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Old 02-27-2019, 12:12 PM   #106
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This was too long to read...can we close this thread already? He had a bad time, both stories of event were the same, the earth is still round, katie is still hot and I do need to make an appointment to see her, and it is almost March 2019...life is short...
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Old 02-27-2019, 03:09 PM   #107
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So, in my mind, there is screening and there is selection. Screening is for safety. Selection is for compatibility.

Every lady has her own balance of what she needs to feel comfortable. I make sure you aren’t a danger to me first. Then I decide if you are someone I’d date in real life. Ecause of the tools at my disposal, I can accomplish the first rather quickly...then I proceed to carefully examine posts and correspondence history and P411 profile to judge compatibility.

I think I’ve only turned down 2 guys based on the first prong and I’ve never had a safety issue. I try to screen and select for who I want to see, not against who I don’t want to see.

This situation is not some lack of screening nightmare...it was a poor match. Just like match.com...it happens.
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Old 02-27-2019, 03:52 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by B Three View Post
So, in my mind, there is screening and there is selection. Screening is for safety. Selection is for compatibility.

Every lady has her own balance of what she needs to feel comfortable. I make sure you aren’t a danger to me first. Then I decide if you are someone I’d date in real life. Ecause of the tools at my disposal, I can accomplish the first rather quickly...then I proceed to carefully examine posts and correspondence history and P411 profile to judge compatibility.

I think I’ve only turned down 2 guys based on the first prong and I’ve never had a safety issue. I try to screen and select for who I want to see, not against who I don’t want to see.

This situation is not some lack of screening nightmare...it was a poor match. Just like match.com...it happens.

Well said!
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Old 02-27-2019, 03:55 PM   #109
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So B3, since you are a mod, I would like to pitch my idea for rebuttals to you.

If there was perhaps a forum or a subforum dedicated to the ladies review rebuttal, you know, like the way ladies have a forum for placings ads.

And just like in the forum for placings ads, there are NO REPLIES allowed. It is simply her side of the story, any issues that she has worked to resolve the issues, or anything she has improved upon. That's it. Nothing else.

So that would be the end of it. Her response and no going back in forth in coed. If a gentleman reads her no review and is interested in seeing her response he can go there to the rebuttals section.

Even yelp reviews allow a response from merchants. In fact it is often the response (or lack of) that can make a difference to a potential yelp poster as to whether they decide to do business.

I think this would also make it easier for gentlemen who are doing research to be able to quickly find this information and be able to make a decision, instead of having to wade through endless pages of Coed garbage.

This is just a thought that I have brainstormed and perhaps it could be pitched to the powers that be, and altered to fit whatever the parameters the site needs.
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Old 02-27-2019, 04:09 PM   #110
Thanks for the memories!
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Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7 View Post
This was too long to read...can we close this thread already? He had a bad time, both stories of event were the same, the earth is still round, katie is still hot and I do need to make an appointment to see her, and it is almost March 2019...life is short...
You're making me blush
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Old 02-27-2019, 04:35 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
So B3, since you are a mod, I would like to pitch my idea for rebuttals to you.

If there was perhaps a forum or a subforum dedicated to the ladies review rebuttal, you know, like the way ladies have a forum for placings ads.

And just like in the forum for placings ads, there are NO REPLIES allowed. It is simply her side of the story, any issues that she has worked to resolve the issues, or anything she has improved upon. That's it. Nothing else.

So that would be the end of it. Her response and no going back in forth in coed. If a gentleman reads her no review and is interested in seeing her response he can go there to the rebuttals section.

Even yelp reviews allow a response from merchants. In fact it is often the response (or lack of) that can make a difference to a potential yelp poster as to whether they decide to do business.

I think this would also make it easier for gentlemen who are doing research to be able to quickly find this information and be able to make a decision, instead of having to wade through endless pages of Coed garbage.

This is just a thought that I have brainstormed and perhaps it could be pitched to the powers that be, and altered to fit whatever the parameters the site needs.

Go ahead and tie the rebuttal to her reviews so you didn't even have to go looking for it.
There'd be a "no" review and her rebuttal right after it.
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Old 02-27-2019, 06:16 PM   #112
Cameron Houston
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
So B3, since you are a mod, I would like to pitch my idea for rebuttals to you.

If there was perhaps a forum or a subforum dedicated to the ladies review rebuttal, you know, like the way ladies have a forum for placings ads.

And just like in the forum for placings ads, there are NO REPLIES allowed. It is simply her side of the story, any issues that she has worked to resolve the issues, or anything she has improved upon. That's it. Nothing else.

So that would be the end of it. Her response and no going back in forth in coed. If a gentleman reads her no review and is interested in seeing her response he can go there to the rebuttals section.

Even yelp reviews allow a response from merchants. In fact it is often the response (or lack of) that can make a difference to a potential yelp poster as to whether they decide to do business.

I think this would also make it easier for gentlemen who are doing research to be able to quickly find this information and be able to make a decision, instead of having to wade through endless pages of Coed garbage.

This is just a thought that I have brainstormed and perhaps it could be pitched to the powers that be, and altered to fit whatever the parameters the site needs.
I thought that we were supposed to be getting a section for girls to write their reviews. But it’s still not up and running. I 2nd your idea & think that be a very good thing.
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Old 03-01-2019, 08:29 AM   #113
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Wow. The funny thing is, I just read some more of the comments on this review about me, and four of the gentleman on there that are talking hard-core mess about me, have contacted me within the last 48 hours wanting an appointment. But then have the nerve to turn right back around, and are completely different on the review. Some of these guys are worse than the females on this board. I’m more than happy to entertain any respectable gentlemen. 1 negative review after pages & pages of positive reviews & you all (some guys) take it & can’t wait to bash. I’ve been a companion for some time now & majority of my guys are repeat clientele, who have been respectful & complied with any specifics I may have. Ya can’t please everyone, but- I dang sure try.
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Old 03-16-2019, 06:00 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
I am sure if we ask him about any city he will tell us how awful it is. Wolfie is like the magic 8 ball of negativity.

I feel like he should have his own dark comedy show, like maybe a daytime talk show that is very Oprah-like and all these soccer moms ask him for advice and he shatters their very sense of all that is good and decent in this world.

I would watch it.
We"ll do baseball.
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Old 03-20-2019, 11:11 AM   #115
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Cam. Im sorry youve had these gentleman bash you its sad enough anyone can post review and when we rebuttal get called whiners. But then have the nerve to speak so negatively then have the audacity to contact you for meetups gives a whole new meaning to " get in where you can fit in" lol. What happened to not fitting in the box and proudly "coloring outside the lines.
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Old 03-20-2019, 11:44 AM   #116
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Default Thank u luv!

Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo View Post
Cam. Im sorry youve had these gentleman bash you its sad enough anyone can post review and when we rebuttal get called whiners. But then have the nerve to speak so negatively then have the audacity to contact you for meetups gives a whole new meaning to " get in where you can fit in" lol. What happened to not fitting in the box and proudly "coloring outside the lines.
It’s ok doll. Also, majority of men commenting on an post I’ve made, or review I may get, have never seen me as well.. Going by word of mouth- I get it. They never know what may have gone left for the session or convo to end as it did. But, hey, it’s THEIR opinion & I accept it. I’ve never whined about anything, as some say I do. I will however, defend myself or post a rebuttal if the gentleman tells a blatant lie. I very rarely post in coed, and don’t really do the whole drama thing. I’m very respectful to ladies here, who contact me for things, and more than happy to be a ref for a deserving guy! WE ARE ALL HERE TO HAVE FUN & HELP EACH OTHER OUT! I don’t have a negative attitude, but I promise: I WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTED OR MADE TO BE A LIAR! You know me personally & have been in my home- therefore, u know how I am! CALL ME!!!
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Old 03-22-2019, 01:05 AM   #117
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^ It's tragic that you had this happen to you Cameron. You have always been a nice person to me besides our little hiccup but you don't deserve to be treated that way. It'll get better. Haters will always hate. Just keep your head up girl.
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Old 03-22-2019, 06:16 AM   #118
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I will luv just been so many dang rl appointments lately. You member those though ill be around more now and these buttholes need an enima with all the crap they got coming out their mouth. I know personally you are sweet as cake unless pushed so why doesnt he admit his own faults
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Old 03-22-2019, 10:57 AM   #119
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I’m amazed by the follow the leader attitude some of the guys here have.
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Old 03-24-2019, 05:04 PM   #120
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Wow...looks like this negative review conversation is still trending. I am amazed by that. It must have struck a nerve.

The comments make me chuckle and am definitely entertained...so much drama over one review.
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