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Old 09-11-2011, 05:50 PM   #16
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A persons morality is not defined by one aspect of their lives!
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Old 09-11-2011, 07:48 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
....I get the impression that this thread is begging the question....
What is our little community's thoughts on who possesses higher morals... Providers? Or Hobbyists?

Personally... I think it would be a dumb question... how can it be any more equal?
Since this issue is definitely in the realm of subjective reality, there is no way to measure the equality. I think it could be said that, given our pursuit of the hobby in the current social climate of disapproval, either we all have no morals, or we all have morals based on individual interpretation.

My interpretation is to have fun and hurt no one (well, without their consent, at least), and leave others to their personal tastes.
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Old 09-11-2011, 08:06 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
A persons morality is not defined by one aspect of their lives!
Agree, but I assume few here care about my thoughts on the morality of geneticly altered grain, human-extra terrestrial cohabitation, religeous affiliated homeless shelters, or enforced population control.
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Old 09-11-2011, 08:08 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
I think it could be said that, given our pursuit of the hobby in the current social climate of disapproval, either we all have no morals, or we all have morals based on individual interpretation.
I would seriously disagree with that sentiment. I think you are confusing morality and legality--my moral beliefs are often at odds with the current laws. The morality of slavery did not change in the 1860s, only the legality.
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:53 PM   #20
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I have no morals as a hobbyist. My cock is in complete control at all times. I just have no time to feel guilty when I'm in a creamy little tight pussy. Just me though.
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Old 09-12-2011, 05:29 AM   #21
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That’s just not enough blood flow going to the brain. Once the boner is gone, everything usually changes back to normal. LOL
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Old 09-12-2011, 05:58 AM   #22
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We all adjust the morals that we were taught as children in order to justify our actions with ourselves. I agree with many of you , in that morality varies greatly.
What's moral to one person may be completely wrong to another.
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Old 09-12-2011, 06:40 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi View Post
There are certain principals that must be in place for any organized society, but legislating sex is not one of them.
Agreed. As George Carlin once asked, regarding prostitution: "Why should it be illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to give away for free?"
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Old 09-12-2011, 09:19 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
This is really a stupid thread (as was the other one) for those posting on a SHMB and/or participating in the hobby.
And this is an even more stupid response and only reiterates why it was posted. If you don't have any morals...that's fine, many of us do. Don't suggest that just because we partake in the hobby that we must agree and approve of just about anything. That's not the case. I doubt you would let your wife bring along your child to a date if she were a hooker would you?

If you say it would not bother you, then you should be burned alive, but if it would bother you then you are in fact a hobbyist with morals that contradict what you participate in yourself.
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Old 09-12-2011, 04:20 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I would seriously disagree with that sentiment. I think you are confusing morality and legality--my moral beliefs are often at odds with the current laws. The morality of slavery did not change in the 1860s, only the legality.

That is why I said, "in the current social climate of disapproval." I was making no allusions to legality, but being facetious. Through the eyes of John Q. Public and his Bible Belt Family, we are immoral. That doesn't make it right or wrong, legal or illegal, just what most average people would at least SAY that they thought if a microphone was stuck under their nose for the evening news poll for fear of repercussion, even if they didn't actually think it. I made the point earlier in this thread that morality changes over time, as does legality, and while they may be linked they aren't necessarily logical.

The second part of my statement, "morals based on individual interpretation," is what I believe. Each of us has a conscience created through environmental factors, parental examples, learned behaviors, religious indoctrination, further influenced as we expand our personal knowledge through education, observation, and social interaction. That's where our morals come from, and of course they are going to differ a great deal from person to person, country to country, even from year to year. Mine have changed. A decade ago I would have been horrified at what I now do for a living because I was blinded by the same stereotypes most people still have with prostitution. Only when I investigated and found the reality did I change my perception. My curiosity and free will have made me what I am now - an exploring erotic enchantress!
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Old 09-12-2011, 07:36 PM   #26
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Another reason I never care to live in the bible belt. Fortunately there are places where the socital norms--though still frustrating--are much better than there.

I drive cross country at times and there are whole stretches where out of 20 radio stations 12 are christian fundamentalist wackos (and the other 8 are bad country "music"). I'm just very glad for satelite radio and books on CD.
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Old 09-13-2011, 06:28 AM   #27
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Old 09-13-2011, 09:20 AM   #28
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being very new to the hobby i'm not sure if anyone cares for my opinion, but here it is. I live in the bible belt. had religion crammed down my throat my entire life. and my "moral compass" swings wildly from one end to the other. I come from two other lifestyle communities and have learned this on morallity. we live in a country founded by uptight religous extreemist. and because of that it is publicly immoral to want anything pleasurable.due to this i've lived two lives. 1 a life of family values, and 2 a life of excess. neither are right for me. i've come to the conclussion that morals are basicly the wrong way to look at things. a better way should be personal taste. if a hobbyist wants to be tied up and ridden like a dog (not for me thank you) and finds a provider willing to fullfill that, then as long as its consentual between them neither are immoral. wat I find immoral are the people who slam the hobbyist or provider for doing something in pivate that they enjoy and hurts no one. so basically to answer to OP neither should be looked at as having more morals than the other . what ever floats your boat. have fun. just my opinion
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Old 09-13-2011, 06:00 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by lapdog89 View Post
being very new to the hobby i'm not sure if anyone cares for my opinion, but here it is. I live in the bible belt. had religion crammed down my throat my entire life. and my "moral compass" swings wildly from one end to the other. I come from two other lifestyle communities and have learned this on morallity. we live in a country founded by uptight religous extreemist. and because of that it is publicly immoral to want anything pleasurable.due to this i've lived two lives. 1 a life of family values, and 2 a life of excess. neither are right for me. i've come to the conclussion that morals are basicly the wrong way to look at things. a better way should be personal taste. if a hobbyist wants to be tied up and ridden like a dog (not for me thank you) and finds a provider willing to fullfill that, then as long as its consentual between them neither are immoral. wat I find immoral are the people who slam the hobbyist or provider for doing something in pivate that they enjoy and hurts no one. so basically to answer to OP neither should be looked at as having more morals than the other . what ever floats your boat. have fun. just my opinion
Works for me!
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Old 09-13-2011, 06:35 PM   #30
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First of all. I think we all probably have a different definition of what is moral and what isn't. All animals engage in sex for the sole purpose of breeding. But a few also engage in sex for pleasure of it as well. Humans of course are the primary animal that would engage in sex for pleasure, but zoologists have advocated that Gorillas, Dolphins and Elephants engage in sex for pleasure as well. so if a person has had several sex partners at an early age is that immoral, no it isn't. It's what we do, its how we are wired, believe it or not. True immoral acts would have to be deviant they fall outside the norm of sexual behavior, one example would be having sex with a person that doesn't understand the act of sex, such as a person of low mental capacity such as a mentally retarded person or a child sex with either is criminal, sex with animals, or unnatural fetishes. Many things we consider immoral are man made in a sense. We are sexual animals and we respond to our sexual triggers thats all there is to it. In and of itself Escorts and their clients are not immoral, not unless they engage in deviant unabiding sexual practices. Although the practice of escorting maybe criminal by society's standards, it doesn't make it neccessarily immoral.
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