right to expect the full amount as she booked those 2 hours for you only and may have lost another opportunity.

HONESTY is the key word here; she should have been honest before the appointment, admitting to gaining more than a few pounds (and by that I mean 20 or more pounds and more than one dress size) since the last photos were taken, and you should have been honest from the moment she showed up and told her you didn't want to go through with the session as she differed substantially from her snapshots. If she is retiring, not much point writing a review, but if she's just "semi-retired" and likely to be active in the hobby again soon, then, alas, you have a responsibility to the other gentlemen of this board to post a truthful, negative review, and you'll just have to tell your friend that. One bad write-up won't hurt a good provider. In her defense, she may have some medical reason why her weight went up, but again, that could have been discussed while you were "chatting."

Dang, sounds like you went out of your way to set a lovely, romantic mood. Too bad you're not in Houston, but I guess it wouldn't matter since you don't like BBW gals. Otherwise, I'd be delighted to share some tender lovin' care with you, laddie.
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:44 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by noleftturn View Post
You complained about this lady, Summer . I doubt any of these ladies called you to schedule an appointment. You originated the encounter. What I am saying is do your homework and you will have much more enjoyable times with the ladies.
Thanks Noleftturn....I understand and homework I do....I had a right to ask the question..not as a complaint but in general how would others handle the same situation...But I guess Im curious How would you do your homework...I went to the website (now gone) looked her over best I could, Saw her reviews on TER and here (now gone.... since she retired she pulled them off)
Stopping short of meeting for a coffee what other research can you do?

Woman shows up and her pics arent accurate....how did I fail?

As far as Summer is concerned...i was one of the first to come out and review Summer the way I did because she failed me....I researched her for a couple of months and was tempted to pull the trigger many times but didnt...but when I did she was a mess...I was correct to write a bad review for her

As far as the mens lounge that you shouldnt be mentioned here at all...just sayin!!

Im not arguing with ya and I see your point but not sure how you would of handled it any different in the research dept..

Ive also had more than my share of great comments about our lovely ladies here...but I try to call em as I see em!!
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:59 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
Well, from this provider's viewpoint, if she really didn't look anything like her advertised photos, you had the right to turn her away with NO money, but you were quite the kind gentleman, and I applaud you for that, sir. However, if you weren't forthright with her, just telling her that the chemistry was off, she did have the right to expect the full amount as she booked those 2 hours for you only and may have lost another opportunity.

HONESTY is the key word here; she should have been honest before the appointment, admitting to gaining more than a few pounds (and by that I mean 20 or more pounds and more than one dress size) since the last photos were taken, and you should have been honest from the moment she showed up and told her you didn't want to go through with the session as she differed substantially from her snapshots. If she is retiring, not much point writing a review, but if she's just "semi-retired" and likely to be active in the hobby again soon, then, alas, you have a responsibility to the other gentlemen of this board to post a truthful, negative review, and you'll just have to tell your friend that. One bad write-up won't hurt a good provider. In her defense, she may have some medical reason why her weight went up, but again, that could have been discussed while you were "chatting."

Dang, sounds like you went out of your way to set a lovely, romantic mood. Too bad you're not in Houston, but I guess it wouldn't matter since you don't like BBW gals. Otherwise, I'd be delighted to share some tender lovin' care with you, laddie.
AWW there's a we bit of Irish in all of us....now I tell ya if I was in Houston we would have been doin a celtic dance tonite babe as u are cute!!
Thanks for the thoughts thats what im looking for....ya know i didnt wanna hurt this girls feelings and say "wow your bigger than your pics" I tried to be more tactful and at the moment the only thing I could come up with to say was "chemistry?" wasnt trying to be deceiving but was trying to be "human" and ya know nice!

Now bring your celtic butt up here!!
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Old 12-07-2011, 01:13 AM   #24
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I did not realize it was possible to have your reviews removed. They belong to the reviewer not the provider.
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Old 12-07-2011, 03:42 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by ScubaBad View Post
If the gal shows up and it's not the one in the pictures, then I'd send her home in a heartbeat and she should be happy if I give her $20 bucks for gas. That's my gentlemanly thing to do. No way in a million years would I pay for the full 2 hours to someone that false advertises.

THIS is what should have been done.

As far as offending your ATF: If this second lady is her friend, and she knew that things weren't all that they seemed, and she had a hand in setting you up together, then she was basically in on it.
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Old 12-07-2011, 10:06 AM   #26
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The provider put those pics out there for a reason--to bring in business. It's only reasonable to think that she knows guys will rely on them, at least in part, to make their decision whether to see her. A little outdated is one thing, but having a completely different body type than what was represented is deceptive. You should not have to pay a penny for being duped into a date that you would not have otherwise made.

Plus, she probably sensed that you were a "nice guy" and she used that against you.

Fancyinheels offered the best advice--be honest. "You do not look at all like the photos you use, and I relied on them to make my decision. I'm sorry, but you are not what you represented yourself to be. If you were, I'd go forward, but you're not. I realize that you have been inconvenienced, as have I, but this is a problem of your own making."

For what it's worth, it's much easier for me to say this anonymously on this board, and I would have a difficult time saying it to someone face to face, but I don't think you can ever go wrong when you're being honest.
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Old 12-07-2011, 10:52 AM   #27
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It is rare that any woman is as good as she tries to present herself. Makeup, nice clothes, old pictures, and trips to the beauty parlor all help. Unless she was is totally crazy, we can enjoy our time with most women.

I once was shocked by the age of a lady who showed a beautiful body in her showcase (true, it was a beautiful body), she had aged well but it showed up close. My inner thought was; "I am here and she is here, let's see how this works out." Because I was nice, she turned out to be more than very nice to me, and more than appreciative.

The one thing that I have found to be true with most women: they appreciate complements and attention (don't we all). But the woman's desire to be nice to a man can be cultivated with a little true compliment. When anyone is providing us with a service we can still show appreciation. I have a cafe that I frequent, but I know the names of all the servers, and the names of the children and grandchildren for several of them. I appreciate the service they provide.

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Old 12-07-2011, 11:14 AM   #28
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good post JR!!
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Old 12-07-2011, 12:11 PM   #29
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I will say in all fairness to this provider that she did say in an email prior to our meeting that she had a more curveaous (hope I spelled that right) body than my ATF. I said to her I do like all kinds of body types ...not just spinners!
Everyones idea of what curveaous is different...but she is a sweet person and I mean her no ill will...thats all I will say from here on!
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Old 12-07-2011, 12:53 PM   #30
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